Income Tax : Explore how changes in the Finance Act impact tax on long-term and short-term capital gains through revised indexation rates. Insi...
CA, CS, CMA : Arjuna (Fictional Character): Krishna, I recently heard about a case where rebate under Section 87A was allowed on short-term capi...
Income Tax : Taxpayers receiving income tax notices for additional tax on capital gains due to changes in Section 87A interpretation, affecting...
Income Tax : Explore key amendments under capital gains in the 2024-25 budget, including changes to buyback tax, indexation removal, and capita...
Income Tax : Learn about capital gain tax exemptions on property under redevelopment, including eligibility under Section 54 and implications f...
Corporate Law : Finance Ministry's new capital gains tax: Short-term gains at 20%, long-term at 12.5%. Exemption limit raised to ₹1.25 lakh for ...
Income Tax : The Supreme Court will hear on September 10 the impleadment petition filed by the Forex Derivatives Consumers Forum along with the...
Income Tax : DTC Billproposes to tax short-term capital gains arising from stocks and mutual funds at half the marginal rate.So, if your margin...
Income Tax : The Income Tax department is all set to move the Supreme Court for a final judgement on its tax claims of around Rs 2,000 crore (R...
Finance : The decision to make half-yearly internal audits obligatory for stock broking houses spells doom for smaller firms that are alread...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai held that disallowance of short term capital loss not justified since there is no evidence on record based on which ge...
Income Tax : Explore the detailed analysis of JS Capital LLC Vs ACIT (ITAT Mumbai) regarding the offsetting of Short Term Capital Loss (STCL) a...
Income Tax : Explore how DCIT vs. Claris Lifesciences Limited case sets precedent for setting off deemed short-term capital gain on sale of dep...
Income Tax : Explore the DCIT vs K.E. Faizal case where the ITAT Cochin ruled on taxation of mutual fund gains, analyzing the application of In...
Income Tax : Assessee has appealed against an order passed by CIT(A) and subsequent addition. Learn more about Capital Gain cannot be treated a...
Income Tax : CIRCULAR NO. 6/2015, Dated: April 9, 2015 no capital gains will arise at the time of exercise of the option in the case of Fixed M...
In bonus stripping, investors buy units within a period of three months prior to record date, so by virtue of the their holding they receive additional shares unit as bonus without any cost and subsequently, sell the original holding at a loss once the stock becomes ex-bonus. This loss can be adjusted against their capital gains on other holdings. To curb this practice Section 94(8) came into picture.
In case you sale a property booked by you before you you take the possession, the profits made on such sale will depend on the time interval between your date of booking the property and the date of agreement to transfer your right in the under construction property. In case the interval is not more than 24 months, the profits so made shall be treated as short term capital gains and shall be added to your regular income and taxed at the slab rate applicable.
Cryptocurrency is digital money. It is considered to be more secure that the real money. Cryptocurrency uses something called cryptography to secure its transactions. Cryptography, to put it in simple words is a method of converting comprehensible data into complicated codes which are tough to crack.
Assessee is regularly in the business of purchase-sale of equity shares, share transactions entered during the year were in large number, funds were borrowed for the purpose of trading, no separate account has been maintained for the investment portfolio and all the transactions of purchase sale raised are only for one scrip namely Suraj Stainless Steel Ltd.
This appeal has been filed by the assessee against the order of the Commissioner of Income-tax (Appeals)-32 [hereinafter called CIT(A)]02-0-2015 passed against the assessment order of the AO u/s 143(3) dated 23-12-2013 for A.Y. 201-12 on the following grounds
ITAT held that holding period should be computed from the date of issue of allotment If we do so, the holding period becomes more than 36 months and consequently, the property sold by the assessee would be long term capital asset in the hands of the assessee and the gain on sale of the same would be taxable in the hands of the assessee as Long Term Capital Gain
Finance Act, 2012 with effect from 1st April, 2013 amended the provisions of section 112(1)(c) to provide concessional rate of taxation of ten per cent for long-term capital gains arising from the transfer of unlisted securities in case of non-resident.
Since common man is directly affected by the income tax provisions every budget raises expectation levels of common man on this front. What the common man is expecting from finance minister this time?
It has been a constant tug of war between assessee and tax authorities on the classification of gains arising on the transfer of shares/securities as ‘capital gains’ or ‘business income’. Due to the lower tax incidence on ‘capital gains’, taxpayers prefer a ‘capital gains’ classification, while tax authorities usually attempt to tax these gains as ‘business income’.
I have prepared a chart on the subject matter of Capital Gain for FY 2014-15 on Shares and Mutual Funds after considering the recent amendments related to changes in taxation of shares and Mutual fund and Considering the complexity involved in the matter. I have tabulated information for quick reference and the same are self explanatory :-