Income Tax : Section 50C: For property sales, if the sale price is lower than the value assessed by Stamp Valuation Authority, that value is co...
Income Tax : Explore provisions under the Income-tax Act for computing business income, including various chargeable incomes and accounting met...
Income Tax : Learn about tax implications for sellers and buyers of immovable property. Understand capital gains, stamp duty, tax withholding, ...
Income Tax : Understand how Sec 50C & 43CA of Income Tax Act affect taxation of immovable property sales. Learn about capital gains, business i...
Income Tax : Understanding double taxation on the sale of unquoted shares in India. Learn about the implications and requirements under the Inc...
Income Tax : Representation for widening the scope of benefit in case of difference in agreement price and Circle Rate of property is upto 20 p...
Income Tax : Bombay Chartered Accountants' Society has made a Representation on 'Suggestions for Amendments in the Income Tax Act', on 24th May...
Income Tax : ITAT Kolkata held that amendment to section 43CA of the Income Tax Act vide the Finance Act, 2020 via which tolerance band for dev...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai held that the deeming fiction of section 50C Income Tax Act cannot be extended while working out the written down valu...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai deleted additions made under section 43CA of the Income Tax Act by considering the stamp duty value on the date of reg...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi held that External Development Charges (EDC) is an advance collected to provide common facilities and other services to...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi held that bona fide error cannot be basis of imposition of penalty and hence imposition of penalty under section 270A o...
Income Tax : In order to boost demand in the real-estate sector and to enable the real-estate developers to liquidate their unsold inventory at...
Income Tax : Notification No. 8/2020-Income-Tax- CBDT has notified Other electronic modes by inserting New Income TAx Rule 6ABBA. It also amend...
As a general public we have tendency to save taxes by adopting various tricks and transactions. A lot of black money is generated through transfer of various types of immovable properties. The seller and the purchaser generally mutually agree on a transaction to enter into agreement at a price lower than the Fair Market Value of property to save stamp duty etc.
In India buying or selling of properties (Land & Building) at a value lower than the stamp duty value is very much prevalent to save the Stamp Duty on registration, which causes loss of revenue to the Government. Loss is not of just Stamp Duty revenue but also of Income Tax revenue that is to be paid by assessee on Income under head Capital Gain.
Cash transactions seldom leave any trail and has always been a facilitator of black money. Whereas, electronic transactions ensure a clear money trail and make it very difficult for tax evaders. Government, in this regard, has from time to time bought in various provisions in order to restrict/discourage cash transactions and incentivise/ promote non-cash mode. We […]
At many places in India while purchasing any immovable property it is seen that an agreement to sell is entered and pursuant to which a sale deed is entered between the parties thereby handing over the title of the property. However the time limit between these two agreements can be of a considerable time. Due […]
Budget 2020- Increase in safe harbour limit of 5% u/s 43CA, 50C and 56 of the Income Tax Act to 10% Section 43CA of the Act, inter alia, provides that where the consideration declared to be received or accruing as a result of the transfer of land or building or both, is less than the […]
Notification No. 8/2020-Income-Tax- CBDT has notified Other electronic modes by inserting New Income TAx Rule 6ABBA. It also amended marginal heading of rule 6DD and in rule 6DD for the words ‘account payee bank draft, exceeds twenty thousand rupees’, the words, figures and letters ‘account payee bank draft or use of electronic clearing system through […]
Shree Laxmi Estate Pvt.Ltd. Vs ITO (ITAT Mumbai) Conclusion: Since assessee had transferred pursuant to registration of the agreement was only the rights in the flat/ office (which was under construction) and not the property per se hence, there was no transfer of any land or building or both by the assessee in favour of […]
Real Estate Sector needs a bigger dose of corrective measures and concessions to bring out this sector from the red. One of the Demands of the Real Estate Sector is to Suspend Section 43CA & Section 56 (x) of the Income Tax Act.
Time to Revisit Section 50C/43CA/56(2) of Income Tax Act concerning Adoption of Circle Rates for Computation of Capital Gain/Business Profits/Income from Other Sources on Land & Building!! The Finance Act 2002 has introduced a new section 50C with effect from 1-4-2003, for the purpose of computation of capital gains in real estate transactions, in the […]
There are various provisions in the Act which prohibit cash transactions and allow/encourage payment or receipt only through account payee cheque, account payee draft or electronic clearing system through a bank account. Section 13A of the Act requires a political party to receive donation exceeding rupees two thousand only through an account payee cheque or […]