Finance : Every individual desirous of subscribing to Fund under the Scheme for the first time either on his own behalf or on behalf of a mi...
Finance : Stay informed about recent updates in small saving schemes post-retirement, including rules for opening accounts and time limits f...
Corporate Law : No. FS-13/7/2020-FS Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (F.S.Division) Dak Bhawan New Delhi-110001 ...
Finance : In accordance with the decisions taken by the Government on the basis of the recommendations of the Committee for Comprehensive Re...
Finance : Interest rates for Small Savings Schemes for Q4 of FY 2024-25 will remain unchanged from Q3, effective January 1, 2025....
SEBI : Government of India introduces paperless KYC (e-KYC) and Aadhaar biometric authentication for POSB account transactions and openin...
Finance : Learn about the new Post Office Rules, 2024, including services, regulations, and interception procedures for postal items....
Finance : Clarifications on SB Order 05A/2024 regarding the regularization of accounts opened in deviation from National Small Savings Schem...
Finance : The Government of India keeps interest rates unchanged for Small Savings Schemes for Q3 FY 2024-25, effective from October 1 to De...
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 15 of the Government Savings Banks Act, 1873 (5 of 1873), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Senior Citizens Savings Scheme Rules, 2004, namely:— 1. (1) These rules may be called the Senior Citizens Savings Scheme (Amendment) Rules, 2012.
NOTIFICATION NO.GSR 322(E), DATED 25-4-2012 In exercise of the powers conferred by section 15 of the Government Savings Banks Act, 1873 (5 of 1873), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Post Office (Monthly Income Account) Rules, 1987, namely:- 1. (1) These rules may be called the Post Office (Monthly Income Account) Amendment Rules, 2012. (2) They shall deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of April, 2012.
POST OFFICE TIME DEPOSIT (AMENDMENT) RULES, 2012 – AMENDMENT IN RULE 7 – NOTIFICATION NO.GSR 323(E), DATED 25-4-2012 – In exercise of the powers conferred by section 15 of the Government Savings Banks Act, 1873 (5 of 1873), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Post Office Time Deposit Rules, 1981, namely:- 1. (1) These rules may be called the Post Office Time Deposit (Amendment) Rules, 2012.
Every individual desirous of subscribing to Fund under the Scheme for the first time either on his own behalf or on behalf of a minor of whom he is the guardian or on behalf of a Hindu Undivided Family of which he is a member or on behalf of an Association of persons or a Body of individuals as referred to in sub rule 2(b) of Rule 3 above shall apply to the Accounts Office in Form A, or as near thereto as possible together with the amount of initial subscription which shall be integral multiples of Rs.5
Notification No. G.S.R. 868(E), dated 07-12-2011- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 1(3) of the Government Savings Certificates Act, 1959, the Central Government through this notification has specified that National Savings Certificates-IX Issue shall be the class of Savings Certificates to which the said Act applies. Accordingly, subscription to such saving certificates would qualify for deduction under section 80C.
In accordance with the decisions taken by the Government on the basis of the recommendations of the Committee for Comprehensive Review of National Small Savings Fund (NSSF), headed by Smt Shyamala Gopinath, the then Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Notifications on changes made in various small saving schemes except 10-Year National Savings Certificate, have already been issued on 25th November 2011.
In pursuance of section 5 of the Public Provident Fund Act, 1968 (23 of 1968) the Central Government hereby notifies that the subscriptions made to the fund on or after the 1st day of December, 2011 and balances at the credit of the subscriber shall bear interest at the rate of 8.6 per cent. per annum.
Public Provident Fund (Amendment) Scheme, 2011 – Amendment in paragraphs 3, 11 and Form A NOTIFICATION [F.No. 1/9/2011-NS-II], dated 25-11-2011 In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (4) of section 3 of the Public Provident Fund Act, 1968 (23 of 1958), the Central Government hereby makes the following further amendment to the Public Provident Fund Scheme, 1968, namely :- 1. (1) This Scheme may be called the Public Provident Fund (Amendment) Scheme, 2011.
NOTIFICATION [F.No.1/12/2011-NS-II], dated 25-11-2011 In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (1) of article 283 of the Constitution, the President hereby makes the following further amendments in the National Small Savings Fund (Custody and Investment) Rules, 2001, namely:- 1. (1) These rules may be called the National Small Savings Fund (Custody and Investment) Amendment Rules, 2011. (2) They shall come into force on the 1st day of December 2011.
NOTIFICATION [F.No.1/11/2011-NS-II], dated 25-11-2011- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 15 of the Government Savings Banks Act, 1873 (5 of 1873), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Post Office Time Deposit Rules, 1981, namely:-1. (1) These rules may be called the Post Office Time Deposit (Second Amendment) Rules, 2011.