Attention of SEBI has been drawn to news items appearing in a section of press wherein certain comments have been made about the pace of investigations completed during the year 2011-12.
From the news items, it is noted that the data of entire years in the past has been compared with a part of the year 2011-12 and distorted inferences have been drawn. The correct position for the last three years is as under:-
Year Cases taken up for investigation Cases completed
2009-10 71 74
2010-11 104 82
2011-12 154 74
As may also be seen, SEBI has initiated more number of investigations during the year 2011-12.
Further, the half yearly break-up of investigation cases completed during the last two years is as under:
Year Cases completed (Apr-Sept) Cases completed (Oct-Mar)
2010-11 14 68
2011-12 4 70