CA, CS, CMA : Understand cost records and audit rules for the construction industry, including applicability, special features, and benefits for...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore effective cost-saving strategies for overheads using cost records, audits, and reports. Learn classification, MIS reportin...
CA, CS, CMA : Learn how cost records, audits, and analytical reports help reduce employee costs in various industries and improve efficiency in ...
CA, CS, CMA : Discover how cost audit reports assist industries in optimizing resources, reducing costs, and improving profitability through det...
CA, CS, CMA : Discover cost-saving strategies for material costs in manufacturing through efficient cost records, audits, and reporting systems....
CA, CS, CMA : The Institute of Cost Accountants of India releases an Exposure Draft on Cost Management in Healthcare Services. Public comments a...
Company Law : Explore ICMAI detailed analysis of the Govt. committee report on enhancing cost audit effectiveness. Read insights & recommendatio...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore revised CAS-2 (2024) standard for capacity determination, issued by Institute of Cost Accountants of India, ensuring consi...
Income Tax : Learn how to prepare Inventory Valuation Reports under Section 142(2A) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 with our comprehensive Guidance...
CA, CS, CMA : ICMAI issues advisory for members regarding Annexures in Cost Audit Reports & timely submission. Ensure compliance for statutory r...
CA, CS, CMA : A detailed guide from Institute of Cost Accountants of India about mandatory communication regulations for Cost Accountants. Under...
Company Law : Representations have been received from various stakeholders for extension of last date of filing of Cost Audit Report to the Boar...
Company Law : It has been decided that if cost audit report for the financial year 2019-20 by the cost auditor to the Board of Directors of the ...
Company Law : General Circular No. 17/2019- Last date of filing of CRA-4 (cost audit report) for all eligible companies for the Financial Year 2...
Company Law : The companies who have already filed their Cost Audit Report in form CRA-4 for the financial year 2018-19 with the Central Governm...
1. Material Costs-(a) Proper records shall be maintained showing separately all receipts, issues and balances both in quantities and cost of each item of raw material required for the production of goods or rendering of services under reference.
Few Hon’ble Members of the Institute informed that they and their client companies have received letters/notices from the Courts and/or from the Cost Audit Branch or Registrar of Companies, Ministry of Corporate Affairs. These relate to purported non‐compliance with the provisions of Section 148 of the Companies Act, 2013
CAASB in its 32nd meeting held on March 21, 2017 considered draft Practical Guide to Standard on Cost Auditing (SCA) 101 – Planning an Audit of Cost Statements
Show Cause Notices (SCNs) issued by MCA for non compliance with the Cost Audit Provisions: Is it a beginning to ensure collection of authenticated data at HSN code level for GST
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has released the new forms relevant to Costing Rules prior to Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules 2014: FORM 23C [Pursuant to section 233B(2) of Companies Act, 1956]: Form of application to the Central Government for appointment of cost auditor FORM 23D [Pursuant to section 233B(2) of Companies Act, 1956]:Information […]
Comparative Statement showing Original Rules 2014 i.e. Companies (cost records and audit) Rules,2014 vis-a-vis Amendment Rules 2016 i.e. Companies (cost records and audit) Amendment Rules, 2016 – issued on 14th July 2016 Notes: All additions are shown in red and deletions are shown in blue. Entire Rules are not given; only changes have been highlighted […]
Cost audit report means the duly signed cost auditor’s report on the cost records examined and cost statements which are prepared as per these rules, including attachment, annexure, qualifications or observations attached with or included in such report
The Institute submitted a representation on the subject ‘Criterion for selection of Cost Auditors in PSUs’ to the Director General, SCOPE with copies marked to Chief Vigilance Commissioner, Secretary-MCA and Department of Public Enterprises and subsequently held a meeting of President with the DG-SCOPE, SCOPE on the matter.
Who can be a Cost Auditor? According to section 148(3) of Companies Act 2013, cost audit shall be conducted by Cost Accountant in Practice who shall be appointed by the Board on such remuneration as determined by the members in such a manner as may be prescribed.
FORM No.CRA-4 is Form for filing Cost Audit Report with the Central Government Pursuant to Rule 6(6) of the Companies (cost records and audit) rules, 2014. The form is not yet available on MCA Website for filing Purposes. The Institute of Cost Accountants of India has taken up with Ministry of Corporate Affairs which informed […]