Income Tax : bogus purchases is a arisen, there has not been a consistent approach of different courts, as facts are not found similar in such ...
Income Tax : ITAT Held that, only 10% of the purchase would be added to the Appellant’s income in case where the Appellant was unable to prov...
Goods and Services Tax : The invoices are called as fake where the GST invoices are raised by an entity without actual supply of goods or services or payme...
Goods and Services Tax : WHAT IS A FAKE INVOICE? Though, Fake Invoice is not defined under Goods & Services Tax Act, 2017. But in general, Fake Invoice...
Income Tax : Maharashtra Sales Tax Department has published ‘List of Suspicious Dealers, who have issued false bills, without delivery of goo...
Goods and Services Tax : DGGI in Gurugram has successfully dismantled a massive network of fake entities involved in fraudulent tax practices. The operatio...
Goods and Services Tax : DGGI Gurugram unmasked an Input Tax Credit fraud operation with 461 shell entities, causing a loss of Rs. 863 crore to exchequer....
Goods and Services Tax : CGST Navi Mumbai arrests one person for availing and passing on fake ITC on bogus invoices On 18th August 2022, the Proprietor/ma...
Goods and Services Tax : CGST Bhiwandi Commissionerate arrests two persons for availing and passing on fake ITC on bogus invoices of Rs. 55 crore Officers ...
Income Tax : Income Tax Department conducts search operations in West Bengal The Income Tax Department initiated search operation in the case o...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi deleted additions made on alleged bogus purchases by Rama Hygienic Products Pvt. Ltd., citing lack of evidence and reli...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai rules on Nickunj Eximp case: Disputes over bogus purchases, demonetization cash deposits, and assessment procedures....
Income Tax : Bombay High Court upholds AO's addition for unverified bogus purchases in PCIT vs. Kanak Impex. Decision based on Section 69C and ...
Income Tax : Bombay High Court rules that profit estimation in bogus purchases does not raise a substantial question of law, dismissing the Inc...
Income Tax : Key ITAT Delhi decision in ACIT Vs Hella India Lighting Ltd.: Analysis of Section 69C addition, expense disallowance, and foreign ...
Goods and Services Tax : The Ministry of Finance, Government of India, recently released Instruction No. 03/2023-GST, dated 14th June, 2023, outlining stri...
Goods and Services Tax : Government of India has noticed instances of fake GST registrations and issuance of bogus invoices leading to revenue loss. A meet...
Goods and Services Tax : Instructions to ensure careful handling of registration, cancellation, and revocation of registration processes for fake taxpayers...
Goods and Services Tax : Our experience shows that the bill traders after getting registrations, issue invoices without supply of goods or services for hug...
Goods and Services Tax : Assessment of return non-filers u/s 62 is done as a measure to ensure filing of return. However, the taxpayers are' detected as no...
Assessing Officer has observed that in response to show-cause notice issued to the assessee specifying the defects noticed in M/s. Agrawal Enterprises, the assessee has simply escaped by saying that it is not their mistake if the seller did not show the cash sales in their books of account. It was further observed by the Assessing Officer that on verification of the copies of account furnished by the assessee, it was noticed that the assessee had claimed to have made cash purchase from M/s. Agrawal Enterprises during the period October 22, 2004 to December 31, 2005 however, verification of the contra confirmation filed by M/s. Agrawal Enterprises, it was noticed that they had not shown such cash in their account.
Section 44AD deems the net profit rate at 8% in cases where accounts are not maintained and turnover is up to Rs. 40.00 lacs. This however, does not mean that profit will lower when the turnover is more than Rs. 40.00 lacs.
Much has been discussed on recent issue about Suspicious Dealers, but rarely has someone analysed Whether Purchases made from such Suspicious Dealers should actually form part of Purchases while preparing Financials. The last updated List of 1277 Suspicious Dealers who has issued false bills without delivery of goods is displayed on Website of Government of Maharashtra – VAT Department since July-12.
We have considered submissions of ld representatives of parties and orders of authorities below. We agree that ld CIT(A) is justified to hold that the entire sales which are unaccounted cannot be the undisclosed income of the assessee. It is a fact that department has not disputed that there is unaccounted purchases. Therefore, all the purchases are accounted for. If the sales are unaccounted, which is outside the books of account, only net profit rate should be taken as income of the assessee, as rightly held by ld CIT(A). Therefore, we uphold the order of ld CIT(A) and reject ground of appeal taken by department.
The AO has simply mentioned in the asstt. Order that on enquiry some of the vehicles shown to have been involved in the supply of seeds have been found to be two-wheelers and cars and not trucks & metadors, but has not given any specific instance. Therefore, the charge made by the AO to this extent cannot be verified by this office. Even otherwise, it is a fact that the vehicle Nos. are being mentioned at the gate-passes by the security staff who are not highly literate and who may write an alphabet of insurance in such a way that any person may read it to be some other alphabet. For example it is quite possible that the gate-keeper writes the alphabets OD on the gate pass which the next record may read as OO or DO or DD for the simple reason that the first person might have written the two alphabets in a near similar fashion. Therefore, no adverse inference can be derived only for the reason of discrepancy in the vehicle numbers
J.R. Solvent Industries (P.) Ltd. v. CIT Section 145 deals with method of accounting. However, under section 145(2) where the Income-tax Officer is not satisfied about the ‘correctness’ or ‘completeness’ of the accounts of the assessee or where no method of accounting has been regularly employed by the assessee then the Income-tax Officer may make best judgment assessment as contemplated by section 144.
Para 2 of the order of Income Tax Settlement Commission dated 24.3.2008 deal with the purchases claimed to have been made by the assessee from M/s Sambhav Steel Distributors. Assessee had clearly admitted before Settlement Commission that the claim of purchase from M/s Sambhav Steel Distributors were all bogus. Additional income of Rs. 9,05,87,044/- relating to assessment years 1999-2000 to 2003-04 was also offered by the assessee before Settlement Commission. Assessee having admitted that the whole of the purchases from M/s Sambhav Steel Distributors was bogus, no reliance could be placed on its claim that there was an advance of Rs. 1,00,92,400/- given by it to M/s Sambhav Steel Distributors. No doubt, assessee had offered Rs. 5,95,43,410/- for assessment year 2004-05 as bogus purchases from M/s Sambhav Steel Distributors before Settlement Commission.
CIT Vs. V R Textiles (Ahmedabad High Court) – On the ground that the entire undisclosed sales could not be treated as profit of the assessee, relying on the judgment of this Court in the case of CIT v. President Industries Limited, [258 ITR 654 (Guj)], it upheld the findings of the CIT [A] which applies the gross profit ratio against the unaccounted sales for the purpose of making additions on account of undisclosed income. The Tribunal also ratified the decision of the CIT [A] in considering the issue of deployment of minimum capital investment for the purpose of making and rotating the sales outside the books of account. For not having found anything contrary to the findings arrived at by the CIT [A] and on cumulatively examining the facts, which were presented before the Tribunal, it upheld the findings of the CIT [A] which applied the gross profit ration as against the undisclosed sales made by the assessee for the purpose of making the additions. Thus, it could be seen from the order of the Tribunal, on proper appreciation of facts and material on record, it concluded the issue in favour of the assessee and against the Revenue. It found sufficient material on record to uphold the findings arrived at by the CIT [A] and for so doing, it had given cogent reasons in its order
Dheeraj Construction and Industries Ltd. Versus CIT – Principle laid down in the case of Mc Dowel and Co. Ltd. (supra), has no application in deciding the dispute involved herein. It is absurd to suggest that even though the finding of fictitious claim is not based on any material discovered during search and seizure, by taking aid of the decision in the case of Mc Dowel and Co. Ltd. (supra), the special rate of tax specified in Section 113 of the Act would be applicable to such assessment instead of the rate fixed for regular assessment.
In the biggest tax evasion fraud of this financial year, the State Excise and Taxation department has unearthed a bogus billing scam to the tune of Rs 656.71 crore by three renowned Ludhiana firms — Singhania International, Shree Vallabh Exports and Krishna Ispat Limited. As per investigations, the firms — all of which deal in […]