Income Tax : Learn about tax benefits under Section 80CCD for NPS Vatsalya contributions. Includes details on deductions, withdrawals, and rela...
Finance : Compare UPS, NPS, and OPS pension schemes. Understand their features, benefits, drawbacks, and eligibility criteria to choose the ...
Finance : This article explores the NPS tax benefits, its features, and how it compares to other popular tax-saving instruments. Additionall...
Finance : Summary: The National Pension System Vatsalya (NPS Vatsalya) scheme, launched by the Ministry of Finance, aims to foster early sa...
Corporate Law : NPS Vatsalya Scheme offers long-term financial planning for children. Parents can invest in a pension fund until the child turns 1...
Corporate Law : Discover how the National Pension System (NPS) offers flexibility, tax benefits, and long-term financial security, catering to all...
Corporate Law : Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will launch the NPS Vatsalya scheme on September 18, 2024, to promote early financial planning...
Corporate Law : Explore the proposed Risk Management Framework for Central Recordkeeping Agencies (CRAs) under NPS architecture. Provide feedback ...
Corporate Law : Explore the Government's plans for offering a guaranteed pension under NPS and the consideration of reverting to Old Pension Schem...
Corporate Law : Important updates on NPS-Lite-Swavalamban Scheme for subscribers. Learn about contributions, migration, updates and more on your p...
Corporate Law : PFRDA Circular mandates that annuity cancellations for NPS subscribers can only occur during the free look period, effective immed...
Corporate Law : Clarification on refund of employee's NPS share for death or disablement cases under CCS rules before notification of NPS Rules, 2...
Corporate Law : Ministry of Personnel requests submission of six-monthly NPS reports for April-September 2024 via NPS OSM portal. Deadline for all...
Corporate Law : Explore PFRDA Circular No. PFRDA/2024/13/SUP-CRA/07 on same-day investment for NPS contributions effective from 1st July 2024. Und...
Corporate Law : Explore the latest updates from CRAs under PFRDA for NPS/APY functionalities in FY 2023-24. Learn about new features, benefits, an...
The Central Record Keeping Agencies (CRAs) appointed by PFRDA develop system level functionalities as per the evolving needs of NPS/APY stakeholders in accordance with Section 21 of PFRDA Act 2013.
The Authority presently is desirous of appointing one Trustee on the Board of Trustees who shall be a citizen of India and satisfying the eligibility conditions as stipulated under Regulation 5 of the aforementioned regulations as also the Guidelines for Appointment of Trustees dated 12.01.2018 issued by the Authority
Provision for extending benefits under CCS (Pension) Rules or CCS (EOP) Rules to family of missing Central Government employees covered under National Pension System (NPS)-reg.
Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) CIRCULAR No. CIR No.: PFRDA/2022/08/SUP-CRA/02 | Dated: 21 April 2022 To, Prospective APY Subscribers, APY-SPs & other stake holders for information Subject: eAPY – Ease of onboarding through Aadhaar The Government of India introduced Atal Pension Yojana (APY) for a pension inclusive society wherein every Indian Citizen who […]
NPS/APY Functionalities released by CRAs during Quarter III (FY 2021-22) includes New Subscriber Registration Form(SRF) – Changes in PoP Online Module, New SRF -Changes in API, Information on contact details of ASPs in CRA’ s Annuity Calculator, Changes in subscriber login LTI/UX and Option to reset password/ regenerate password for Nodal Office users. PENSION FUND REGULATORY […]
Guidelines For The Points Of Presence Registered Under Regulation 3(1)(iv) – NPS-LITE-Swavalamban Scheme Of Pension Fund Regulatory And Development Authority (Point Of Presence) Regulations, 2018, And Amendments Thereof.
Income Tax deduction Under Section 80C allows deduction in respect of investment LIC, Housing loan principal repayment, Children education fee etc.) and Under Section 80CCC allows deduction in respect of contribution for contract of annuity for receiving pension offered by LIC or other insurers). Total deuction under both Section 80C and Section 80CCC However, if […]
It’s that time of the year when you need to invest in different investment products to enable tax savings for FY 2021-22 OR else regret after March that you did not utilize the benefit of various deductions available for you Now a days, nobody wants to invest just for Tax savings, everybody wants such investment […]
Incentives to National Pension System (NPS) subscribers for state government employees Under the existing provisions of the Act, any contribution by the Central Government or any other employer to the account referred to in section 80CCD of the Act (NPS account), shall be allowed as a deduction to the assesses in the computation of his […]
Government proposes to permit taxpayers to file an updated return on payment of additional tax within two years from the end of the relevant assessment year announced the Union Finance & Corporate Affairs Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman while presenting the Union Budget 2022-23 in the Parliament today