Income Tax : Learn about deemed dividends under Section 2(22) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, its implications, and key judicial precedents relate...
Income Tax : Gain insights on Deemed Dividends under the Income Tax Act: Understand taxability, TDS applicability, and key exemptions for optim...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore intricacies of deemed dividends in India. Understand definitions, applicable transactions, and tax implications. Uncover i...
Income Tax : The dividend income received by non-resident individuals, including Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) and Non-Resident Indian cit...
Income Tax : Understand the tax implications of bonus shares in deemed dividends. Explore the case of PCIT vs. Dr. Ranjan Pai and its impact on...
Income Tax : ITAT Hyderabad held that trade advances, in the nature of commercial transactions, cannot be characterized as ‘loans or advanceâ...
Income Tax : Kerala High Court held that court cannot interfere with order of settlement commission if challenge is merely that Settlement Comm...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad held that entire assessments has been restored to the file of CIT(A) for de novo consideration since assessee was f...
Income Tax : Delhi High Court held that validity of reassessment under section 148 of the Income Tax Act has to be determined based on original...
Income Tax : Telangana High Court held that accumulated profits under section 2(22)(e) of the Income Tax Act are to be computed taking into acc...
Income Tax : Section 2(22) clause (e) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (the Act) provides that dividend includes any payment by a company, not being...
Yogesh Mehra Vs DCIT (ITAT Mumbai) Co-ordinate Bench has given categorical finding that all these loans and advances given to different companies by other companies are in the nature of loans and advances out of commercial consideration and business expediency. The co-ordinate Bench has given detailed reasons which stated that company has purchased land in […]
DCIT Vs J. P. Iscon Ltd. (ITAT Ahmedabad) The brief facts leading to the case is this that the assessee had given inter-corporate deposit to six subsidiaries companies namely Dhanlaxmi Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd., Amit Intertrade Pvt. Ltd., Dhwani Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd., Rich Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd., Gujarat Mall Management Co. Pvt. Ltd. & Palitana Sugars Mills […]
ITO Vs GRA Enterprises (ITAT Delhi) Assessing Officer while framing the assessment notice observed that the assessee had received total unsecured laon expenditure of Rs. 22,21,29,723/-, during the year out of which an amount of Rs. 950,000,00/- was received from M/s Telecare Network India (P), a closely held company having its office at Zen House, […]
We hold that there is no question of treating the amount withdrawn by the assessee as partner from the partnership firm namely M/s SKA Enterprises in the nature of loan and advance and treat it as deemed dividend under section 2(22)(e) of the Income Tax Act. None of the ingredients of section 2(22)(e) stand satisfied in the instant case.
The meaning of the expression ‘substantial part of business’ for the purpose of Section 2(22)(e) Introduction Section 2(22)(e) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 will not be attracted if the company making the payment by way of loans or advances, have made such payment in the ordinary course of its business and lending of money […]
The Inter-Corporate Deposit does not fall within the ambit of the expression ‘loan’ specified in Section 2(22)(e) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 for the purpose of treating it as deemed dividend.
TCI Exim Pvt. Ltd. Vs ACIT (ITAT Delhi) The Delhi bench of the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), Delhi bench has held that loan on interest received from the sister concern to fulfill the enhanced requirement of working capital for export orders does not attract the provisions of deemed dividend under section 2(22)(e) of the […]
Issue: Whether gift or amount paid by a closely held company to relative of shareholder will be treated as deemed dividend? In this article we are going to analyse a situation in which a company has gifted Rs. 50,000/- to one of shareholders’s son and AO has consider the gift as deemed dividend. PROBLEM: Mr. […]
Practical application of Section 185 and Section 186 of Companies Act,2013 read with Section 2(22)(e) of Income Tax Act, 1961 and consequences on non- compliance’s of these sections. Let’s summarise these sections and understand the provision of relevant acts. Section 186 of Companies Act,2013 – Whether Loan, advance or guarantee is allowed to Directors or […]
INCOME TAX QUESTIONS & ANSWERS SERIES PART -V Today we are going to consider problem  based on provisions of Sections 2(22)( e) of the Income Tax Act, 1961. PROBLEM :– Mr. X holds 25% voting power in ABC (P)Ltd., he permits his own land to be mortgaged to a bank for enabling the company to […]