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TDS is deductible on ESOP

Income Tax : Employee Stock Options Plans (ESOPs) and its different variants like Employees Stock Purchase Plans, Stock Appreciation Rights, St...

August 31, 2018 28560 Views 0 comment Print

FBT First Instalment of June Quarter Paid-Refund or Adjustment?

Income Tax : The Finance Bill (No.2), 2009 could be presented on Sixth of July, 2009 due to formation of new government but by that time many c...

January 25, 2010 1141 Views 0 comment Print

New perquisite valuation rules to hit employees with company cars

Income Tax : New perk rules :- Under the new perquisite rules, a distinction is to be made between the car owned by the employer and the car ow...

January 17, 2010 8833 Views 0 comment Print

Taxability of ESOP for Assessment year 2010-2011

Income Tax : Employee stock options (ESOPs) is a significant employer-granted benefit that too is subject to the above FBT /perquisite-based ta...

December 26, 2009 14393 Views 0 comment Print

Salary Income -Valuation of Perquisites

Income Tax : Valuation of Perquisites under Rule 3 of Income Tax Rule 1962 read with sub section 2 of section 17 of Income Tax Act, 1961 (As Re...

December 24, 2009 31191 Views 0 comment Print

Latest News

17.85 Percent Increase in Direct Tax Collections During April-November Crosses 50 percent of be Target of Rs.4,30,000

Income Tax : During the period April-November 2010, net direct tax collections stood at Rs.2,16,628 crore, up from Rs.1,83,822 crore during the...

December 8, 2010 327 Views 0 comment Print

Net Direct Tax Collections Register 19.09 Percent Growth

Income Tax : Net direct tax collections during the period April-September 2010 stood at Rs.1,81,758 crore, up from Rs.1,52,625 crore in the sam...

October 20, 2010 294 Views 0 comment Print

Direct tax Collections Register 15.75% Growth During first four months of present Fiscal

Income Tax : Net direct tax collections during first four months of the present fiscal (up to July 2010) stood at Rs.85,647 crore, up from Rs.7...

August 6, 2010 786 Views 0 comment Print

Direct tax collections register 7.5 per cent growth upto February

Income Tax : Net direct tax collections during first eleven months of the present fiscal (up to February 2010) stood at Rs.2,78,373 crore, up f...

March 5, 2010 357 Views 0 comment Print

Perquisite Valuation rules not considered the inflation and old exempt amount limit been kept

Income Tax : The fringe benefit tax (FBT) was strongly opposed by India Inc, but there is no doubt that it was beneficial to the employees — ...

December 30, 2009 801 Views 0 comment Print

Latest Judiciary

ITAT Orders Deletion of FBT Addition Due to Lack of Employer-Employee Relationship

Income Tax : In the case of Piramal Enterprises Ltd vs DCIT, ITAT Mumbai directed deletion of Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) addition on business pro...

May 5, 2024 183 Views 0 comment Print

No FBT on Travelling & Conveyance where public transport connectivity was absent 

Income Tax : Dive into Prakash Industries Ltd vs ACIT case dissected by ITAT Delhi, detailing FBT exemptions for transport services and medical...

March 18, 2024 369 Views 0 comment Print

FBT not payable on Employee Welfare Expenses

Income Tax : Bilfinger Neo Structo Pvt. Ltd. Vs ACIT (ITAT Ahmedabad) As regards ground relating to Employees Welfare Expenses includible in va...

August 25, 2022 1065 Views 0 comment Print

Delhi HC directs Income Tax Dept to decide on Refund claimed by American Express

Income Tax : Delhi High Court directs rectification of Amex India's tax assessment, orders refund of Rs. 45.60 crore. Get insights into the ru...

April 10, 2022 711 Views 0 comment Print

FBT payable on Free/concessional electricity provided to employees

Income Tax : Singareni Colleries Company Ltd Vs ACIT (ITAT Hyderabad) AR of the assessee submitted that the amount of electricity provided to t...

April 23, 2021 711 Views 0 comment Print

Latest Notifications

CBDT Press Release on Tax collections during first quarter

Income Tax : Net direct tax collections during first quarters of the present fiscal (up to June 2010) stood at Rs.68,675 crore, up from Rs.59,4...

July 8, 2010 435 Views 0 comment Print

Circular on adjustment of Advance FBT Paid for Assessment Year 2010-11

Income Tax : Circular No. 2/2010-Income Tax The Finance Act, 2005 introduced a levy namely Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) on the value of certain fr...

January 29, 2010 8198 Views 0 comment Print

Government Put Conditions on Issue of Prepaid Meal Card

Income Tax : Notification No. 1/2009 - Income Tax The Finance Act, 2008, w.e.f. from 1 April 2008, introduced a new concept of Electronic Meal...

January 5, 2009 19716 Views 0 comment Print

FBT on ESOPs – CBDT amends Rule 40C

Income Tax : NOTIFICATION NO 11/2008, Dated: January 18, 2008 Valuation of specified security not being an equity share in the company. 40D. Fo...

January 23, 2008 1009 Views 0 comment Print

Notification on Valuation of ESOP for FBT

Income Tax : NOTIFICATION NO. 264/2007, DATED 23-10-2007 Valuation of specified security or sweat equity share being a share in the company. 40...

October 24, 2007 726 Views 0 comment Print

Tax on concessional rent accommodation – CBDT notifies amendment to Rule 3

December 18, 2007 882 Views 0 comment Print

VALUATION of perquisites has always been a bone of contention. To overcome many of such irritants, the Finance Minister in the Finance Act, 2007 had inserted a deeming provision to define concession in the matter of rent for the purpose of determining the perquisite value. It has also reduced the rate of valuation of perquisite in the nature of concessional rent accommodation and leased accommodation with retrospective effect from 1 st day of April, 2006, that is with effect from assessment year 2006-2007. This had necessitated similar reduction of rates in case of both rent-free and concessional rent accommodations and leased accommodation in Table I of rule 3 with retrospective effect from 1 st day of April, 2006, that is in relation to assessment year 2006-2007 and subsequent years.

Management Representation Letter on Fringe Benefit Tax Audit

October 30, 2007 720 Views 0 comment Print

We have identified and appropriately classified all such payments/expenditures, which are subject to fringe benefit tax in terms of sections 115WA and 115WB of the Income-tax Act, 1961. There are no unrecorded payments/expenditure which would have otherwise qualified for being subjected to the fringe benefit tax. We acknowledge that we are responsible for the compilation of information in Annexure-II to Form No.3CD. We shall not hold you liable, in case if we incur any tax liability on account of any errors/omissions/mistakes taken in the Annexure-II to Form No.3CD.

ESOP norms – Many issues await clarification

October 28, 2007 1955 Views 0 comment Print

The taxman may have to consider naming some top ten stock exchanges around the world as ‘recognised stock exchanges’ for the purpose of Rule 40C, suggest Mr Sanjiv Agrawal and Mr Amitabh Singh, Partners, Ernst & Young, commenting on the new income-tax rule on thevaluation of ESOPs (employee stock options) for the purpose of FBT (fringe benefit tax).

FBT on ESOP should not apply to foreign securities?

October 26, 2007 651 Views 0 comment Print

Does the FBT law intend to cover securities under SCRA? I don’t think so. We have to look at the rationale of levy of FBT. In a booming economy, accompanied with a vibrant stock market, corporates have figured out a creative way to compensate their employees through the ESOP scheme. It could be ESOP of a listed company or an unlisted company. Using the horizontal equity argument, a case was made out by the legislative to tax that portion of the gain, which an employee receives or accrues to him as a result of his employment. The basis of charge is the difference in the value of the security (as at the date of exercise) and price paid for such exercise, levy being on the vesting date.

Five key issues in FBT guidelines on ESOPs

October 25, 2007 390 Views 0 comment Print

As you may be aware, the Finance Act, 2007 amended the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 to provide that employers will be liable to pay FBT (fringe benefit tax) on the value of ESOPs granted to employees as and when the ESOPs were allotted or transferred to the employees. The value of ESOPs for the purposes of levy of FBT shall be the FMV (fair market value) of the ESOPs on the date of vesting of the options as reduced by the amount actually paid, or recovered from, the employee. On October 23, the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) notified the insertion of Rule 40C in the Income-tax Rules, 1962, specifying the computation of FMV.

Notification on Valuation of ESOP for FBT

October 24, 2007 726 Views 0 comment Print

NOTIFICATION NO. 264/2007, DATED 23-10-2007 Valuation of specified security or sweat equity share being a share in the company. 40C. (1) For the purposes of clause (ba) of sub-section (1) of section 115WC, the fair market value of any specified security or sweat equity share, being an equity share in a company, on the date on which the option vests with the employee, shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of sub-rule (2) or sub-rule (3).

Is FBT Applicable on Charitable Trusts?

September 24, 2007 883 Views 0 comment Print

FBT is not payable by a trust, fund or institution if its income is exempt under section 10(23C) or it is registered under section 12AA of the Income-tax Act. Therefore, a company registered under section 25 of the Companies Act will also not be liable to FBT if its income is exempt under section 10(23C) or such company is registered under section 12AA of the Income-tax Act.

The costly ambiguity surrounding FBT on ESOPs

September 20, 2007 438 Views 0 comment Print

How is the FBT to be valued? And when is the tax payable? The fringe benefit is to be valued at the fair market value (FMV) of the security or sweat equity share on the date of vesting of the option minus any amount paid by / recovered from the employee for such security or shares. The FMV is to be determined a s per the method to be prescribed by the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT). The employer company is required to pay advance tax of estimated FBT progressively: 15 per cent by June 15, 45 per cent by September 15, 75 per cent by December 15 and 100 per cent by March 15 of the fiscal year.

Due Date Table for Income Tax and associated matters:

September 14, 2007 799 Views 0 comment Print

Return of Income Tax [with/without FBT Return]: 1. Person not required to be audited – 31st July. 2. Person required to be audited – 31st October. Payment of Advance Taxes of Income Tax – Individual/Firms: * 1st Payment of 30% – 15th September. * 2nd Payment of 60% – 15th December. * 3rd Payment of 100% – 15th March.

Extension of Due Date of Payment of The First and Second Installment of Advance FBT on ESOPS

September 13, 2007 721 Views 0 comment Print

By virtue of the provision of clause (d) of sub-section (1) section 115 WB, introduced by Finance Act, 2007, an employer is liable to pay Fringe Benefit Tax on any consideration for employment provided by way of any specified security or sweat equity shares allotted or transferred, directly or indirectly, by such employer free of cost or at concessional rate to his employees. The value of the fringe benefit is determined as the fair market value of the specified security or sweat equity share on the date on which the option vests with the employee as reduced by the amount actually paid, by or recovered from the employee in respect of such security or shares.

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