Income Tax : Explore how changes in the Finance Act impact tax on long-term and short-term capital gains through revised indexation rates. Insi...
CA, CS, CMA : Arjuna (Fictional Character): Krishna, I recently heard about a case where rebate under Section 87A was allowed on short-term capi...
Income Tax : Taxpayers receiving income tax notices for additional tax on capital gains due to changes in Section 87A interpretation, affecting...
Income Tax : Explore key amendments under capital gains in the 2024-25 budget, including changes to buyback tax, indexation removal, and capita...
Income Tax : Learn about capital gain tax exemptions on property under redevelopment, including eligibility under Section 54 and implications f...
Corporate Law : Finance Ministry's new capital gains tax: Short-term gains at 20%, long-term at 12.5%. Exemption limit raised to ₹1.25 lakh for ...
Income Tax : The Supreme Court will hear on September 10 the impleadment petition filed by the Forex Derivatives Consumers Forum along with the...
Income Tax : DTC Billproposes to tax short-term capital gains arising from stocks and mutual funds at half the marginal rate.So, if your margin...
Income Tax : The Income Tax department is all set to move the Supreme Court for a final judgement on its tax claims of around Rs 2,000 crore (R...
Finance : The decision to make half-yearly internal audits obligatory for stock broking houses spells doom for smaller firms that are alread...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai held that disallowance of short term capital loss not justified since there is no evidence on record based on which ge...
Income Tax : Explore the detailed analysis of JS Capital LLC Vs ACIT (ITAT Mumbai) regarding the offsetting of Short Term Capital Loss (STCL) a...
Income Tax : Explore how DCIT vs. Claris Lifesciences Limited case sets precedent for setting off deemed short-term capital gain on sale of dep...
Income Tax : Explore the DCIT vs K.E. Faizal case where the ITAT Cochin ruled on taxation of mutual fund gains, analyzing the application of In...
Income Tax : Assessee has appealed against an order passed by CIT(A) and subsequent addition. Learn more about Capital Gain cannot be treated a...
Income Tax : CIRCULAR NO. 6/2015, Dated: April 9, 2015 no capital gains will arise at the time of exercise of the option in the case of Fixed M...
Hello friends, here we discussed Section 9B, Section 45(4), & Section 48 of the Income Tax Act SECTION 9B OF INCOME TAX ACT Finance Act 2021, introduced a new section, section 9B under income tax act which specifies the provision related to transfer of Capital Assets or stock in trade on Reconstitution or Dissolution of […]
It was well settled position, before the amendments made by Finance Act 2021, that the depreciation can be claimed on ‘Purchased Goodwill’ under the Income tax Law and it was also supported by the decision of Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case of Jogta Coal Co. Ltd. v. CIT 36 ITR 521 where the treatment […]
No Idea about Capital Gain Tax but Property Under Re-Development? Here’s all you Need to Know!! The Finance Act, 2017 inserted a new sub-section 5A in section 45 which deals with the capital gain in case of re-development of any land or building or both. But first, let us understand the meaning of capital gain […]
The provisions of the DTAA cannot be thrusted upon the Assessee simply because the Assessee is a tax resident of a country with which India has entered into a tax treaty or on account of the mere perception of the AO that the Assessee may claim benefits under the tax treaty in subsequent years. 2. Short term losses should be eligible to be carried forward.
Mahendrasingh Ramsingh Jadav Vs. ITO (ITAT Bangalore) Assessee gets a right to the impugned property on the date of allotment letter, i.e., on 22.02.2006 and payment of instalment as per the terms is only a follow up action and taking delivery of possession is only a formality. Therefore, reckoning the period from 22.02.2006, i.e. the […]
If a taxpayer earns any profit on sale of assets then such gain is taxable at special rates prescribed under income tax act 1961. The Income Tax Act, however provides options to save taxes on these capital gain by making investments under specified sections of income tax act. In order to save taxes on profits […]
Taxation on Sale of Shares or any other Securities Securities includes Listed Equity Shares, equity oriented units or units of business trust. Taxation of Securities are depends on the following- 1. Period of Holding of Security 12 Months or less- Tax as per Section 111A More than 12 Months- Tax as per Section 112 2. […]
Where the assessee company demolished the existing structure of building which was situated on the leasehold land, for constructing a new factory, and since there was no other asset in the block of assets, therefore, written down value of the said building claimed as short-term capital loss, was rightly allowed by Commissioner (Appeals).
Period of holding is critical and initial step to determine tax liability on Capital Gain on shares, securities, immovable property, bonds or any other capital asset as the rate of tax, implication of carry forward and set off, and benefit of indexation depends upon the nature of asset. i.e. whether capital asset is Short Term […]
When investors make profits on sale of assets like land, shares and mutual fund units, it is termed as capital gains. The investor has to pay tax on the resulting gains that is commonly referred to as capital gains tax. The amount of money outflow from your pocket depends on how long you held the property. If a residential property is held by the seller for more than 36 months, it is considered a long-term investment. For investments over the short term, the short-term capital gain is added to your total income. You will be taxed depending on the tax bracket you fall in. When computing long-term capital gain, a bit more complexity is involved. Indexation is the process by which inflation is taken into account and the purchase price is proportionately increased. Consequently, the amount you end up paying as tax is reduced.