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(Department of Revenue)


New Delhi, the 22nd September, 2016

S.O. 3019(E).-In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (I) read with clause (b) of the Explanation to Section 35 AC of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government, on the recommendation of the National Committee for Promotion of Social and Economic Welfare, under sub-rule (5) of Rule 11M of the Income Tax Rules, 1962 hereby notifies the extension of the projects/schemes for a further period and/or enhanced sanctioned cost for the existing projects/schemes for exemption under section 35 AC of the Income Tax Act, 1961, in respect of the associations and institutions approved by the said National Committee, mentioned in the Table below.


Sl. No Name & address of the Institution Project or Scheme Notification No. and date and sanctioned cost with validity Maximum amount of cost and extended period of approval recommended by the Committee






1 CRY (Child Rights and You), 632, 2nd Floor, Lane No.3, Westend Marg, Saiyad-Ul- Ajaib, New Delhi-110030. CRY supported development project all over India. S.O. 521 (E) dated 14.07.1994 for a period of three years till financial year 1996-1997; For ₹ 425.00 lakh.

S.O. No.388(E) dated 19.5.1997 for a period of three financial years ending till 2000-01 alongwith enhancement in the approved cost from ₹ 425.00 lakh to ₹ 1650.00 lakh;

S.O. 634(E) dated 5.7.2000 for a period of three financial years till 2003-04 alongwith enhancement in the approved cost from ₹ 1650.00 lakh to ₹ 2773.00 lakh;

S.O.692 (E) dated 13.6.2003 for a period of three financial years till 2006-07 alongwith enhancement in the approved cost from “Rs.27.73 crores” to “Rs. 53.73 crores”

S.O. 146(E) dated 3.2.2006 by enhancing the approved cost from “Rs. 53.73 crores” to “Rs.58.73 crores”

S.O. 1415(E) dated 04.09.2006 for a period of three  financial years till 2008-09 along with an enhancement in the project cost from ₹ 58.73 crore to ₹ 120.85 crore

S.O. No.2049 (E) dated 06.08.2009 for three financial years till 2011-12 along with an  enhancement of the project cost from ₹ 120.85 crores to ₹ 188.39 crores, · S.O. 1075 (E) dated 14.05.2012 for three financial years till 2014-15;

S.O No. 662(E) 12.3.2013 enhancement in project cost from ₹ 188.39 crore to ₹ 255.14 crore.

S.O. 1476 (E) dated 4.06.2015 for three financial years till 2017-18.

Till financial year 2016-17 with enhancement in the approved cost of  ₹ 255.14 Crore to ₹ 334.60 crore including corpus fund of ₹ 1.12 crore.
2 Oxfam India, Plot No.1, Community Centre, 2nd Floor, (above Sujan Mahinder Hospital), New Friends Colony, New Delhi 110 025. Oxfam India Humanitarian Response and Disaster Risk reduction. S.O. No. 627(E) dated 12.03.2013 for a period of three financial years till 2014-15. For ₹ 16.98 crore Till financial year 2016-17 without any change in the approved cost of ₹ 16.98 crore. Since the financial year 2015-16 has already lapsed, it is notified that no exemption shall be available for the said financial year 2015-16.
3 Saurashtra Kidney Hospital B.T.Savani Kidney Hospital Near University Gate, University Raod, Rajkot – 360005, Gujarat. B.T. Savani Kidney Hospital. S.O. No. 466(E) dated 29.03.2007 for a period of three financial years till 2009-10; For ₹ 2.96 Crore

S.O. No. 1137(E) dated 17.05.2010 for a period of three financial years till 2012-13 along with an enhancement in the project cost from ₹ 2.96 crore to 3.91 crore ;

S.O. No. 3171(E) dated 17.10.2013 for a period of three financial years till 2015-16 along with an enhancement in the project cost from ₹ 3.91 crore to ₹ 8.50 crore.

Till financial year 2016-17 with enhancement in the approved cost of ₹ 8.50 Crore to ₹ 20.56 Crore.
4 Maharaja Agrasen Medical Education and Scientific Research Society Rauanand Bhawan, 3/5, Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi – 110 002. Construction of Maharaja Agrasen Hospital S.O. No.602(E) dt. 12-08-93 for a period of three financial years till 1995-96; For ₹ 17.57 crore

· S.O. No.94(E)  dated 02-02-1996 for a period of two financial years till 1997-98;

· S.O. No.200(E) dated 12-03-1998 for a period of three financial years till 2000-01 alongwith enhancement in project cost from ₹ 17.57 crore to ₹ 40.00 crore;

· S.O. No.1269 (E) dated 28-12-2001 for a period of three financial years till 2003-04;

S.O. No. 129(E) dated 02-02-2005 for a period of three financial yeas till 2006-07;

S.O. No. 1299(E) dated.4.06.2008 for a period of three financial years till 2009-10;

S.O. No. 651(E)  dated 22.03.2010 for a period of three financial years till 2012-13;

S.O. 3166(E) dated 17.10.2013 for a period of three  financial years till 2015-16.

S.O. No. 93(E) dated 6.01.2015  project cost has further been enhanced from ₹ 40.00 crore to ₹ 154.00 crore

Till financial year 2016-17 without any change in the approved cost of ₹ 154.00 crore.
5 Help Age India C-14, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi – 110016. Medical care to old persons, leprosy and cancer patients, provision of home to old persons, rehabilitation of destitute old women, conductingeye camps. S.O.No.602(E) dated 12.08.1993 for a period of two financial years till 1994-95; For ₹ 12.95 lakh

S.O. No. 17(E) dated 11.11.1994 the project cost was enhanced from ₹ 12.95 lakh to ₹ 1295.00 lakh

S.O.No. 405(E) dated 03.05.1995 for a period of three financial years till 1997-98;

S.O. No.220(E) dated 16.03.1998 for a period of three financial years till 2000-01;

· SO.No.510(E) dated 26.5.2000 the project cost was enhanced from ₹ 1295.00 lakh to ₹ 2000.00 lakh

· SO.No.553(E) dated 20.06.2001 for a period of three  financial years till 2004-05;

SO.No.1046(E) dated 18.10.2001 project cost enhanced from ₹ 2000.00 lakh to ₹ 4000.00 lakh;

· SO.No.82(E) dated 24.01.2005 for a period of three financial years  till 2006-07 with an enhancement from ₹ 40.00 crore to ₹ 65.00 crore;

· SO.No.482(E) dt. 29-3-2007 for a period of three financial years till 2009-10;

· S.O No.2199(E) dated 12.12.2007 the project cost was further enhanced from ₹ 65.00 crore to ₹ 95.00 crore

· S.O No. 2616(E) dated 14.10.2009 the project cost was further enhanced from ₹ 95.00 crore to ₹ 120.00 crore;

· S.O.No. 646(E) dated 22.03.2010 for a period of three financial years till 2012-13;

· S.O.No. 880(E) dated 27.04.2011 the project cost was enhanced from ₹ 120.00 crore to ₹ 170.00 crore;

· S.O.No. 3146(E) dated 17.10.2013 for a period of three financial years till 2015-16 with an enhancement in the project cost from ₹ 170.00 crore to ₹ 270.00 crore.

Till financial year 2016-17 with enhancement in the approved cost of ₹ 270.00 crore to ₹ 450.00 Crore.
6 Vedanta Foundation, Opposite Niranjan Building, Corner of ‘E’ Road, Marine Drive, Mumbai – 400 002 Vedanta Computer Education and Vedanta Bal Shakti Angawadi Project · S.O. No. 1052 (E) dated 11.05.2010 for a period of three financial years till 2012-13; ₹ 31.36 crore.

· S.O. No. 3176(E) dated 17.10.2013 for a period of three financial years till 2015-16.

· S.O. 1052(E) dated 12.11.2015 the project “Vedanta Computer Education’ was renamed as ‘Vedanta Computer Education and Vedanta Bal Shakti Angawadi Project’.

(i) Extension till financial year 2016-17 without any change in the approved cost of ₹ 31.36 crore  (ii) widening the scope of activity under the said project by allowing the Foundation to supply install, commission and demonstrate 2000 nos. of solar power back up for individual households in the peripheral villages of Vedanta Lanigarh Unit, Orissa to help lighten their houses. In addition the Trust is taking up the responsibility of up gradation &  construction of modern Anganwadi centres, which is the service delivery unit established under the ICDS scheme.
7 Bhaorao Deoras Seva Nyas, Saraswati Kunj, Nirala Nagar, Lucknow 226020, U.P. Madhav Seva Ashram (Assistance for medical relief) · S.O. 1649(E) dated 12.7.2010 for a period of three financial years till 2012-13; for ₹ 13.00 crore including ₹ 10.00 crore as corpus fund

· S.O. 486(E) dated 11.2.2015 for a period of three financial years till 2015-16

Till financial year 2016-17 without any change in the approved cost of ₹ 13.00 crore including ₹ 10.00 crore as corpus fund.
8 Society of the Servants of the Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit Hospital, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai 400 093. Holy Spirit Cancer Centre · S.O. No.2545(E) dated 6.10.2009 for a period of two financial years till 2010-11; For ₹ 42.50 crore.

· S.O. No.864(E) dated 27.4.2011 for a period of two financial years till 2012-13;

· S.O.  No.3137(E) dated  17.10.2013 for a period of three financial years till 2015-16.

Till financial year 2016-17 without any change in the approved cost of ₹ 42.50 crore.
9 Shri Ramnarainka Sewa Kendra 717-718, Tulsiani Chambers, 7th floor, Nariman Point Mumbai – 400021 RSK Trust School for People with Disability · S.O. No. 3696(E) dated 18.12.2013 for a period of three financial years till 2015-16. for ₹ 696.43 lakh (i) Extension till financial year 2016-17 without any change in the approved cost of ₹ 696.43 lakh and (ii) widen the scope of activity by renaming the title of the project as “Ramnarainka Sewa Kendra Evam Nand Ghar Pariyojna”.
10 Shree Baldevdas Charitable Trust 18, Ravpura Soceity, Behind Memnagar Fire Station, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-380009. Purchase of Ambulance, Instruments and running of welfare activities (Medical aid/camps, contribution of food grain and cloths) · SO.No.422(E) dated 19.05.1998 for a period of three financial year till 2000-01; For ₹ 75.00 lakh

· SO.No.558(E)  dated 20.06.2001 for a period of three financial years till 2003-04,

· SO.No.788(E) dated 05.07.2004 for a period of three financial year till 2006-07 along with an enhancement in the project cost from ₹ 75.00 lakh to ₹ 175.00 lakh,

· S.O.No. 1801 (E) dated 23.10.2007 for a period of three financial year till 2009-2010 with an enhancement in the project cost from ₹ 175.00 lakh to ₹ 325.00 lakh including a corpus fund of ₹ 30.00 lakh,

· S.O.No.1150(E) dated 17.5.2010 for a period of three financial year till 2012-13,

· S.O. No. 2405(E) dated 18.10.2011 enhancement in the project cost from ₹ 325.00 lakh including a corpus fund of ₹ 30.00 lakh to ₹ 490.00 lakh including a corpus fund of ₹ 30.00 lakh,

· S.O.No.3178(E) dated 17.10.2013 for a period of three financial years till 2015-16.

Till financial year 2016-17 without any change in the approved cost of ₹ 490.00 lakh including a corpus fund of ₹ 30.00 lakh,
11 Jamia Islamia

Ishaatul Uloom,

Amlibari Molgi


A/P, Akkalkuwa,

District Nandurbar,

Maharashtra –425




Hospital and



· S.O. No. 1649 (E) dated 12.07.2010

for a period of three financial years

till 2012-13; For ₹ 32.19 crore

including a corpus fund of ₹ 1


· S.O. No. 3165(E) dated 17.10.2013

for a period of three financial years

till 2015-16

Till financial year 2016-17

without any change in the

approved cost of Rs.

32.19 crore including a

corpus fund of ₹ 1 crore.

12 Sirajul Huda

Educational Complex,

Kuttiadi P.O.,

Kozhikode District,

Kerala State –673



Upgradation and renovation

of existing

institutions in

order to


more incoming

students and to

provide free

education with

free hostel

facilities to the


hailing from



d families of

rural areas

· S.O. No. 614(E) dated 18.3.2010

for a period of three financial years till 2011-12; For ₹ 37.03 crore

· S.O. No. 2407(E) dated 18.10.2011

for three financial years till 2014-15

Till financial year 2016-

17 without any change in the approved cost of Rs.

37.03 crore.

Since the financial year

2015-16 has already

lapsed, it is notified that

no exemption shall be

available for the said

financial year 2015-16

13 Bethlehem Abhaya

Bhavan Charitable




Ernakulam district –

683 544,

Kerala State.


and Expansion

of the Charity

Home for the



· S.O. 1253(E) dated 16.5.2013 for a

period of three financial years till

2015-16. For ₹ 22.43 crore

Till financial year 2016-

17 without any change in

the approved cost of Rs.

22.43 crore.

14 The Victoria

Memorial School for

the Blind,

73, Tardeo Road,

Opp. Film Centre,

Tardeo, Mumbai –

400 034,




School for the


 S.O. No. 3033(E) dated 7.10.2013 for a

period of three financial years till 2015-

16; For ₹ 7.92 crore including corpus

fund ₹ 718.29 lakh

Till financial year 2016-17

without any change in the

approved cost of Rs.

7.92 crore including

corpus fund ₹ 718.29


15 Empathy


405, Krushal



Above shopper’s

Stop, G.M Road,

Chembur (West),

Mumbai 400 089

School Project.



major repairs

of Zila




NGO’s and




· S.O. No.1649 (E) dated 12.07.2010

for a period of three financial years

till 2012-13; For ₹ 7.60 Crore

· 3839(E) dated 27.12.2013 for a

period of three financial years till

2015-16 alongwith an enhancement

in the project cost from ‘Rs.7.60

crore’ to ‘Rs.18.42 crore’

· S.O. No. 451 (E) dated 11.2.2015

enhancement from ‘Rs.18.42 crore’

to ₹ 79.00 crore

Till financial year 2016-17

with permission to spend

up to ₹ 3.00 crore for

construction of Bore wells,

fixing submersible pumps

and installation of water

tanks in rural

Maharashtra out of the

total approved amount of

Rs.79.00 crore.

16 Gram Bharati Samiti


Amber Bhawan,


Jaipur 302028,


A research


testing of

water, soil and


etc.) on the


plan species of


values found

in the Aravalli

region in

district Jaipur

and their use

in Ayurvedic


· S.O. No. 406(E) dated 9.3.2012 for

a period of three financial years till

2014-15; For ₹ 3.40 crore

Till financial year 2016-17

without any change in the

approved cost of Rs.

3.40 Crore.

Since the financial year

2015-16 has already been

lapsed it is notified that no

exemption shall be

available for the said

financial year 2015-16

17 Markazu Ssaquafathi




Door No. K.P.6/561,

Kozhikode district,


Care of

Orphans &


Schemes for

Rural Poor

· S.O. No. 3021 (E) dated 23.12.2010

for a period of three years financial

year till 2012-13; For ₹ 44.05


· S.O. No. 3125 (E) dated 17.10.2013

for a period of three financial years

till 2015-16

Till financial year 2016-17

without any change in the

approved cost of Rs.

44.05 Crore

18 Vishwatmak Jangli

Maharaj Ashram






Post-Jeur Kumbhari,



Maharashtra 414001

Om Gurudev

Rural Hospital

& Research


· S.O. No. 2349 (E) dated 28.09.2010

for a period of three financial years

till 2012-13; For ₹ 7.00 crore

including a corpus fund of Rs.

128.64 lakh

· S.O. No. 3173 (E) dated 17.10.2013

for a period of three financial years

till 2015-16.

Till financial year 2016-

17 without any change in

the approved cost of Rs.

7.00 crore including a

corpus fund of ₹ 128.64


19 The Leprosy

Mission Trust India,

The Leprosy


CNI Bhavan,

16, Pandit Pant


New Delhi – 110001

Supporting the




· S.O. No. 92(E) dated 02.02.1996 for

a period of three financial years till

1997-98; for ₹ 62.00 lakh

· S.O. No. 320(E) dated 11.05.1999

for a period of three financial years

till 2000-01,

· S.O. No. 976(E) dated 10.09.2002

for a period of three financial years

till 2003-04,

· S.O. No. 396(E) dated 23.03.2005

for a period of three financial years

till 2006-07,

· S.O.No.1310(E) dated 04.06.2008

for a period of three financial years

till 2009-10,

· S.O.No. 1151(E) dated 17.5.2010

for a period of three financial years

till 2012-13.

· S.O. No. 2884(E) dated 27.12.2011

the project cost was enhanced from

₹ 62.00 lakh to ₹ 5.00 crore

· S.O.No.3857(E) dated 27.12.2013

for a period of three financial years

till 2015-16.

Till financial year 2016-

17 without any change in

the approved cost of Rs.

5.00 Crore.

20 Late Atmaram

Dongarchand Shah

(Dungekar) Seva


Tal. Karveer


C.S No.2622, A-B,

Near Gokhale


Subhash Road,




Training for


Rural Women,


ip training to

school leavers.

· S.O. 743(E) dated 11.4.2011 for a

period of three financial years till

2013-14. For ₹ 8.14 crore

(including corpus fund of ₹ 80.00


Till financial year 2016-

17 without any change in

the approved cost of Rs.

8.14 Crore (including

corpus fund of ₹ 80.00

lakh). Since the financial

years 2014-15 and 2015-16

has already lapsed, it is

notified that no exemption

shall be available for the

said financial year 2014-15

and 2015-16.

21 Visamo Kids




Bopal, Ahmedabad –


Visamo Kids


· S.O.1370(E) dated 14.6.2011 for a

period of two financial years till

2012-13; For ₹ 38.58 lakh

· S.O. 84(E) 6.1.2015 for a period of

three financial years till 2015-16 alongwith enhancement in project

cost from ₹ 38.58 lakh to ₹ 1.97


Till financial year 2016-17

without any change in the

approved cost of Rs.

1.97 crore.




14, Venugopal

Avenue, Spur Tank


Chetput, Chennai

Tamil Nadu – 600




Urban Leprosy

and TB Centre

· S.O. 3696(E) dated 18.12.2013 for

a period of three financial years till

2015-16. For ₹ 5.88 crore

Till financial year 2016-17

without any change in the

approved cost of Rs.

5.88 crore.

23 Royal Educational


Borli Panchatan,

Taluka Shriwardhan,

District Raigad




and Expansion

of Existing


building for

girls and boys

hostel and



training for


· S.O. No. 1649 (E) dated 12.07.2010

for a period of three financial years

till 2012-13; For ₹ 12.25 crore

including corpus fund of ₹ 2.00


· S.O. No. 3152 (E) dated 17.10.2013

for a period of three financial years

till 2015-16.

Till financial year 2016-17

without any change in the

approved cost of Rs.

12.25 crore including

corpus fund of Rs.


24 Navsari Cancer Care


5th Floor, Aditya


Near Fuwara



Navsari –396445.


Cancer Care




· S. O No. 466(E) dated 29.03.2007

for a period of three financial years

till 2009-10, For ₹ 4.00 crore

· S.O. No.2359(E) dated 29.09.2010

for a period of three financial years

till 2012-13 alongwith an

enhancement in the project cost

from ₹ 4.00 crore to ₹ 18.72

crore including a corpus fund of Rs.

10.00 crore;

· S. O No. 3872(E) dated 27.12.2013

for a period of three financial years

till 2015-16 alongwith enhancement

to ₹ 25.42 crore including a

corpus fund of ₹ 14.00 crore

Till financial year 2016-17

without any change in the

approved cost of Rs.

25.42 crore including a

corpus fund of ₹ 14.00


25 Association for

Advancement and

Rehabilitation of



224, Vasant Enclave,

New Delhi-110057.



furnishing of


Centre for



· S.O.791(E) dated 18-09-1995 for a

period of three financial years till

1997-98. For ₹ 51.00 lakh

including corpus fund of ₹ 30.00


· S.O. 683(E) dated 11-08-98 for a

period of three financial years till


· S.O. 909(E) dated 20-09-2001 for a

period of three financial years till


· S.O.378(E) dated 23-05-2005 for a

period of three financial years till


· S.O.1795(E) dated 23.10.2007 for a

period of three financial years till


· S.O. 865(E) dated 27-04-2011 for a

period of three financial years till


· S.O. 444(E) dated 11.02.2015 for a

period of three financial years till

2015-16 alongwith enhancement in project cost from ₹ 51.00 lakh

including corpus fund of ₹ 30.00

lakh to ₹ 1.20 crore plus a corpus

fund of ₹ 1.20 crore

Till financial year 2016-

17 without any change in

the approved cost of

Rs.1.20 crore plus a

corpus fund of ₹ 1.20


26 Menaba Charitable Trust, 26, Mahavir Jain society,Near Amber Cinema, Bapunagar, Ahmedabad 380024, Gujarat Rehabilitation of physically challenged girls S.O. No. 1030(E) dated 7.5.2012 for a period of three financial years till 2014-15; For ₹ 3.62 crore including corpus fund of ₹ 1.00 crore

·S.O. No. 1584(E) dated 15.6.2015 for a period of three financial years till 2017-18.

Till financial year 2016-17 alongwith enhancement of project cost from 3.62 crore (including corpus fund of ₹ 1 crore) to Rs. 7.10 crore (including corpus fund of ₹ 1 crore).
27 Vedanta Foundation,

Opposite Niranjan Building,

Corner of ‘E’ Road,

Marine Drive,

Mumbai – 400002

College of Management and Information Technology · S.O. 3696(E) dated 18.12.2013 for a period of three financial years till 2015-16 for ₹ 32.08 crore Till financial year 2016-17 without any change in the approved cost of Rs. 32.08 Crore.

Anjali, (Society for Rural Health & Development),Ranasan, Via Harsol, Taluka- Prantij,Sabarkantha –383305, (Gujarat).

Construction of tutorial and children  activity hall/compound wall, equipment, vehicle, furnishing and running of Anjali Hospital, TB centre and children and educational activities at Ranasan, Harsol, Sabarkantha. S.O. 591(E) dated 20.8.1997 for a period of three financial years till 2000-01; For ₹ 33.00 lakh plus a corpus fund of ₹ 25.00 lakh

S.O. 872(E) dated 21.9.2000 for a period of three financial years till 2003-04

S.O. 350(E) dated 31.3.2003 for a period of three financial years till 2006-07;

S.O. 1003(E) dated  05.07.2006 for a period of three financial years till 2008-09 the project cost was enhanced from ₹ 33.00 lakh plus a corpus fund of ₹ 25.00 lakh to Rs. 171.00 lakh including a corpus fund of ₹ 25.00 lakh;

S.O. No. 241(E) dated 21.01.2009 for a period of three financial years till 2011-12;

S.O. No.1140 (E) dated 18.05.2010, the project cost was enhanced from ₹ 171.00 lacs including a corpus fund of ₹ 25.00 lakh to ₹ 571.00 lakh including a corpus fund of Rs. 25.00 lakh;

S.O. No.1092(E) dated 14.5.2012 for a period of three financial years till 2014-15;

S.O. No.1955(E) dated 20.7.2015 for a period of three financial years till 2017-18.

Till financial year 2016-

17 with enhancement in

the approved cost of Rs.

571.00 lakh (including a

corpus fund of ₹ 25.00

lakh) to ₹ 626.00 lakh

(including a corpus fund

of ₹ 25.00 lakh).

II. This notification shall remain in force for the period of and in relation to financial year in respect of the projects or schemes mentioned above against the respective institutions/projects.

III. The exemption u/s 35AC will not apply to the funds received under Schedule VII of the Section 135 of the Companies Act and Companies (CSR) Rules, 2014.

[ F.No.V.27015/4/2016-SO (NAT.COM)]

S. R. SHARMA, Director (National Committee)


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