Case Law Details
Case Name : Bharti Airtel Limited Vs Addl CIT (ITAT Delhi)
Related Assessment Year : 2008- 09
Courts :
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Issue- whether or not addition of Rs 5,739.60 crores (Rs 5739,60,05,089) made by the Assessing Officer with respect to the dis allowance of loss on transfer of telecom infrastructure is justified, tenable in law and on the facts of this case. The related grievances, as set out in the memorandum of appeal, are as follows:
Briefly stated, the relevant material facts are like this. The assessee before us is a company engaged in the business of telecommunication services. On 30th September 2008, the assessee filed an income tax
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The Assessing Officer is also taking approval of the JCIT/Addl.CIT before passing the high demand order. Although A.O is protected under the law, but accountability must be fixed on A.O.for putting the assessee in trouble. In order to save the tax payers from unnecessary harassment from the A.O. law must be framed as- “if ultimately the assessee gets relief in higher Forum, then it would be entered in his C.R. and affect the promotion as well as posting of the concerned A.O. and all other officers connected with such high pitch assessment”
The taxman is immune to your observations, condemnation….