Finance : Your investment portfolio may be green, red, or neutral. Learn how to manage risks, make informed decisions, and optimize your fin...
Finance : Compare Fixed Deposits with Mutual Funds, Stocks, Gold, and Real Estate. Understand risks, returns, and liquidity to make an infor...
Finance : Learn about India's 2025 mutual fund tax rules, including updated rates for equity and debt funds, and strategies to reduce your t...
Company Law : Explore the different modes for starting a finance business in India, including Money Lending, NBFCs, Nidhi Companies, and Co-oper...
SEBI : Explore BigBasket’s upcoming IPO: Will it revolutionize grocery e-commerce in India or face challenges in a competitive market? ...
Finance : Two major giants have announced a strategic alliance to jointly explore developmental paths in the financial sector, bringing more...
Finance : Check Out the Recent Changes in PF, GST Post Office, and Banking Rules That Can Affect You Directly With the beginning of the new ...
Finance : In the past 4 years, UnlistedKart has been at the forefront of the unlisted stock space, achieving a collective top line of 250-pl...
Finance : Debate around the new real estate upcycle continues to cloud the market’s collective wisdom. Upcycles are driven by rising incom...
Finance : Now that the country is looking to provide seamless financial solutions to the masses, it’s an ideal time for all the SMEs, star...
Buying a car is a big deal, but then there is something even bigger. It is buying car insurance. It can get quite overwhelming at times,but it is something that needs to be done, without too much delay. The only thing that one needs to be sure of is that the policy is what will […]
For quite a long time, mutual funds have been offering people numerous advantages, which include providing investors with broad diversification, a relatively low cost of investment, professional management, and day-to-day cash conversions.
That particular day, for few minutes, I felt like a school teacher. One of my family friend brought his son to my office and started complaining. The son has around 3 years of experience in an IT industry, started investing on stocks from his savings for the past 1 year. What is wrong in that? Why is the father complaining?
How can investment decisions be wise? Is it by investing in high yielding assets or in assets which have lower risks or a combination of these two? What if you invested in high yielding asset class? Then, its major drawback is its high risk associated with it. On the other hand, if the investment is done in the lower risk asset class, then, the yield will be low.
Property, in the form of real estate, a piece of land, or an apartment or house, is considered to be fairly good investment option. Simple investors feel happy and contended when they invest their money in a property and expect it to give them grand returns. They dream that their net worth will shoot up […]
It is a common thing to hear these days that when you are looking for a suitable investment plan to fit in to your financial plan not every time can you expect the correct advice from the financial advisors.
Making the right investment plan is an interesting way to multiply an individual’s savings. How well the planning could be done? From where should it begin? How is going to grow? Isn’t it very curious to make money multiply?
1. Considering investment based on their past performance: This is one of the primary methods of selection. There is nothing wrong in judging the mutual funds on basis of the past performance. However, the question arises about how long will be the past that you are going to check.
Understanding the nuances of investing in mutual funds requires hard work and the returns take on a learning curve. With meticulous planning, the rewards from mutual funds will far outweigh the required efforts. To know more about mutual funds and its different flavors, do read the following section on how these can be suited for individual investment requirements.
Investor’s Rights Right to Get Unique Client Code (UCC) allotted. Get a copy of KYC and other documents executed. Get order of trading of shares executed in his/her Unique Client Code only. Get order of trading of shares placed as per terms and conditions agreed to between broker and investor. Get best price. Get contract […]