Income Tax : Understand key provisions on disallowance of cash expenses, limits on cash transactions, and penalties under Sections 269T, 269SS,...
Income Tax : Article explains implications of digital transactions on income tax compliance, focusing on Section 269ST, Rule 6ABBA, Section 26...
Income Tax : Explore the impact of Income Tax Sections 269SS, 269ST, 269SU, and 269T on transactions via Journal/Book Entries. Learn about legi...
Income Tax : Discover why Section 40A(3) limits cash payments and promotes a cashless economy, including reduction of black money generation. P...
Income Tax : Through Income tax Act, 1961 cash transaction has been limited, restricted in certain cases. In this article you will get insights...
Income Tax : The Chamber of Tax Consultants has made a represenation to Hon’ble Finance Minister and submitted that compliance with secti...
Income Tax : Through Income tax Act, 1961 cash transaction has been limited, restricted in certain cases. In this article you will get insights...
Income Tax : Banks are, , advised to immediately refund the charges collected, if any, on or after 1st January 2020 on transactions carried o...
Income Tax : It is hereby clarified that the provisions of section 269SU of the Act shall not he applicable to a specified person having only B...
Income Tax : Rule 119AA. Modes of payment for the purpose of section 269SU.- Every person, carrying on business, if his total sales, turnover o...
Income Tax : Finance Act has also inserted section 271DB in the Act, which provides for levy of penalty of five thousand rupees per day in case...
Income Tax : FTS- 1275045/2019 Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue Central Board of Direct Taxes ********************...
Mandating acceptance of payments through prescribed electronic modes In order to achieve the mission of the Government to move towards a less cash economy to reduce generation and circulation of black money and to promote digital economy, it is proposed to insert a new section 269SU in the Act so as to provide that every […]