Income Tax : Income-tax Act contains special provision for taxability of a non-resident person, including a foreign company. A few benefits are...
Income Tax : Learn about Tax Deducted at Source (TDS), its purpose, applicable payments, and the rates for various categories including residen...
Income Tax : Explore key FAQs about higher TDS rates under Sections 206AA and 206AB, including applicable rates, exemptions, and compliance che...
Income Tax : Understand the TDS provisions on rent payments under Sections 194-I and 194-IB of the Income-tax Act. Know the rates, thresholds, ...
Income Tax : Learn about TDS under Section 194Q and TCS under Section 206C(1H) on goods sales and purchases, including rates, thresholds, and c...
Income Tax : Introduction: The Government of India, through the Ministry of Finance’s Department of Revenue, has provided essential updat...
Income Tax : Under the current provisions of Section 206AA, tax is required to be deducted by the deductor at a higher rate as prescribed under...
Income Tax : Rationalisation of With-Holding Tax (WHT) to Encourage Greater Subscription in Indian Debt Securities by Foreign Investors, Encour...
Income Tax : The Finance (No.2) Act of 2009 introduced section 206AA under the Income Tax Act, 1961 (the ITA) to provide that any person who is...
Income Tax : The Finance Act, 2009 introduced new provisions (section 206AA) in the Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Act). As per these provisions any...
Income Tax : Assessee was incorporated in Japan and was in the business of providing telecommunication services. Assessee provided fixed, mobil...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad upheld decision of CIT(A), ruling in favor of Nirma Limited. The nature of payments for vessel damage was deemed as...
Income Tax : ITAT Jaipur held that requirement of TDS deduction u/s. 194C of the Income Tax Act on payments made to Eco Development Committee r...
Income Tax : ITAT Bangalore held that payments received towards interconnectivity utility charges from Indian customers / end users cannot be c...
Income Tax : ITAT Bangalore held that payments received by assessee towards interconnectivity utility charges from Indian customers / end users...
Income Tax : DGIT(S)/ADG(S)-2/Compliance Check/432/2021-22 Government of India Ministry of Finance Central Board of Direct Taxes Directorate of...
Income Tax : 37BC. Relaxation from deduction of tax at higher rate under section 206AA.– (1) In the case of a non-resident, not being a compa...
Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd. v. Addl CIT (TDS), ITAT Visakhapatnam) Even if there is no PAN, if the deductor has deducted TDS as per provisions of sec 192, Section 206AA does not over-ride section 192 in terms of the requirement of “at the rates specified in the relevant provisions of the Act.
Under the current provisions of Section 206AA, tax is required to be deducted by the deductor at a higher rate as prescribed under the said section, where the deductee does not furnish his Permanent Account Number (PAN). This section was introduced with the objective that the furnishing of PAN was important with a view to trail the taxability of the payments in the hands of a non-resident.
In the case of Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. Vs. DCIT CPC-TDS, assessee was required to deduct tax and has deducted TDS @ 2% of sum paid/credited to GETCO Ltd. but due to filing of wrong PAN of deductee it has been deemed as assessee in default and accordingly 18% of remaining
Issues like the inclusion of section 206 AA by Finance Act 2009 w.e.f 1.4.2010, which includes non obstante clause where payments made to non residents in course of exports need TDS deductions compelling non-residents to acquire PAN numbers for the same need to be re-considered in view of the judgement of Pune Bench of Tribunals in the Serum Institute Case which states that section 206AA does not have an overriding effect and therefore rates as per DTAA is applicable.
Section 206AA has been brought into Act from 1.4.2010. This section talks about furnishing of Permanent Account number (PAN) by any person entitled to receive any sum or income or amount on which tax is deductible under Chapter XVIIB. This provision cast a obligation on any person receiving an income to furnish PAN to deductor, failing on which tax shall be deducted at the higher of following;
One of the decisions rendered by the Bangalore ITAT in the year 2012 relating to Section 206AA, in case of Bosch Ltd. (141 ITD 38) confirming its ability to Override the provisions of the Entire Income Tax Act. However as regards dispute that was there before the Hon. bench was only with regard to Section 139A(8)(d) read with Rule 114C and 206AA.
Bangalore ITAT, A Bench has in the case of IBM India Private Ltd., v ITO (TDS) held that Tax deduction at source / Tax collection at source [TAS] Provisions are attracted even if the provision is made in the books of account to measure the economic performance of the entity irrespective of whether the exact amount and the payee is determined or not.
In this article, author attempts to brief ITAT (Pune) judgement of Serum Institute of India Limited describing the rate of tax deduction on payments made to non-resident recipient who do not have Permanent Account Number (PAN).
The assessee had made payments to non-residents on account of interest, royalties and fees for technical services and the same were subject to withholding under Section 195 of the Act. The assessee in accordance with provisions of Section 90(2) deducted tax on such payments as per the beneficial rates prescribed in the DTAA with respective countries.
Rationalisation of With-Holding Tax (WHT) to Encourage Greater Subscription in Indian Debt Securities by Foreign Investors, Encourage Development of the Indian Debt Market and Accelerate the Pace of Growth of the Indian Economy.