Finance : Your investment portfolio may be green, red, or neutral. Learn how to manage risks, make informed decisions, and optimize your fin...
Finance : Compare Fixed Deposits with Mutual Funds, Stocks, Gold, and Real Estate. Understand risks, returns, and liquidity to make an infor...
Finance : Learn about India's 2025 mutual fund tax rules, including updated rates for equity and debt funds, and strategies to reduce your t...
Company Law : Explore the different modes for starting a finance business in India, including Money Lending, NBFCs, Nidhi Companies, and Co-oper...
SEBI : Explore BigBasket’s upcoming IPO: Will it revolutionize grocery e-commerce in India or face challenges in a competitive market? ...
Finance : Two major giants have announced a strategic alliance to jointly explore developmental paths in the financial sector, bringing more...
Finance : Check Out the Recent Changes in PF, GST Post Office, and Banking Rules That Can Affect You Directly With the beginning of the new ...
Finance : In the past 4 years, UnlistedKart has been at the forefront of the unlisted stock space, achieving a collective top line of 250-pl...
Finance : Debate around the new real estate upcycle continues to cloud the market’s collective wisdom. Upcycles are driven by rising incom...
Finance : Now that the country is looking to provide seamless financial solutions to the masses, it’s an ideal time for all the SMEs, star...
A Diversified equity fund invests across in different sectors. Diversified equity funds will give superior risk adjusted returns over all other investment asset classes in the long term. In any long term portfolio, it is advisable to keep equity funds as a foundation.
Giving up over-spending is a struggle. It brings a lot of negative emotions like guilt, frustration and shame. When you are thinking about giving up over-spending, sub-consciously you are still thinking about over-spending. The more you try to give up over-spending, the more you indulge in over-spending.
Myths about MIP: Monthly Income Plans or MIPs seem like a good and wide umbrella which will protect the investors from the vagaries of the market weather. It is mostly PERCEIVED to be a risk-free product which will deliver regular incomes month after month in an un-interrupted manner while the original investment remains safe and sound.
Financial management is concerned with efficient acquisition and allocation of funds. In other words, financial management involves decisions related to procurement of funds, investment of funds in long term and short term assets and distribution of earnings to owners. In simple words financial management is
Every investor has his own set of unique investment objectives. What he wants in life, i.e. his requirements and needs have a direct impact on his pattern of investment and its objectives. Let us understand the influencing factors behind our investment objectives.
Money and math are the two very common concepts that most people will relate to the process of financial management. But managing money involves a lot more. Traditionally financial planning was all about securing one’s future, or saving for the retirement, but let us now observe a
Credit card – a magic card that lets you pay for everything you want with just a single swipe. Credit card purchases may be intriguing. However, before piling up things with this wonder card, you must actually decide whether you need what you are buying by swiping that magnetic strip.
When it comes to investing, most of us believe in lady luck, intuitions and fate. Successful investing is not based on destiny; it involves a right blend of logic, research, discipline and planning. Investing for returns is directly proportional to the risk tolerance of the individual. Based on the risk appetite
Saving may sound a painful process, and we often tend to delay it. However, procrastinating to save can prove to be even more painful in the longer run. Therefore never wait to make a start, rather make an early start, to this fruit-bearing
In times like today, when there is enormous opportunity available for investment, certain feeling like greed and fear stop people from making right investment decision. Following advice may help individuals in planning their investments and start as early as possible.