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(Legislative Department)

New Delhi, the 1st August, 2019

The following Act of Parliament received the assent of the President on the 1st August, 2019, and is hereby published for general information:—


NO. 23 OF 2019

[1st August, 2019.]

An Act to give effect to the financial proposals of the Central Government for the financial year 2019-2020.

BE it enacted by Parliament in the Seventieth Year of the Republic of India as follows:—


1. Short title and commencement.

(1) This Act may be called the Finance (No. 2) Act, 2019.

(2) Save as otherwise provided in this Act,—

(a) sections 2 to 69 shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of April, 2019;

(b) sections 92 to 112 and section 114 shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint.


2. Income-tax.

(1) Subject to the provisions of sub-sections (2) and (3), for the assessment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2019, income-tax shall be charged at the rates specified in Part I of the First Schedule and such tax shall be increased by a surcharge, for the purposes of the Union, calculated in each case in the manner provided therein.

(2) In the cases to which Paragraph A of Part I of the First Schedule applies, where the assessee has, in the previous year, any net agricultural income exceeding five thousand rupees, in addition to total income, and the total income exceeds two lakh fifty thousand rupees, then,—

(a) the net agricultural income shall be taken into account, in the manner provided in clause (b) [that is to say, as if the net agricultural income were comprised in the total income after the first two lakh fifty thousand rupees of the total income but without being liable to tax], only for the purpose of charging income-tax in respect of the total income; and

(b) the income-tax chargeable shall be calculated as follows:—

(i) the total income and the net agricultural income shall be aggregated and the amount of income-tax shall be determined in respect of the aggregate income at the rates specified in the said Paragraph A, as if such aggregate income were the total income;

(ii) the net agricultural income shall be increased by a sum of two lakh fifty thousand rupees, and the amount of income-tax shall be determined in respect of the net agricultural income as so increased at the rates specified in the said Paragraph A, as if the net agricultural income as so increased were the total income;

(iii) the amount of income-tax determined in accordance with sub-clause (i) shall be reduced by the amount of income-tax determined in accordance with sub-clause (ii) and the sum so arrived at shall be the income-tax in respect of the total income:

Provided that in the case of every individual, being a resident in India, who is of the age of sixty years or more but less than eighty years at any time during the previous year, referred to in item (II) of Paragraph A of Part I of the First Schedule, the provisions of this sub-section shall have effect as if for the words “two lakh fifty thousand rupees”, the words “three lakh rupees” had been substituted:

Provided further that in the case of every individual, being a resident in India, who is of the age of eighty years or more at any time during the previous year, referred to in item (III) of Paragraph A of Part I of the First Schedule, the provisions of this sub-section shall have effect as if for the words “two lakh fifty thousand rupees”, the words “five lakh rupees” had been substituted.

(3) In cases to which the provisions of Chapter XII or Chapter XII-A or section 115JB or section 115JC or Chapter XII-FA or Chapter XII-FB or sub-section (1A) of section 161 or section 164 or section 164A or section 167B of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (hereinafter referred to as the Income-tax Act) apply, the tax chargeable shall be determined as provided in that Chapter or that section, and with reference to the rates imposed by sub-section (1) or the rates as specified in that Chapter or section, as the case may be:

Provided that the amount of income-tax computed in accordance with the provisions of section 111A or section 112 or section 112A of the Income-tax Act shall be increased by a surcharge, for the purposes of the Union, as provided in Paragraph A, B, C, D or E, as the case may be, of Part I of the First Schedule:

Provided further that in respect of any income chargeable to tax under section 115A, 115AB, 115AC, 115ACA, 115AD, 115B, 115BA, 115BB, 115BBA, 115BBC, 115BBD, 115BBDA, 115BBF, 115BBG, 115E, 115JB or 115JC of the Income-tax Act, the amount of income-tax computed under this sub-section shall be increased by a surcharge, for the purposes of the Union, calculated,—

(a) in the case of every individual or Hindu undivided family or association of persons or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, or every artificial juridical person referred to in sub-clause (vii) of clause (31) of section 2 of the Income-tax Act,—

(i) having a total income exceeding fifty lakh rupees but not exceeding one crore rupees, at the rate of ten per cent. of such income-tax; and

(ii) having a total income exceeding one crore rupees, at the rate of fifteen per cent. of such income-tax;

(b) in the case of every co-operative society or firm or local authority, at the rate of twelve per cent. of such income-tax, where the total income exceeds one crore rupees;

(c) in the case of every domestic company,—

(i) at the rate of seven per cent. of such income-tax, where the total income exceeds one crore rupees but does not exceed ten crore rupees;

(ii) at the rate of twelve per cent. of such income-tax, where the total income exceeds ten crore rupees;

(d) in the case of every company, other than a domestic company,—

(i) at the rate of two per cent. of such income-tax, where the total income exceeds one crore rupees but does not exceed ten crore rupees;

(ii) at the rate of five per cent. of such income-tax, where the total income exceeds ten crore rupees:

Provided also that in the case of persons mentioned in (a) above, having total income chargeable to tax under section 115JC of the Income-tax Act, and such income exceeds,—

(i) fifty lakh rupees but does not exceed one crore rupees, the total amount payable as income-tax and surcharge thereon shall not exceed the total amount payable as income-tax on a total income of fifty lakh rupees by more than the amount of income that exceeds fifty lakh rupees;

(ii) one crore rupees, the total amount payable as income-tax and surcharge thereon shall not exceed the total amount payable as income tax and surcharge on a total income of one crore rupees by more than the amount of income that exceeds one crore rupees:

Provided also that in the case of persons mentioned in (b) above, having total income chargeable to tax under section 115JC of the Income tax Act, and such income exceeds one crore rupees, the total amount payable as income-tax on such income and surcharge thereon shall not exceed the total amount payable as income-tax on a total income of one crore rupees by more than the amount of income that exceeds one crore rupees:

Provided also that in the case of every company having total income chargeable to tax under section 115JB of the Income-tax Act, and such income exceeds one crore rupees but does not exceed ten crore rupees, the total amount payable as income-tax on such income and surcharge thereon, shall not exceed the total amount payable as income-tax on a total income of one crore rupees by more than the amount of income that exceeds one crore rupees:

Provided also that in the case of every company having total income chargeable to tax under section 115JB of the Income-tax Act, and such income exceeds ten crore rupees, the total amount payable as income-tax on such income and surcharge thereon, shall not exceed the total amount payable as income-tax and surcharge on a total income of ten crore rupees by more than the amount of income that exceeds ten crore rupees:

Provided also that in respect of any income chargeable to tax under clause (i) of sub-section (1) of section 115BBE of the Income-tax Act, the amount of income-tax computed under this sub-section shall be increased by a surcharge, for the purposes of the Union, calculated at the rate of twenty-five per cent. of such income-tax.

(4) In cases in which tax has to be charged and paid under sub-section (2A) of section 92CE or section 115-O or section 115QA or sub-section (2) of section 115R or section 115TA or section 115TD of the Income-tax Act, the tax shall be charged and paid at the rates as specified in those sections and shall be increased by a surcharge, for the purposes of the Union, calculated at the rate of twelve per cent. of such tax.

(5) In cases in which tax has to be deducted under sections 193, 194, 194A, 194B, 194BB, 194D, 194LBA, 194LBB, 194LBC and 195 of the Income-tax Act, at the rates in force, the deductions shall be made at the rates specified in Part II of the First Schedule and shall be increased by a surcharge, for the purposes of the Union, calculated in cases wherever prescribed, in the manner provided therein.

(6) In cases in which tax has to be deducted under sections 192A, 194C, 194DA, 194E, 194EE, 194F, 194G, 194H, 194-I, 194-IA, 194-IB, 194-IC, 194J, 194LA, 194LB, 194LBA, 194LBB, 194LBC, 194LC, 194LD, 194M, 194N, 196B, 196C and 196D of the Income-tax Act, the deductions shall be made at the rates specified in those sections and shall be increased by a surcharge, for the purposes of the Union,—

(a) in the case of every individual or Hindu undivided family or association of persons or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, or every artificial juridical person referred to in sub-clause (vii) of clause (31) of section 2 of the Income-tax Act, being a non-resident, calculated,—

(i) at the rate of ten per cent. of such tax, where the income or the aggregate of such incomes paid or likely to be paid and subject to the deduction exceeds fifty lakh rupees but does not exceed one crore rupees;

(ii) at the rate of fifteen per cent. of such tax, where the income or the aggregate of such incomes paid or likely to be paid and subject to the deduction exceeds one crore rupees but does not exceed two crore rupees;

(iii) at the rate of twenty-five per cent. of such tax, where the income or the aggregate of such incomes paid or likely to be paid and subject to the deduction exceeds two crore rupees but does not exceed five crore rupees;

(iv) at the rate of thirty-seven per cent. of such tax, where the income or the aggregate of such incomes paid or likely to be paid and subject to the deduction exceeds five crore rupees;

(b) in the case of every co-operative society or firm, being a non-resident, calculated at the rate of twelve per cent. of such tax, where the income or the aggregate of such incomes paid or likely to be paid and subject to the deduction exceeds one crore rupees;

(c) in the case of every company, other than a domestic company, calculated,—

(i) at the rate of two per cent. of such tax, where the income or the aggregate of such incomes paid or likely to be paid and subject to the deduction exceeds one crore rupees but does not exceed ten crore rupees;

(ii) at the rate of five per cent. of such tax, where the income or the aggregate of such incomes paid or likely to be paid and subject to the deduction exceeds ten crore rupees.

(7) In cases in which tax has to be collected under the proviso to section 194B of the Income-tax Act, the collection shall be made at the rates specified in Part II of the First Schedule, and shall be increased by a surcharge, for the purposes of the Union, calculated, in cases wherever prescribed, in the manner provided therein.

(8) In cases in which tax has to be collected under section 206C of the Income-tax Act, the collection shall be made at the rates specified in that section and shall be increased by a surcharge, for the purposes of the Union,—

(a) in the case of every individual or Hindu undivided family or association of persons or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, or every artificial juridical person referred to in sub-clause (vii) of clause (31) of section 2 of the Income-tax Act, being a non-resident, calculated,—

(i) at the rate of ten per cent. of such tax, where the amount or the aggregate of such amounts collected and subject to the collection exceeds fifty lakh rupees but does not exceed one crore rupees;

(ii) at the rate of fifteen per cent. of such tax, where the amount or the aggregate of such amounts collected and subject to the collection exceeds one crore rupees but does not exceed two crore rupees;

(iii) at the rate of twenty-five per cent. of such tax, where the income or the aggregate of such incomes paid or likely to be paid and subject to the collection exceeds two crore rupees but does not exceed five crore rupees;

(iv) at the rate of thirty-seven per cent. of such tax, where the income or the aggregate of such incomes paid or likely to be paid and subject to the deduction exceeds five crore rupees;

(b) in the case of every co-operative society or firm, being a non-resident, calculated at the rate of twelve per cent. of such tax, where the amount or the aggregate of such amounts collected and subject to the collection exceeds one crore rupees;

(c) in the case of every company, other than a domestic company, calculated,—

(i) at the rate of two per cent. of such tax, where the amount or the aggregate of such amounts collected and subject to the collection exceeds one crore rupees but does not exceed ten crore rupees;

(ii) at the rate of five per cent. of such tax, where the amount or the aggregate of such amounts collected and subject to the collection exceeds ten crore rupees.

(9) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (10), in cases in which income-tax has to be charged under sub-section (4) of section 172 or sub-section (2) of section 174 or section 174A or section 175 or sub-section (2) of section 176 of the Income-tax Act or deducted from, or paid on, income chargeable under the head “Salaries” under section 192 of the said Act or in which the “advance tax” payable under Chapter XVII-C of the said Act has to be computed at the rate or rates in force, such income-tax or, as the case may be, “advance tax” shall be charged, deducted or computed at the rate or rates specified in Part III of the First Schedule and such tax shall be  increased by a surcharge, for the purposes of the Union, calculated in such cases and in such manner as provided therein:

Provided that in cases to which the provisions of Chapter XII or Chapter XII-A or section 115JB or section 115JC or Chapter XII-FA or Chapter XII-FB or sub-section (1A) of section 161 or section 164 or section 164A or section 167B of the Income-tax Act apply, “advance tax” shall be computed with reference to the rates imposed by this sub-section or the rates as specified in that Chapter or section, as the case may be:

Provided further that the amount of “advance tax” computed in accordance with the provisions of section 111A or section 112 or section 112A of the Income-tax Act shall be increased by a surcharge, for the purposes of the Union, as provided in Paragraph A, B, C, D or E, as the case may be, of Part III of the First Schedule:

Provided also that in respect of any income chargeable to tax under section 115A, 115AB, 115AC, 115ACA, 115AD, 115B, 115BA, 115BB, 115BBA, 115BBC, 115BBD, 115BBDA, 115BBF, 115BBG, 115E, 115JB or 115JC of the Income-tax Act, “advance tax” computed under the first proviso shall be increased by a surcharge, for the purposes of the Union, calculated,—

(a) in the case of every individual or Hindu undivided family or association of persons or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, or every artificial juridical person referred to in sub-clause (vii) of clause (31) of section 2 of the Income-tax Act,—

(i) at the rate of ten per cent. of such “advance tax”, where the total income exceeds fifty lakh rupees but does not exceed one crore rupees;

(ii) at the rate of fifteen per cent. of such “advance tax”, where the total income exceeds one crore rupees but does not exceed two crore rupees;

(iii) at the rate of twenty-five per cent. of such “advance tax”, where the total income exceeds two crore rupees but does not exceed five crore rupees;

(iv) at the rate of thirty-seven per cent. of such “advance tax”, where the total income exceeds five crore rupees;

(b) in the case of every co-operative society or firm or local authority at the rate of twelve per cent. of such “advance tax”, where the total income exceeds one crore rupees;

(c) in the case of every domestic company,—

(i) at the rate of seven per cent. of such “advance tax”, where the total income exceeds one crore rupees but does not exceed ten crore rupees;

(ii) at the rate of twelve per cent. of such “advance tax”, where the total income exceeds ten crore rupees;

(d) in the case of every company, other than a domestic company,—

(i) at the rate of two per cent. of such “advance tax”, where the total income exceeds one crore rupees but does not exceed ten crore rupees;

(ii) at the rate of five per cent. of such “advance tax”, where the total income exceeds ten crore rupees:

Provided also that in the case of persons mentioned in (a) above, having total income chargeable to tax under section 115JC of the Income-tax Act, and such income exceeds,—

(a) fifty lakh rupees but does not exceed one crore rupees, the total amount payable as “advance tax” on such income and surcharge thereon shall not exceed the total amount payable as “advance tax” on a total income of fifty lakh rupees by more than the amount of income that exceeds fifty lakh rupees;

(b) one crore rupees but does not exceed two crore rupees, the total amount payable as “advance tax” on such income and surcharge thereon shall not exceed the total amount payable as “advance tax” on a total income of one crore rupees by more than the amount of income that exceeds one crore rupees;

(c) two crore rupees but does not exceed five crore rupees, the total amount payable as “advance tax” on such income and surcharge thereon shall not exceed the total amount payable as “advance tax” on a total income of two crore rupees by more than the amount of income that exceeds two crore rupees;

(d) five crore rupees, the total amount payable as “advance tax” on such income and surcharge thereon shall not exceed the total amount payable as “advance tax” on a total income of five crore rupees by more than the amount of income that exceeds five crore rupees:

Provided also that in the case of persons mentioned in (b) above, having total income chargeable to tax under section 115JC of the Income-tax Act, and such income exceeds one crore rupees, the total amount payable as “advance tax” on such income and surcharge thereon shall not exceed the total amount payable as “advance tax” on a total income of one crore rupees by more than the amount of income that exceeds one crore rupees:

Provided also that in the case of every company having total income chargeable to tax under section 115JB of the Income-tax Act, and such income exceeds one crore rupees but does not exceed ten crore rupees, the total amount payable as “advance tax” on such income and surcharge thereon, shall not exceed the total amount payable as “advance tax” on a total income of one crore rupees by more than the amount of income that exceeds one crore rupees:

Provided also that in the case of every company having total income chargeable to tax under section 115JB of the Income-tax Act, and such income exceeds ten crore rupees, the total amount payable as “advance tax” on such income and surcharge thereon, shall not exceed the total amount payable as “advance tax” and surcharge on a total income of ten crore rupees by more than the amount of income that exceeds ten crore rupees:

Provided also that in respect of any income chargeable to tax under clause (i) of sub-section (1) of section 115BBE of the Income-tax Act, the “advance tax” computed under the first proviso shall be increased by a surcharge, for the purposes of the Union, calculated at the rate of twenty-five per cent. of such “advance tax”.

(10) In cases to which Paragraph A of Part III of the First Schedule applies, where the assessee has, in the previous year or, if by virtue of any provision of the Income-tax Act, income-tax is to be charged in respect of the income of a period other than the previous year, in such other period, any net agricultural income exceeding five thousand rupees, in addition to total income and the total income exceeds two lakh fifty thousand rupees, then, in charging income-tax under sub-section (2) of section 174 or section 174A or section 175 or sub-section (2) of section 176 of the said Act or in computing the “advance tax” payable under Chapter XVII-C of the said Act, at the rate or rates in force,—

(a) the net agricultural income shall be taken into account, in the manner provided in clause (b) [that is to say, as if the net agricultural income were comprised in the total income after the first two lakh fifty thousand rupees of the total income but without being liable to tax], only for the purpose of charging or computing such income-tax or, as the case may be, “advance tax” in respect of the total income; and

(b) such income-tax or, as the case may be, “advance tax” shall be so charged or computed as follows:—

(i) the total income and the net agricultural income shall be aggregated and the amount of income-tax or “advance tax” shall be determined in respect of the aggregate income at the rates specified in the said Paragraph A, as if such aggregate income were the total income;

(ii) the net agricultural income shall be increased by a sum of two lakh fifty thousand rupees, and the amount of income-tax or “advance tax” shall be determined in respect of the net agricultural income as so increased at the rates specified in the said Paragraph A, as if the net agricultural income were the total income;

(iii) the amount of income-tax or “advance tax” determined in accordance with sub-clause (i) shall be reduced by the amount of income-tax or, as the case may be, “advance tax” determined in accordance with sub-clause (ii) and the sum so arrived at shall be the income-tax or, as the case may be, “advance tax” in respect of the total income:

Provided that in the case of every individual, being a resident in India, who is of the age of sixty years or more but less than eighty years at any time during the previous year, referred to in item (II) of Paragraph A of Part III of the First Schedule, the provisions of this sub-section shall have effect as if for the words “two lakh fifty thousand rupees”, the words “three lakh rupees” had been substituted:

Provided further that in the case of every individual, being a resident in India, who is of the age of eighty years or more at any time during the previous year, referred to in item (III) of Paragraph A of Part III of the First Schedule, the provisions of this sub-section shall have effect as if for the words “two lakh fifty thousand rupees”, the words “five lakh rupees” had been substituted:

Provided also that the amount of income-tax or “advance tax” so arrived at, shall be increased by a surcharge for the purposes of the Union, calculated in each case, in the manner provided therein.

(11) The amount of income-tax as specified in sub-sections (1) to (3) and as increased by the applicable surcharge, for the purposes of the Union, calculated in the manner provided therein, shall be further increased by an additional surcharge, for the purposes of the Union, to be called the “Health and Education Cess on income-tax”, calculated at the rate of four per cent. of such income-tax and surcharge so as to fulfil the commitment of the Government to provide and finance quality health services and universalised quality basic education and secondary and higher education.

(12) The amount of income-tax as specified in sub-sections (4) to (10) and as increased by the applicable surcharge, for the purposes of the Union, calculated in the manner provided therein, shall be further increased by an additional surcharge, for the purposes of the Union, to be called the “Health and Education Cess on income-tax”, calculated at the rate of four per cent. of such income-tax and surcharge so as to fulfil the commitment of the Government to provide and finance quality health services and universalised quality basic education and secondary and higher education:

Provided that nothing contained in this sub-section shall apply to cases in which tax is to be deducted or collected under the sections of the Income-tax Act mentioned in sub-sections (5), (6), (7) and (8), if the income subjected to deduction of tax at source or collection of tax at source is paid to a domestic company and any other person who is resident in India.

(13) For the purposes of this section and the First Schedule,—

(a) “domestic company” means an Indian company or any other company which, in respect of its income liable to income-tax under the Income-tax Act, for the assessment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2019, has made the prescribed arrangements for the declaration and payment within India of the dividends (including dividends on preference shares) payable out of such income;

(b) “insurance commission” means any remuneration or reward, whether by way of commission or otherwise, for soliciting or procuring insurance business (including business relating to the continuance, renewal or revival of policies of insurance);

(c) “net agricultural income” in relation to a person, means the total amount of agricultural income, from whatever source derived, of that person computed in accordance with the rules contained in Part IV of the First Schedule;

(d) all other words and expressions used in this section and the First Schedule but not defined in this sub-section and defined in the Income-tax Act shall have the meanings, respectively, assigned to them in that Act.


3. Amendment of section 2.

In section 2 of the Income-tax Act, in clause (19AA), in sub-clause (iii), the following proviso shall be inserted with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020, namely:—

“Provided that the provisions of this sub-clause shall not apply where the resulting company records the value of the property and the liabilities of the undertaking or undertakings at a value different from the value appearing in the books of account of the demerged company, immediately before the demerger, in compliance to the Indian Accounting Standards specified in Annexure to the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015;”.

4. Amendment of section 9.

In section 9 of the Income-tax Act, in sub-section (1), after clause (vii), the following clause shall be inserted with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020, namely:––

“(viii) income arising outside India, being any sum of money referred to in sub-clause (xviia) of clause (24) of section 2, paid on or after the 5th day of July, 2019 by a person resident in India to a non-resident, not being a company, or to a foreign company.”.

5. Amendment of section 9A.

In section 9A of the Income-tax Act, in sub-section (3),––

(i) in clause (j), in the first proviso, for the words “at the end of such previous year”, the words “at the end of a period of six months from the last day of the month of its establishment or incorporation, or at the end of such previous year, whichever is later” shall be substituted;

(ii) in clause (m), for the words “the arm’s length price of the said activity”, the words “the amount calculated in such manner as may be prescribed” shall be substituted.

6. Amendment of section 10.

In section 10 of the Income-tax Act,––

(I) after clause (4B), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:––

“(4C) any income by way of interest payable to a non-resident, not being a company, or to a foreign company, by any Indian company or business trust in respect of monies borrowed from a source outside India by way of issue of rupee denominated bond, as referred to in clause (ia) of sub-section (2) of section 194LC, during the period beginning from the 17th day of September, 2018 and ending on the 31st day of March, 2019;”;

(II) after clause (4C) as so inserted, the following shall be inserted with effect from 1st day of April, 2020, namely:—

‘(4D) any income accrued or arisen to, or received by a specified fund as a result of transfer of capital asset referred to in clause (viiab) or section 47, on a recognised stock exchange located in any International Financial Services Centre and where the consideration for such transaction is paid or payable in convertible foreign exchange, to the extent such income accrued or arisen to, or is received in respect of units held by a non-resident.

Explanation.—For the purposes of this clause, the expression—

(a) “convertible foreign exchange” means foreign exchange which is for the time being treated by the Reserve Bank of India as convertible foreign exchange for the purposes of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and the rules made there under;

(b) “manager” shall have the meaning assigned to it in clause (q) of subregulation (1) of regulation 2 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment Fund) Regulations, 2012, made under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992;

(c) “specified fund” means a fund established or incorporated in India in the form of a trust or a company or a limited liability partnership or a body corporate,—

(i) which has been granted a certificate of registration as a Category III Alternative Investment Fund and is regulated under the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment Fund) Regulations, 2012, made under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992;

(ii) which is located in any International Financial Services Centre;

(iii) of which all the units are held by non-residents other than unit held by a sponsor or manager;

(d) “sponsor” shall have the meaning assigned to it in clause (w) of subregulation (1) of regulation 2 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment Fund) Regulations, 2012, made under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992;

(e) “trust” means a trust established under the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 or under any other law for the time being in force;

(f) “unit” means beneficial interest of an investor in the fund and shall include shares or partnership interest;

(III) with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020,––

(a) in clause (12A), for the words “forty per cent.”, the words “sixty per cent.” shall be substituted;

(b) in clause (15), after sub-clause (viii), the following sub-clause shall be inserted, namely:—

‘(ix) any income by way of interest payable to a non-resident by a unit located in an International Financial Services Centre in respect of monies borrowed by it on or after the 1st day of September, 2019.

Explanation.—For the purposes of this sub-clause,—

(a) “International Financial Services Centre” shall have the meaning assigned to it in clause (q) of section 2 of the Special Economic Zones Act, 2005;

(b) “unit” shall have the meaning assigned to it in clause (zc) of section 2 of the Special Economic Zones Act, 2005;’;

(IV) in clause (23C), with effect from the 1st day of September, 2019,—

(a) in the second proviso, for the words “and the prescribed authority”, the words “and the compliance of such requirements under any other law for the time being in force by such fund or trust or institution or any university or other educational institution or any hospital or other medical institutions, as the case may be, as are material for the purpose of achieving its objects and the prescribed authority,” shall be substituted;

(b) in the fifteenth proviso, for the portion beginning with “(ii) the activities of such fund” and ending with “was notified or approved,”, the following shall be substituted, namely:—

“(ii) the activities of such fund or institution or trust or any university or other educational institution or any hospital or other medical institution

(A) are not genuine; or

(B) are not being carried out in accordance with all or any of the conditions subject to which it was notified or approved; or

(iii) such fund or institution or trust or any university or other educational institution or any hospital or other medical institution has not complied with the requirement of any other law for the time being in force, and the order, direction or decree, by whatever name called, holding that such non-compliance has occurred, has either not been disputed or has attained finality,’;

(V) in clause (34A), the brackets and words “(not being listed on a recognised stock exchange)” shall be omitted with effect from the 5th day of July, 2019.

7. Amendment of section 12AA.

In section 12AA of the Income-tax Act, with effect from the 1st day of September, 2019,––

(I) in sub-section (1),––

(i) for clause (a), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:––

“(a) call for such documents or information from the trust or institution as he thinks necessary in order to satisfy himself about,––

(i) the genuineness of activities of the trust or institution; and

(ii) the compliance of such requirements of any other law for the time being in force by the trust or institution as are material for the purpose of achieving its objects,

and may also make such inquiries as he may deem necessary in this behalf; and”;

(ii) in clause (b), after the words “genuineness of its activities”, the words, brackets, figures and letter “as required under sub-clause (i) of clause (a) and compliance of the requirements under sub-clause (ii) of the said clause” shall be inserted;

(II) in sub-section (4), for the portion beginning with the words “the activities of the trust or the institution” and ending with the words “cancel the registration of such trust or institution”, the following shall be substituted, namely:––

“(a) the activities of the trust or the institution are being carried out in a manner that the provisions of sections 11 and 12 do not apply to exclude either whole or any part of the income of such trust or institution due to operation of sub-section (1) of section 13; or

(b) the trust or institution has not complied with the requirement of any other law, as referred to in sub-clause (ii) of clause (a) of sub-section (1), and the order, direction or decree, by whatever name called, holding that such non-compliance has occurred, has either not been disputed or has attained finality,

then, the Principal Commissioner or the Commissioner may, by an order in writing, cancel the registration of such trust or institution”.

8. Amendment of section 13A.

In section 13A of the Income-tax Act, in the first proviso, in clause (d), for the words “bank account”, the words “bank account or through such other electronic mode as may be prescribed” shall be substituted with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020.

9. Amendment of section 35AD.

In section 35AD of the Income-tax Act, in sub-section (8), in clause (f), for the words “bank account”, the words “bank account or through such other electronic mode as may be prescribed” shall be substituted with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020.

10. Amendment of section 40.

In section 40 of the Income-tax Act, in clause (a), with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020,––

(a) in sub-clause (i), after the proviso, the following proviso shall be inserted, namely:––

“Provided further that where an assessee fails to deduct the whole or any part of the tax in accordance with the provisions of Chapter XVII-B on any such sum but is not deemed to be an assessee in default under the first proviso to sub-section (1) of section 201, then, for the purposes of this sub-clause, it shall be deemed that the assessee has deducted and paid the tax on such sum on the date of furnishing of return of income by the payee referred to in the said proviso;”;

(b) in sub-clause (ia), in the second proviso, the word “resident” shall be omitted.

11. Amendment of section 40A.

In section 40A of the Income-tax Act, with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020,––

(i) for the words “bank account” wherever they occur, the words “bank account or through such other electronic mode as may be prescribed” shall be substituted;

(ii) in sub-section (4), after the words “such cheque or draft or electronic clearing system”, the words “or such other electronic mode as may be prescribed” shall be inserted.

12. Amendment of section 43.

In section 43 of the Income-tax Act, in clause (1), in the second proviso, for the words “bank account”, the words “bank account or through such other electronic mode as may be prescribed” shall be substituted with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020.

13. Amendment of section 43B.

In section 43B of the Income-tax Act, with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020,––

(i) after clause (d), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:––

“(da) any sum payable by the assessee as interest on any loan or borrowing from a deposit taking non-banking financial company or systemically important non-deposit taking non-banking financial company, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement governing such loan or borrowing, or”;

(ii) after Explanation 3A, the following Explanation shall be inserted, namely:–

“Explanation 3AA.—For the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that where a deduction in respect of any sum referred to in clause (da) is allowed in computing the income referred to in section 28, of the previous year (being a previous year relevant to the assessment year commencing on the 1st day of April, 2019, or any earlier assessment year) in which the liability to pay such sum was incurred by the assessee, the assessee shall not be entitled to any deduction under this section in respect of such sum in computing the income of the previous year in which the sum is actually paid by him.”;

(iii) after Explanation 3C, the following Explanation shall be inserted, namely:—

“Explanation 3CA.—For the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that a deduction of any sum, being interest payable under clause (da), shall be allowed if such interest has been actually paid and any interest referred to in that clause which has been converted into a loan or borrowing shall not be deemed to have been actually paid.”;

(iv) in Explanation 4, after clause (d), the following clauses shall be inserted, namely:––

‘(e) “deposit taking non-banking financial company” means a non-banking financial company which is accepting or holding public deposits and is registered with the Reserve Bank of India under the provisions of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934;

(f) “non-banking financial company” shall have the meaning assigned to it in clause (f) of section 45-I of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934;

(g) “systemically important non-deposit taking non-banking financial company” means a non-banking financial company which is not accepting or holding public deposits and having total assets of not less than five hundred crore rupees as per the last audited balance sheet and is registered with the Reserve Bank of India under the provisions of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.’

14. Amendment of section 43CA.

In section 43CA of the Income-tax Act, in sub-section (4), for the words “bank account”, the words “bank account or through such other electronic mode as may be prescribed” shall be substituted with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020.

15. Amendment of section 43D.

In section 43D of the Income-tax Act, with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020,––

(i) in clause (a), after the words “State industrial investment corporation”, the words “or a deposit taking non-banking financial company or a systemically important non-deposit taking non-banking financial company” shall be inserted;

(ii) in the long line, after the words “State industrial investment corporation or”, the words “a deposit taking non-banking financial company or a systemically important non-deposit taking non-banking financial company or” shall be inserted;

(iii) in the Explanation, after clause (g), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:––

‘(h) the expressions “deposit taking non-banking financial company”, “non-banking financial company” and “systemically important non-deposit taking non-banking financial company” shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in clauses (e), (f) and (g) of Explanation 4 to section 43B.’.

16. Amendment of section 44AD.

In section 44AD of the Income-tax Act, in sub-section (1), in the proviso, for the words “bank account”, the words “bank account or through such other electronic mode as may be prescribed” shall be substituted with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020.

17. Amendment of section 47.

In section 47 of the Income-tax Act, in clause (viiab), with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020,––

(A) for sub-clause (c), the following sub-clauses shall be substituted, namely:—

“(c) derivative; or

(d) such other securities as may be notified by the Central Government in this behalf,”;

(B) in the Explanation, after clause (c), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:—

‘(d) “securities” shall have the meaning assigned to it in clause (h) of section 2 of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956;’.

18. Amendment of section 50C

In section 50C of the Income-tax Act, in sub-section (1), in the second proviso, for the words “bank account”, the words “bank account or through such other electronic mode as may be prescribed” shall be substituted with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020.

19. Amendment of section 50CA.

In section 50CA of the Income-tax Act, before the Explanation, the following proviso shall be inserted with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020, namely:—

“Provided that the provisions of this section shall not apply to any consideration received or accruing as a result of transfer by such class of persons and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed.”.

20. Amendment of section 54GB.

In section 54GB of the Income-tax Act, with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020,—

(i) in sub-section (4), the following proviso shall be inserted, namely:—

‘Provided that in case of a new asset, being computer or computer software, acquired by an eligible start-up referred to in the proviso to clause (d) of sub-section (6), the provisions of this sub-section shall have effect as if for the words “five years”, the words “three years” had been substituted.’;

(ii) in sub-section (5), in the proviso, for the figures “2019”, the figures “2021” shall be substituted;

(iii) in sub-section (6), in clause (b), in sub-clause (iii), for the word “fifty” at both the places where it occurs, the word “twenty-five” shall be substituted.

21. Amendment of section 56

In section 56 of the Income-tax Act, in sub-section (2),––

(i) in clause (viib), with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020,—

(a) in the proviso, in clause (i), for the words “venture capital fund”, the words “venture capital fund or a specified fund” shall be substituted;

(b) after the proviso, the following proviso shall be inserted, namely:—

“Provided further that where the provisions of this clause have not been applied to a company on account of fulfilment of conditions specified in the notification issued under clause (ii) of the first proviso and such company fails to comply with any of those conditions, then, any consideration received for issue of share that exceeds the fair market value of such share shall be deemed to be the income of that company chargeable to income-tax for the previous year in which such failure has taken place
and, it shall also be deemed that the company has under reported the income in consequence of the misreporting referred to in sub-section (8) and sub-section (9) of section 270A for the said previous year.”;

(c) in the Explanation, after clause (a), the following clauses shall be inserted, namely:—

‘(aa) “specified fund” means a fund established or incorporated in India in the form of a trust or a company or a limited liability partnership or a body corporate which has been granted a certificate of registration as a Category I or a Category II Alternative Investment Fund and is regulated under the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment Fund) Regulations, 2012 made under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992;

(ab) “trust” means a trust established under the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 or under any other law for the time being in force;’;

(ii) in clause (viii), for the words, brackets, letters and figures “clause (b) of section 145A”, the words, brackets, figures and letter “sub-section (1) of section 145B” shall be substituted and shall be deemed to have been substituted with effect from the 1st day of April, 2017;

(iii) in clause (x),––

(A) in sub-clause (b), in the second proviso, for the words “bank account”, the words “bank account or through such other electronic mode as may be prescribed” shall be substituted with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020;

(B) in the proviso, after clause (X), the following clause shall be inserted with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020, namely:—

“(XI) from such class of persons and subject to such conditions, as may be prescribed.”.

22. Substitution of section 79.

For section 79 of the Income-tax Act, the following section shall be substituted with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020, namely:––

Carry forward and set off of losses in case of certain companies.

‘79. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Chapter, where a change in shareholding has taken place during the previous year in the case of a company, not being a company in which the public are substantially interested, no loss incurred in any year prior to the previous year shall be carried forward and set off against the income of the previous year, unless on the last day of the previous year, the shares of the company carrying not less than fifty-one per cent. of the voting power were beneficially held by persons who beneficially held shares of the company carrying not less than fifty-one per cent. of the voting power on the last day of the year or years in which the loss was incurred:

Provided that even if the said condition is not satisfied in case of an eligible start up as referred to in section 80-IAC, the loss incurred in any year prior to the previous year shall be allowed to be carried forward and set off against the income of the previous year if all the shareholders of such company who held shares carrying voting power on the last day of the year or years in which the loss was incurred, continue to hold those shares on the last day of such previous year and such loss has been incurred during the period of seven years beginning from the year in which such company is incorporated.

(2) Nothing contained in sub-section (1) shall apply,––

(a) to a case where a change in the said voting power and shareholding takes place in a previous year consequent upon the death of a shareholder or on account of transfer of shares by way of gift to any relative of the shareholder making such gift;

(b) to any change in the shareholding of an Indian company which is a subsidiary of a foreign company as a result of amalgamation or demerger of a foreign company subject to the condition that fifty-one per cent. shareholders of amalgamating or demerged foreign company continue to be the shareholders of the amalgamated or the resulting foreign company;

(c) to a company where a change in the shareholding takes place in a previous year pursuant to a resolution plan approved under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, after affording a reasonable opportunity of being heard to the jurisdictional Principal Commissioner or Commissioner;

(d) to a company, and its subsidiary and the subsidiary of such subsidiary, where,––

(i) the Tribunal, on an application moved by the Central Government under section 241 of the Companies Act, 2013, has suspended the Board of Directors of such company and has appointed new directors nominated by the Central Government, under section 242 of the said Act; and

(ii) a change in shareholding of such company, and its subsidiary and the subsidiary of such subsidiary, has taken place in a previous year pursuant to a resolution plan approved by the Tribunal under section 242 of the Companies Act, 2013 after affording a reasonable opportunity of being heard to the jurisdictional Principal Commissioner or Commissioner.

Explanation.––For the purposes of this section,––

(i) a company shall be a subsidiary of another company, if such other company holds more than half in nominal value of the equity share capital of the company;

(ii) “Tribunal” shall have the meaning assigned to it in clause (90) of section 2 of the Companies Act, 2013.’.

23. Amendment of section 80C.

In section 80C of the Income-tax Act, in sub-section (2), after clause (xxiv), the following clause shall be inserted with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020, namely:—

‘(xxv) being an employee of the Central Government, as a contribution to a specified account of the pension scheme referred to in section 80CCD––

(a) for a fixed period of not less than three years; and

(b) which is in accordance with the scheme as may be notified by the Central Government in the Official Gazette for the purposes of this clause.

Explanation.—For the purposes of this clause, “specified account” means an additional account referred to in sub-section (3) of section 20 of the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 2013.’.

24. Amendment of section 80CCD.

In section 80CCD of the Income-tax Act, in sub-section (2), for the words “does not exceed ten per cent. of his salary in the previous year”, the words, brackets and letters “does not exceed––

(a) fourteen per cent., where such contribution is made by the Central Government;

(b) ten per cent., where such contribution is made by any other employer, of his salary in the previous year” shall be substituted with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020.

25. Insertion of new sections 80EEA and 80EEB.

After section 80EE of the Income-tax Act, the following sections shall be inserted with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020, namely:––

Deduction in respect of interest on loan taken for certain house property.

‘80EEA. (1) In computing the total income of an assessee, being an individual not eligible to claim deduction under section 80EE, there shall be deducted, in accordance with and subject to the provisions of this section, interest payable on loan taken by him from any financial institution for the purpose of acquisition of a residential house property.

(2) The deduction under sub-section (1) shall not exceed one lakh and fifty thousand rupees and shall be allowed in computing the total income of the individual for the assessment year beginning on the 1st day of April, 2020 and subsequent assessment years.

(3) The deduction under sub-section (1) shall be subject to the following conditions, namely:—

(i) the loan has been sanctioned by the financial institution during the period beginning on the 1st day of April, 2019 and ending on the 31st day of March, 2020;

(ii) the stamp duty value of residential house property does not exceed forty-five lakh rupees;

(iii) the assessee does not own any residential house property on the date of sanction of loan.

(4) Where a deduction under this section is allowed for any interest referred to in sub-section (1), deduction shall not be allowed in respect of such interest under any other provision of this Act for the same or any other assessment year.

(5) For the purposes of this section,––

(a) the expression “financial institution” shall have the meaning assigned to it in clause (a) of sub-section (5) of section 80EE;

(b) the expression “stamp duty value” means value adopted or assessed or assessable by any authority of the Central Government or a State Government for the purpose of payment of stamp duty in respect of an immovable property.

Deduction in respect of purchase of electric vehicle.

80EEB. (1) In computing the total income of an assessee, being an individual, there shall be deducted, in accordance with and subject to the provisions of this section, interest payable on loan taken by him from any financial institution for the purpose of purchase of an electric vehicle.

(2) The deduction under sub-section (1) shall not exceed one lakh and fifty thousand rupees and shall be allowed in computing the total income of the individual for the assessment year beginning on the 1st day of April, 2020 and subsequent assessment years.

(3) The deduction under sub-section (1) shall be subject to the condition that the loan has been sanctioned by the financial institution during the period beginning on the 1st day of April, 2019 and ending on the 31st day of March, 2023.

(4) Where a deduction under this section is allowed for any interest referred to in sub-section (1), deduction shall not be allowed in respect of such interest under any other provision of this Act for the same or any other assessment year.

(5) For the purposes of this section,––

(a) “electric vehicle” means a vehicle which is powered exclusively by an electric motor whose traction energy is supplied exclusively by traction battery installed in the vehicle and has such electric regenerative braking system, which during braking provides for the conversion of vehicle kinetic energy into electrical energy;

(b) “financial institution” means a banking company to which the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 applies, or any bank or banking institution referred to in section 51 of that Act and includes any deposit taking non-banking financial company or a systemically important non-deposit taking non-banking financial company as defined in clauses (e) and (g) of Explanation 4 to section 43B.’.

26. Amendment of section 80-IBA.

In section 80-IBA of the Income-tax Act, with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020,—

(A) in sub-section (2), after clause (i), the following proviso shall be inserted, namely:—

‘Provided that for the projects approved on or after the 1st day of September, 2019, the provisions of this sub-section shall have effect as if for clauses (d) to (i), the following clauses had been substituted, namely:––

“(d) the project is on a plot of land measuring not less than—

(i) one thousand square metres, where such project is located within the metropolitan cities of Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi National Capital Region (limited to Delhi, Noida, Greater Noida, Ghaziabad, Gurugram, Faridabad), Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai (whole of Mumbai Metropolitan Region); or

(ii) two thousand square metres, where such project is located in any other place;

(e) the project is the only housing project on the plot of land as specified in clause (d);

(f) the carpet area of the residential unit comprised in the housing project does not exceed—

(i) sixty square metres, where such project is located within the metropolitan cities of Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi National Capital Region (limited to Delhi, Noida, Greater Noida, Ghaziabad, Gurugram, Faridabad), Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai (whole of Mumbai Metropolitan Region); or

(ii) ninety square metres, where such project is located in any other place;

(g) the stamp duty value of a residential unit in the housing project does not exceed forty-five lakh rupees;

(h) where a residential unit in the housing project is allotted to an individual, no other residential unit in the housing project shall be allotted to the individual or the spouse or the minor children of such individual;

(i) the project utilises—

(I) not less than ninety per cent. of the floor area ratio permissible in respect of the plot of land under the rules to be made by the Central Government or the State Government or the local authority, as the case may be, where such project is located within the metropolitan cities of Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi National Capital Region (limited to Delhi, Noida, Greater Noida, Ghaziabad, Gurugram,
Faridabad), Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai (whole of Mumbai Metropolitan Region); or

(II) not less than eighty per cent. of such floor area ratio where such project is located in any place other than the place referred to in sub-clause (I); and

(j) the assessee maintains separate books of account in respect of the housing project.”.’;

(B) in sub-section (6), after clause (e), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:—

‘(f) “stamp duty value” means the value adopted or assessed or assessable by any authority of the Central Government or a State Government for the purpose of payment of stamp duty in respect of an immovable property.’.

27. Amendment of section 80JJAA.

In section 80JJAA of the Income-tax Act, in the Explanation, in clause (i), in the first proviso, in clause (b), for the words “bank account”, the words “bank account or through such other electronic mode as may be prescribed” shall be substituted with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020.

28. Amendment of section 80LA.

In section 80LA of the Income-tax Act, with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020,—

(i) for sub-section (1), the following sub-sections shall be substituted, namely:—

“(1) Where the gross total income of an assessee, being a scheduled bank, or, any bank incorporated by or under the laws of a country outside India; and having an Offshore Banking Unit in a Special Economic Zone, includes any income referred to in sub-section (2), there shall be allowed, in accordance with and subject to the provisions of this section, a deduction from such income, of an amount equal to––

(a) one hundred per cent. of such income for five consecutive assessment years beginning with the assessment year relevant to the previous year in which the permission, under clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 23 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 or permission or registration under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act,1992 or any other relevant law was obtained, and thereafter;

(b) fifty per cent. of such income for five consecutive assessment years.

(1A) Where the gross total income of an assessee, being a Unit of an International Financial Services Centre, includes any income referred to in sub-section (2), there shall be allowed, in accordance with and subject to the provisions of this section, a deduction from such income, of an amount equal to one hundred per cent. of such income for any ten consecutive assessment years, at the option of the assessee, out of fifteen years, beginning with the assessment year relevant to the previous year in which the permission, under clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 23 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 or permission or registration under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act,1992 or any other relevant law was obtained.”;

(ii) in sub-section (2), in the opening portion, for the word, brackets and figure “sub-section (1)”, the words, brackets, figures and letter “sub-section (1) and sub-section (1A)” shall be substituted.

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