CA, CS, CMA : Understand cost records and audit rules for the construction industry, including applicability, special features, and benefits for...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore effective cost-saving strategies for overheads using cost records, audits, and reports. Learn classification, MIS reportin...
CA, CS, CMA : Learn how cost records, audits, and analytical reports help reduce employee costs in various industries and improve efficiency in ...
CA, CS, CMA : Discover how cost audit reports assist industries in optimizing resources, reducing costs, and improving profitability through det...
CA, CS, CMA : Discover cost-saving strategies for material costs in manufacturing through efficient cost records, audits, and reporting systems....
CA, CS, CMA : The Institute of Cost Accountants of India releases an Exposure Draft on Cost Management in Healthcare Services. Public comments a...
Company Law : Explore ICMAI detailed analysis of the Govt. committee report on enhancing cost audit effectiveness. Read insights & recommendatio...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore revised CAS-2 (2024) standard for capacity determination, issued by Institute of Cost Accountants of India, ensuring consi...
Income Tax : Learn how to prepare Inventory Valuation Reports under Section 142(2A) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 with our comprehensive Guidance...
CA, CS, CMA : ICMAI issues advisory for members regarding Annexures in Cost Audit Reports & timely submission. Ensure compliance for statutory r...
CA, CS, CMA : A detailed guide from Institute of Cost Accountants of India about mandatory communication regulations for Cost Accountants. Under...
Company Law : Representations have been received from various stakeholders for extension of last date of filing of Cost Audit Report to the Boar...
Company Law : It has been decided that if cost audit report for the financial year 2019-20 by the cost auditor to the Board of Directors of the ...
Company Law : General Circular No. 17/2019- Last date of filing of CRA-4 (cost audit report) for all eligible companies for the Financial Year 2...
Company Law : The companies who have already filed their Cost Audit Report in form CRA-4 for the financial year 2018-19 with the Central Governm...
Pursuant to introduction of GST, the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014 are to be amended to incorporate resultant changes. Accordingly, the Draft Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Amendment Rules, 2018 have been placed on the Ministry’s website for suggestions/ comments.
Product cost – Expenses attributable to a particular product is Product Cost. Product costing is part of controlling module in SAP. Pre-requisites 1. Material Masters of RM, SFG, FG 2. Bill of Materials, Routing, Master Recipe 3. Work centers / Resources or equipment ID’s\ 4. Activity Types 5. Configuration – WIP, Variance, and Settlement 6. […]
The companies which produce products covered under excise even after July 1st, 2017 will continue to furnish the information in the same format provided by the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Amendment Rules, 2017. The companies having their products or services covered under GST may follow the guidance provided in this advisory.
Introduction Hospital organizations have been facing difficulties and challenges in balancing limited resources and costs to provide their demand for services. Medical research has the effect in introduction of modern medical techniques and medicines, which usually causes the increase of consumed costs. Increasing costs of healthcare systems have the growing demands on the public budgets, and also the patient’s expenditures. Many countries start to seek the alternative sources of financing of healthcare systems, because the traditional systems of healthcare insurances are no more sufficient for covering of expansive healthcare services costs.
MCA has issued one notification issued on 20th Dec 2017 which is going to pave the way for alignment of Cost Records with GST records after the implementation of GST.
1. These rules may be called the Companies (cost records and audit) Amendment Rules, 2017. 2. In the Companies (cost records and audit) Rules, 2014 (hereinafter referred to as the principal rules), in rule 2, after clause (f), the following clause shall be inserted and shall be deemed to have been inserted with effect from the 1st day of April, 2016, namely:-
As per provisions of the Cost Audit Report Rules that are in force from time-to-time, a cost auditor is required to comment on the scope and performance of internal audit of cost records. Hence it would tend to mitigate against the proper and dispassionate discharge of his duties if he was also the internal auditor of the company for the same period for which he is conducting the cost audit.
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India vide its communication dated August 11,2017 had requested suggestions/comments on the proposed changes in respect of above rules, last issued titled Companies (cost records and audit) Amendment Rules, 2014 Though the last date of submission of suggestions has already lapsed, the writer wants to draw the attention of cost accountants/chartered accountants and company secretaries on the proposed changes which is intended to be disruptive in nature and provoke new thinking.
Meghalaya Energy Corporation Limited (MeECL) invites Expression of Interest from the Cost Audit firms having Registered Office/Branch Office located in Eastern Region of India for empanelment as Cost Auditors of its three subsidiaries viz., Meghalaya Power Generation Corporation Ltd (MePGCL)
Pursuant to implementation of IndAS, the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014 are to be amended to bring parity between financial records and cost records. Accordingly, the Draft Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Amendment Rules, 2017 have been placed on the Ministry’s website for suggestions/ comments.