Income Tax : Learn if cash payments over ₹10,000 for electricity bills are allowed under Section 40A(3) of Income Tax Act. Understand exempti...
Income Tax : Section 40A(3) restricts cash payments exceeding ₹10,000 in business transactions. Exceptions apply for specific cases like tran...
Income Tax : Explore the rules and regulations governing cash transactions in real estate deals to ensure tax compliance. Learn about permissib...
CA, CS, CMA : जानें जीएसटी और आयकर एक्ट में नकद संव्यवहार के नि...
Income Tax : Dive into critical tax regulations and provisions, from related party payments to cash disallowance, and learn how they impact you...
Income Tax : It is suggested that there should be a positive provision under the I.T. Act that any transaction involving more than Rs.3,00,000/...
Income Tax : Assessee had given cash to her employee who was the supervisor or the agent who in turn made payment to the sellers of the gold an...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad held that once the unaccounted receipts from the sale of properties are subjected to taxation as part of the capita...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai held that provisions of section 69A of the Income Tax Act could not be invoked when cash is sourced out of recorded s...
Income Tax : A search and seizure action u/s.132 of the Act was conducted in the assessee's case on 14.11.2019. AO observed that during the cou...
Income Tax : ITAT Chennai held that when the cash is sourced out of recorded sales, the provisions of section 69A of the Income Tax Act could n...
Private healthcare sector: Income tax incentives, Legal Provisions and Judgments This article covers various sections related to healthcare sector such as Section 10(23C), Section 44A, Section 44AB, Section 11, Section 12, Section 35AD, Section 194I, Section 194h, Section J and many more along with various related case laws. Legal Provisions with respect to tax incentives […]
To put restriction on the cash transactions & promote digital economy, section 269ST was inserted in the Income-tax Act, 1961 vide Finance Act, 2017 w.e.f 1st April 2017. Article discusses Provisions of Section 269ST which Prohibits receipt of an amount of Rs. 2 lakh or more by a person, Section 271DA which provides penalties for […]
As we all are aware of Section 269ST which was introduced by finance act, 2017 in Income tax act, 1961 by the central government in order to curb the tax evasion, regulation and circulation of Black money. This article will cover the detailed analysis of the said section alongwith some practical examples. 1. Basic Understanding […]
Salary of Employee after deducting TDS where, employee is temporarily posted greater then or equal to 15 days continuously at place (not place of duty) or ship & at that place, employee does not have any bank accounts.
This article brings out the contradiction over the intention and implementation of amendment in section 11 so as to bring the disallowances u/s 40A(3) and section 40(a)(ia) in computation of income of the Trusts or other institutions claiming exemption u/s 11
Krishnasa Bhute Vs ITO (ITAT Bangalore) ITAT held that when considering Rule 6DD(e)(i) of the Income Tax Rules, 1962, and when the payment was made by cash exceeding Rs. 20,000/-, it was permissible if the same was paid for purchase of agricultural produces. If there are entries in the books of accounts and payment is […]
Introduction As we all aware now a day’s Modi government has significantly encourage digital and cashless economy through: 1.1 Providing a online platform for various government services; 1.2 Demonetization, which extremely turns our economy towards cashless; 1.3 By giving incentives and disincentives under various laws for digital transaction; 1.4 By reducing the bank charges of […]
K.K. Construction Co. Vs. ACIT (ITAT Jaipur) Conclusion: Dis allowance under section 40A(3) could not be made as identity of persons from whom purchases had been made was established; source of cash payments was clearly identifiable in form of withdrawals from assessee’s bank accounts and the said details were submitted before AO, thus, the genuineness […]
There are various provisions in the Act which prohibit cash transactions and allow/encourage payment or receipt only through account payee cheque, account payee draft or electronic clearing system through a bank account. Section 13A of the Act requires a political party to receive donation exceeding rupees two thousand only through an account payee cheque or […]
Cash payments in excess of Rs. 20,000 made on bank/public holidays towards purchase of construction materials in the activity of real estate development could not be subjected to disallowance under section 40A(3) in view of rule 6DD(J).