Income Tax : Find out everything you need to know about Equalization Levy, including the specified services and e-commerce supplies subject to ...
Income Tax : With globalization, people and corporates venturing abroad for work and to explore foreign markets is common. This brings a need t...
Company Law : Many companies availed benefit of the Companies Fresh Start Scheme (CFSS) 2020 last year. Last year MCA came up with the Companies...
Income Tax : The recent CBDT circular on extension of due date for assessees required to get their accounts audited u/s 44AB has brought to lig...
Income Tax : The income tax department in its latest drive has started de-activating PAN of all income tax assesses who were allotted more than...
These days there is a flurry of new businesses or start-ups being launched. As a start-up, you won’t want to get into a legal tangle especially with a very aggressive tax regime and a long incorporation process. To make sure your new business is handling its regulatory, tax obligations properly, run through these common mistakes that most start-ups make:
The financial year is over and time for filing the income tax return for FY 2014-15/AY15-16 is around the corner. In this situation, following are some important points that every individual must know for filing income tax return this year.
The procedure to close down is dealt with by section 560 of the Companies Act’1956. The sections which deal with the closure of companies under the Companies Act’2013 have not yet been notified therefore the procedure to be followed is that given in section 560 of Companies Act’1956.
The time-limit for revising the returns under the DVAT Act for the financial year 2013-14 Is 31st March’2015 after the amendment in the DVAT Act in 2012 wherein the period prescribed for revising the return under DVAT Act is within financial year following the end of the financial year of tax period to which the original return relates i.e one year from the end of the financial year to which the return relates.
Notice of every change in the registered office of the company is to be filed with the ROC in form INC-22 within 15 days of such change. For the purpose of verification of the situation of the registered office or the verification of change in the registered office of the company, the Govt. has prescribed rule 25 & 27 of the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014
1) Methods of issue of shares: A) Private Placement (Section 42 of the Companies Act’2013, Rule 14) B) Preferential allotment/Preferential offer C) Right Issue D) Conversion of Loan/Debentures into shares. E) Bonus issue
CA Pratik Anand Form ADT-3 is to be filed for resignation by auditor from the company as an auditor within 30 days of resignation. E Form ADT-3 is required to be filed pursuant to Section 140(2) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 8 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014 which are reproduced […]
The CBEC has issued circular No. 990/14/2014-CX-8 dt. 19/11/2014, wherein it has clarified that the cenvat reversed or amount paid for reversal in respect of cenvat credit wrongly availed where the conditions relating to availment of cenvat credit were not fulfilled, can again be claimed as input credit on the fulfilment of prescribed conditions even after six months from the date of issue of a document (i.e invoice challan etc) prescribed under rule 9(1) of Cenvat Credit Rules’2004.
Most of the Companies Filed form ADT-1 as an attachment with form GNL-2 before the e-form ADT-1 was made available by the MCA. Since the Form GNL-2 had no mandatory attachments and also there was no information about the attachments to Form ADT-1, most of the Companies only filed form ADT-1 as an attachment to form GNL-2 and did not file the other attachments.
In a recent change under the Delhi VAT, Objections against any order of the Assessing Officer will only be filed online and manual objections which are not generated from the system will not be accepted. New Procedure for filing objections in DVAT