Income Tax : Updated TDS Rate Chart for FY 2023-24 (AY 2024-25). Find the latest rates for tax deduction at source for various transactions. Ea...
Income Tax : TDS Rate Chart for FY 2023-2024 (AY 2024-2025) – Get complete details on Budget 2023 Amendments, Nature of Payment & Threshold L...
Income Tax : Explore the updated Income Tax TDS Rate Chart for FY 2022-23 / AY 2023-24. Comprehensive guide covering TDS rates on various incom...
Income Tax : 1) Who is responsible to deduct tax under section 194DA of Income Tax Act, 1961? Any person responsible for paying to a resident...
Income Tax : Simple TDS Rate Chart for Financial Year 2020-21 – Applicable from 14th May 2020 Kindly Note amended rates are been given ...
Income Tax : Budget 2024 reduces TDS rates for insurance commission (section 194D) and life insurance payouts (section 194DA) from 5% to 2%, ef...
Income Tax : Commissioner of Income Tax Vs SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd. (Bombay High Court) Therefore the obligation to deduct is on the per...
Article explains Section wise requirement of TDS deduction, Threshold exemption limit and rate at which TDS needs to be deducted. Article is updated as on 01.10.2019 to include sections under which TDS needs to be deducted from 01st October 2019. Newly introduced section are Section 194M – TDS on any work in pursuance of contract […]
Under section 194DA of the Act, a person is obliged to deduct TDS, if it pays any sum to a resident under a life insurance policy which is not exempt under sec 10 (10D). At present, TDS is required to be deducted @ 1% on such sum at the time of payment. However, TDS is not deductible if the amount of such payment is less than one lakh rupees.
Understanding the tax implications of life insurance policy maturity. Learn about the exceptions and conditions for tax-free amounts received.
Sec. 194DA: TDS, on Payment in respect of life insurance policy, to be deducted by the insurer. Charging section: 194DA of Income Tax Act 1961. What section 194DA says? (Up to 31.8.2019) 194DA states, any person responsible for paying to a resident any sum under a life insurance policy, including the sum allocated by way […]
Changes in TDS provision via Finance bill,2019 as passed by Lok Sabha and Interim Budget, 2019 1. Sec 194M (new section): TDS on payment exceeding Rs 50 lakhs to Contractor or Professional by Individual/HUF (Applicable w.e.f. 01/09/2019) Insertion of New Section after Sec 194LD: (1) Any person, being an individual or a Hindu undivided family […]
There is general perception among people that amount received on maturity of life insurance is exempt from income tax. However the same is not true. Receipt from life insurance may occasion on 2 events: 1. On death of the person insured (Death proceeds) 2. On maturity of the policy in the normal course (maturity proceeds) […]
Section 194DA relates to the deduction of TDS in respect of life insurance policy, and the provisions of the same are covered under the present article. Basic provisions of section 19DA Section 194DA of the Income Tax Act, 1961 covers the person making payment to a resident person any sum under the life insurance policy. […]
Budget 2019: Changes in TDS provision- Related to 1. Section 194M : TDS on payment exceeding Rs 50 lakhs to Contractor or Professional by Individual/HUF, Section 194N: TDS on Cash Withdrawal exceeding Rs 1 crore from banks or cooperative bank or post office, Section 194DA: TDS on sum received under life insurance policy and Section […]