Income Tax : Section 50C: For property sales, if the sale price is lower than the value assessed by Stamp Valuation Authority, that value is co...
Income Tax : Explore provisions under the Income-tax Act for computing business income, including various chargeable incomes and accounting met...
Income Tax : Learn about tax implications for sellers and buyers of immovable property. Understand capital gains, stamp duty, tax withholding, ...
Income Tax : Understand how Sec 50C & 43CA of Income Tax Act affect taxation of immovable property sales. Learn about capital gains, business i...
Income Tax : Understanding double taxation on the sale of unquoted shares in India. Learn about the implications and requirements under the Inc...
Income Tax : Representation for widening the scope of benefit in case of difference in agreement price and Circle Rate of property is upto 20 p...
Income Tax : Bombay Chartered Accountants' Society has made a Representation on 'Suggestions for Amendments in the Income Tax Act', on 24th May...
Income Tax : ITAT Kolkata held that amendment to section 43CA of the Income Tax Act vide the Finance Act, 2020 via which tolerance band for dev...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai held that the deeming fiction of section 50C Income Tax Act cannot be extended while working out the written down valu...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai deleted additions made under section 43CA of the Income Tax Act by considering the stamp duty value on the date of reg...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi held that External Development Charges (EDC) is an advance collected to provide common facilities and other services to...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi held that bona fide error cannot be basis of imposition of penalty and hence imposition of penalty under section 270A o...
Income Tax : In order to boost demand in the real-estate sector and to enable the real-estate developers to liquidate their unsold inventory at...
Income Tax : Notification No. 8/2020-Income-Tax- CBDT has notified Other electronic modes by inserting New Income TAx Rule 6ABBA. It also amend...
Stamp Duty Valuation Complimented with Delhi Govt Circle Rate Notification In Force As on Date 1. Delhi Govt Vide No. F. 1(2854)/Regn.Br./Div.Comm./HQ/2020/5453 dated 26th February 2021; notified revised circle rates for registration of instruments relating to lands and immovable properties in Delhi by all the Registering Authorities under the provisions of the Indian Stamp Act, […]
Spytech Buildcon Vs ACIT (ITAT Jaipur) As per sub-section (3) and (4) of section 43CA, the benefit of prior agreement is granted if the consideration is received at the time of agreement other than cash. In the case in hand, the booking is claimed to have been made prior to 01/04/2013 whereas the sale deeds […]
Taxation of development agreement is most complex issue in recent times because nowdays stamp duty valuations of the development agreements are based on maximum potential FSI. The structure of the development agreement and consideration involves two flows of consideration. One flow is from devoloper to landowner in form of consideration in kind with the monetary […]
Open letter to FM requesting extension of safe harbour limit u/s 43CA & 56(2)(x) of the Income Tax Act. Learn why it’s crucial for real estate developers and home buyers.
Finance Act-2021-Amendments in Business or Profession related Sections of Income Tax Act, 1961 i.e. Section 32(1)-Depreciation of buildings, machinery, plant or furniture, Section 43CA-Special Provisions For Full Value Of Consideration For Transfer of Assets Other Than Capital Assets In Certain Cases, Section 44AB- Tax Audit and Section 44ADA- Presumptive Tax Scheme for Professionals. S. No […]
Understanding Section 50C of the Income Tax Act, 1961: Learn about the determination of full value of consideration for transfer of capital assets.
Increase in safe harbour limit of 10% for home buyers and real estate developers selling such residential units under Union Budget 2021 to 20% for certain transfer during the period from 12th November, 2020 to 30th June, 2021 Section 43CA of the Act, inter alia, provides that where the consideration declared to be received or […]
Special Provisions For Full Value Of Consideration For Transfer Of Assets Other Than Capital Assets In Certain Cases [Section 43CA] Section 43CA inserted by the Finance Act, 2013, with effect from 01.04.2014 (i.e. with effect from A.Y. 2014-15) which provides that where the consideration received or accruing as a result of the transfer by an […]
In a recent press conference conducted by the Hon’ble Finance Minister Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman on 12th November 2020 followed by a press release dated 13th November 2020, Diwali gift for the real estate developers and home buyers was announced in the form of income tax relief where a new amendment was proposed in section 43CA […]
As a part of the AatmaNirbhar Bharat Package 3.0, announced on 12th November 2020 our Hon. Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman – a relief has been provided to real estate developers and buyers, by increasing the percentage of safe harbor to 20%. One can now buy a house at a rate of 20% lower than the circle rate. This new norm is for residential units up to Rs. 2 Cr. and will be effective till 30th June 2021. Let’s discuss about this relief in detail.