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Article contains Instructions for filing ITR-4-SUGAM for Assessment Year 2018-19 / Financial Year 2017-18 based on ITR Released by CBDT vide its notification no. Notification No. 16/2018-Income Tax / G.S.R. 332(E) dated: 03/04/2018

Instructions for filling ITR-4 SUGAM  for A.Y. 2018-19

General Instructions

These instructions are guidelines for filling the particulars in this Return Form. In case of any doubt, please refer to relevant provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 and the Income-tax Rules, 1962.

Also Read-

Instructions for filing Sahaj (ITR-1) for A.Y. 2018-19

All about ITR-2 as applicable for A.Y. 2018-19

All about Income Tax Return Form ITR-3 (A.Y. 2018-19)

All about ITR-5 as applicable for A.Y. 2018-19

All about ITR-6 as applicable for A.Y. 2018-19

1. Assessment Year for which ITR-4-SUGAM Form is applicable

This Return Form is applicable for assessment year 2018-19 only, i.e., it relates to income earned in Financial Year 2017-18.

2. Who can use ITR-4-SUGAM Form

This Return Form is to be used by an individual/ HUF/ Partnership Firm whose total income for the assessment year 2018-19 includes:-

(a) Business income where such income is computed in accordance with special provisions referred to in sections 44AD and 44AE of the Act for computation of business income; or

(b) Income from Profession where such income is computed in accordance with special provisions referred to in sections 44ADA; or

(c) Salary/ Pension; or

(d) Income from One House Property (excluding cases where there is brought forward loss or loss to be carried forward under this head); or

(e) Income from Other Sources (excluding Winning from Lottery and Income from Race Horses).

Note 1: The income computed shall be presumed to have been computed after giving full effect to every loss, allowance, depreciation or deduction under the Income-tax Act.

Note 2: Further, in a case where the income of another person like spouse, minor child, etc. is to be clubbed with the income of the assessee, this Return Form can be used only if the income being clubbed falls into the above income categories.

3. Who cannot use this ITR-4-SUGAM Form

SUGAM cannot be used in following cases:-

(a) Income from more than one house property or where there is brought forward loss or loss to be carried forward under this head; or

(b) Income from Winnings from lottery or income from Race horses; or

(c) Income under the head ―Capital Gains, e.g. Short-term capital gains or long-term capital gains from sale of house, plot, shares etc.; or

(d) Income taxable under section 115BBDA; or

(e) Income of the nature referred to in section 115BBE; or

(f) Agricultural income in excess of ₹5,000; or

(g) Income from Speculative Business and other special incomes; or

(h) Income from an agency business or income in the nature of commission or brokerage; or

(i) Person claiming relief of foreign tax paid under section 90, 90A or 91; or

(j) Any resident having any asset (including financial interest in any entity) located outside India or signing authority in any account located outside India; or

(k) Any resident having income from any source outside India.  

4. SUGAM form is not mandatory

SUGAM ITR Form shall not apply at the option of the assessee, if:-

(i) the assessee keeps and maintains all the books of account and other documents referred to in section 44AA in respect of the business or profession;

(ii) the assessee gets his accounts audited and obtains a report of such audit as required under section 44AB in respect of the business or profession.

In the above scenarios, regular ITR-3 or ITR-5, as the case may, should be filed and not SUGAM.

5. Annexure-less Return Form

No document (including TDS Certificate) should be attached to this Return Form. All such documents enclosed with this Return Form will be detached and returned to the person filing the return.

6. Manner of filing ITR-4-SUGAM Form

This Return Form can be filed with the Income-tax Department in any of the following ways–

(i) by furnishing the return in a paper form;

(ii) by furnishing the return electronically under digital signature;

(iii) by transmitting the data in the return electronically under electronic verification code;

(iv) by transmitting the data in the return electronically and thereafter submitting the verification of the return in Return Form ITR – V;


Where the Return Form is furnished in the manner mentioned at 6 (iv), the assessee should printout two copies of Form ITR – V. One copy of ITR-V, duly signed by the assessee, has to be sent by post to – Post Bag No. 1, Electronic City Office, Bengaluru— 560500, Karnataka. The other copy may be retained by the assessee for his record.

Only the following persons have an option to file return in paper form:-

(i) an individual of the age of 80 years or more at any time during the previous year; or

(ii) an individual or HUF whose income does not exceed five lakh rupees and no refund is claimed in the return of income.

In case of a Firm, option to file return in paper form is not applicable.

7. Filling out the acknowledgment

Only one copy of this Return Form is required to be filed where the Return Form is furnished in the manner mentioned at 6(i). The acknowledgment/ITR-V should be duly filled.

8. Obligation to file return

Every individual or HUF whose total income before allowing deductions under Chapter VI-A of the Income-tax Act, exceeds the maximum amount which is not chargeable to income tax is obligated to furnish his return of income. The deductions under Chapter VI-A are mentioned in Part C of this Return Form. The maximum amount not chargeable to income tax in case of different categories of individuals is as follows:-  

Sl. No. Category Amount (in ₹)
(i) In case of individuals below the age of 60 years 2,50,000
(ii) In case of individuals, being resident in India, who are of the age of 60 years or more at any time during the financial year 2017-18 but below the age of 80 years. 3,00,000
(iii) In case of individuals, being resident in India, who are of the age of 80 years or more at any time during the financial year 2017-18. 5,00,000

Every firm shall furnish the return of income in this ITR Form, where income from business or profession is computed in accordance with section 44AD, section 44ADA or section 44AE.

Item by Item Instructions

 Part-A – General Information

Item Explanation
A1-A3 Fill your First name, Middle name, Last name in A1, A2, A3 as per details entered in PAN Card
A4 Fill your Permanent Account Number. Make sure that you fill your PAN Carefully.

NOTE: (1) Ensure that you enter PAN on the top of every page.

(2) In your PAN, first five and last one digit are alphabets and the remaining four digits are numerals.

A5 Fill your Date of birth as per PAN Database Details

NOTE: Always fill your Date of Birth in DD/MM/YYYY Format as given in the form

A6 Fill in the Ward/Circle Example: Ward 15(1), Circle 14(1) You can also fill the full Assessing Officers Code, if known.
A7- A13 Fill in the Communication Address

NOTE: A7: Door No./ Flat No., A10: Area/ Locality and A13: PIN Code is mandatory. If you have changed your address please indicate the same, so that no communication from the Department goes undelivered.

A14 Fill your 12 digit Aadhaar Number. In case, Aadhaar Number is not allotted but has been applied for, please furnish 28 digits Aadhaar Enrolment Id. Filling of this field is mandatory with effect from 01.07.2017.
A15 Fill in your filing status i.e. individual or HUF or partnership firm (other than LLP).
A16 Fill in your own Mobile number / Fill in STD Code and then fill the residential/ office phone number. This is important for faster communication from/ with the Department.
A17  Fill the Mobile number of TRP or your representative who has prepared the return on your behalf. This is important for faster communication from/ with the Department.
A18 Fill in your Email Address This is important for faster communication from/ with the Department.


Tick the appropriate box.
Tax Payable Status Tick the box
Total Tax Payable (D13) < Total Prepaid Taxes (D18) 1
Total Tax Payable (D13) > Total Prepaid Taxes (D18) 2
Total Tax Payable (D13) = Total Prepaid Taxes (D18) 3
A20 Tick the appropriate box. For non-residents certain deductions are not available (For more details, refer Income-tax Act, 1961)
A21 Tick the appropriate box.
How the return is filed Tick the box
Voluntarily on or before the due date under section 139(1) 1
Voluntarily after the due date under section 139(4) 2
Revised return under section 139(5) 3
In response to notice under section 139(9) 4
In response to notice under section 142(1) 5
In response to notice under section 148 6
In response to notice under section 153A/ 153C 7
In pursuance of an application under section 11 9(2)(b) (NOTE: The return shall be treated as valid only after the 8
Board, or the competent Income-tax Authority, has passed an order admitting the application under section 11 9(2)(b).
A22 Exercise the option by ticking the box.

If you are governed by Portuguese Civil Code and impacted by Section 5A of the Income-tax Act, 1961. You should enter only your share of income in the column B3 (house property) and B4 (other sources). The balance share of income under these heads should be entered in the return of income of your spouse.

A23 If you are governed by Portuguese Civil Code and impacted by Section 5A of the Income- tax Act, 1961, please provide PAN of the Spouse
A24 In case of a revised /defective return, please provide the receipt number of Original return and Date of filing of Original Return. This field is mandatory in case of a revised or defective return, otherwise the return will not be accepted by Income-tax Department.
A25 If the return is being filed in response to notice by the Income-tax Department under section 139(9)/142(1)/148/153A/153C, please provide the date of such notice.

Part B – Gross Total Income

B1 Fill in the details of income chargeable under business or profession (Column E8 of schedule BP).

Note: Please ensure to fill Schedule BP (Details of income from  business or profession) and business codes in the ―Nature of Business or Profession‖. The business codes for various business activities are given at the end of this instruction.

B2 Fill the details of salary/ pension, allowances not exempt, perquisites and profit in lieu of salary, deductions under section 16 etc. as given in TDS certificate (Form 16) issued by the employer. However, if the income has not been computed correctly in Form No. 16, please make the correct computation and fill the same in this item. Further, in case there was more than one employer during the year, please furnish in this item the details in respect of aggregate emoluments from various employers.
B3 Fill the details of gross rent receipts, municipal taxes paid, Annual value and interest paid on borrowed capital etc. If the income chargeable under House Property is a loss figure, mark the negative sign with in the brackets at left. Also tick the box as whether the house property is ‗Self Occupied‘or ‗Let Out‘. Where ―Income from house property‖is a loss and assessee has income under any other head of income, the assessee shall not be entitled to set off such loss, to the extent the amount of the loss exceeds two lakh rupees against income under the other head.
B4 Enter only if you have Income from other sources. If loss, please use regular ITR-3 or ITR-5
B5 Add Items B1, B2, B3 and B4. If loss, mark the negative sign with in the brackets at left. However, this loss cannot be carried forward to next year using this form. Use regular ITR-3 or ITR-5 for claiming carry forward of losses.

Part –C – Deductions and taxable total income

Some of the major items for deduction under this part (applicable to individuals  and HUF only) are:-

C1 Section 80C-

Amount paid or deposited towards life insurance, contribution to Provident Fund set up by the Government, recognised Provident Fund, contribution by the assessee to an approved superannuation fund, subscription to National Savings Certificates, tuition fees, payment/ repayment for purposes of purchase or construction of a residential house and many other investments (for full list, please refer to section 80C of the Income-tax Act).

C2 Section 80CCC-

Deduction in respect of contributions paid for any annuity plan of LIC or any other insurer, not exceeding ₹1,50,000/-

C3 Section 80CCD(1)-

Deduction in respect of amounts paid or deposited under a pension scheme notified by Central Government, subject to upper limit of:-

(i) 10% of salary, in case of an employee,

(ii) 20% of Gross Total Income in any other case.

However, as provided in section 80CCE, aggregate amount of deductions under section 80C, 80CCC and sub-section (1) of section 80CCD shall not exceed one lakh fifty thousand rupees. 
C4 Section 80CCD(1B)-

Deduction in respect of the amounts paid or deposited under a pension scheme notified by Central Government not exceeding ₹50,000/-.

C5 Section 80CCD(2)- 

Deduction in respect of employer‘s contribution to employees account under a pension scheme notified by the Central Government not exceeding 10% of salary.

C6 Section 80CCG-

Deduction in respect of investments made under notified Equity Linked Savings Scheme (Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings Scheme, 2013) to the extent of 50% of the amount invested subject to overall limit of ₹25,000/-.

C7 Section 80D- 

Deduction in respect of amount paid towards Health Insurance Premium, contributions to CGHS, medical expenditure incurred on self or family members or any parent.

The upper limit for claiming deduction under section 80D in various cases is as under:-

(A) Health Insurance Premium

1. Self , Spouse, Dependent Children (aggregate)- ₹25,000/-

2. Parents- ₹25,000/-

3. Senior Citizen or very Senior Citizen- ₹30,000/-

4. Premium paid by HUF for health insurance of any member of HUF- ₹25,000/-

(B) Medical expenditure in the case of a very senior citizen (above 80 years) where no amount has been paid for his health insurance

1. On self- ₹30,000/-

2. On parents- ₹30,000/-

3. On member of HUF paid by HUF- ₹30,000/-

NOTE: The aggregate of deductions under (A1) and (B1) above shall not exceed ₹30,000/-. Similarly the aggregate of deductions under (A2) and (B2) shall not exceed ₹30,000/- For preventive health check-up of self or family members or parents- ₹5,000/- within the overall limit of ₹25,000/- or ₹30,000/-, as the case may be.

C8 Section 80DD-

Deduction in respect of maintenance including medical treatment of dependent who is a person with disability Upper Limit for 80DD Deduction

1. General —₹75,000/-

2. Severe Disability —₹1,25,000/-

C9 Section 80DDB-

Deduction in respect of amount paid for medical treatment of any specified disease or ailment in respect of the assessee or his dependent or any member of HUF.

Please note that deduction u/s 80DDB can be claimed only for the actual amount paid subject to the following upper limits:-

1. General– ₹40,000/-

2. Senior Citizen– ₹60,000/-

3. Very Senior Citizen– ₹80,000/-

C10 Section 80E- 

Deduction in respect of any amount paid by way of interest on loan taken from any financial institution or any approved charitable institution for pursuing higher education by the  assessee or his relative.

C11 Section 80EE

Deduction in respect of interest on loan taken by an individual from any financial institution for the purpose of acquisition of a residential house property, not exceeding ₹50,000/-.

C12 Section 80G-

Deduction in respect of donations to certain funds, charitable institutions, etc. Please note that no deduction is admissible in respect of cash donations exceeding ₹2,000/-

C13 Section 80GG-

Deduction in respect of rent paid for residential accommodation by an assessee in excess of 10% of his total Income, to the extent such excess expenditure does not exceed ₹5,000 per month or 25% of total Income.

C14 Section 80GGC-

Deduction in respect of contributions given by any person to a political party or electoral trust. No deduction however is allowed for contributions paid in cash.

C15 Section 80QQB-

Deduction in respect of income from royalty or copyright fees etc. of author of certain books other than text books, not exceeding ₹3,00,000/-

[Note:- Deduction under this section shall be allowed only if the return of income has been furnished within the due date specified under section 139(1)].

C16 Section 80RRB-

Deduction in respect of income from royalty on patents not exceeding ₹3,00,000/-

[Note:- Deduction under this section shall be allowed only if the return is furnished within the due date specified under section 139(1)]

C17 Section 80TTA-

Deduction in respect of interest on deposits in a savings account not exceeding ₹10,000/-

C18 Section 80U-

Deduction in case of a resident individual who is certified by the medical authority to be a person with disability. The deduction available is as under:-

1. General —₹75,000/-

2. Severe Disability —₹1,25,000/-

C19 Add C1 to C18
C20 Subtract C19 from B5 and enter the remainder amount in C20.

Part –D – Tax Computation and Tax Status

D1 Compute tax payable on Taxable Total Income (C20) as per tax computation table given below.
D2 In case of a resident individual whose total income does not exceed ₹3,50,000/-, deduction from income-tax of an amount equal to such income-tax, or ₹2,500/-, whichever is less.
D3 Tax payable after rebate (D1-D2)
D4 Surcharge if applicable
D5 Calculate the education cess including secondary and higher education cess at the rate of three per cent of D3+D4
D6 D6= D3+D4+D5
D7 Claim the relief, if any, allowable under section 89 in respect of arrears or advances of salary received during the year.
D8 D6-D7
D9 Calculate 234A interest according to the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 and enter the amount in D9
D10 Calculate 234B interest according to the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 and enter the amount in D10


Calculate 234C interest according to the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 and enter the amount in D11
D12 Fee chargeable for default in furnishing return of income under section 234F.

The fee structure is as follows:

1) Late fees shall be ₹5000, in case return of income is filed after the
specified due date but on or before 31/12/2018

2) Late fee shall be ₹10000, in case return of income is filed after 31/12/2018 Note: If the total income of the assesse is less than ₹5,00,000/- then fee u/s 234F shall not exceed ₹1000.

D13 D8+D9+D10+D11+D12
D14 Add the relevant Advance Tax Details given in Column 4 of Schedule IT and write the amount in D14.
D15 Add the relevant Self-Assessment Tax Details given in Column 4 of Schedule IT and write the amount in D15
D16 Add the relevant TDS Deducted given in Column 4 of Schedule TDS1 and Column 8 of Schedule TDS2 and write the amount in D16. Verify your TDS & Tax payment details using Form 26AS.
D17 Add the relevant TCS Deducted given in Column 5 of Schedule TCS and enter details in D1 7. Verify your TCS & Tax payment details using Form 26AS.
D18 Add D14, D15, D16 and D17. Enter the result of addition in D18.
D19 If D13 is greater than D18, then fill the amount of Tax Payable (D13-D18) in Column D19.

Note: Tick the Tax Payable box in A19. If D13 is equal to D18, then fill in D19, 0‘ and tick the NIL Tax Balance box in A19.

D20 If D18 is greater than D13, then fill the amount of refund (D18-D13) in D20. Note: Tick the Tax Refundable box in A1 9
D21 Please enter details of all exempt income e.g. Dividend income, Agricultural income etc. If agricultural income exceeds ₹5,000. use regular ITR 3 or ITR 5 Form.
D22 Please provide the details of all the savings and current accounts held by you at any time during the previous year. However, it is not mandatory to provide details of dormant accounts which are not operational for more than 3 years. Please indicate the account in which you would like to get your refund credited irrespective of whether you have refund or not.

In case of non-residents, details of any one foreign Bank Account may be furnished for the purpose of credit of refund. The account number should be as per Core Banking Solution (CBS) system of the bank (or as per IBAN in case of foreign bank account).

Note: If you have more details to be entered in D22, then fill the following table and tear and attach the same with the return (in case return is filed in paper form).

Sl. IFS Code of the Bank in case of
Bank Accounts held in India
(SWIFT Code in case of foreign
Bank Account)
Name of the Bank Account Number (IBAN in case of foreign Bank Accounts) Indicate the account in
which you prefer to get
your refund credited, if
any (tick one account þ )










Tax Computation Table

(i) In case of every individual (other than resident individual who is of the age of
60 years or more at any time during the financial year 2017-1 8) or HUF –

Income (In‘₹’) Tax Liability (In ‘₹’)
1 Upto 2,50,000 Nil
2 Between 2,50,001 – 5,00,000 5% of income in excess of 2,50,000
3 Between 5,00,001 – 10,00,000 12,500 + 20% of income in excess of 5,00,000
4 Above 10,00,000 1,12,500 + 30% of income in excess of 10,00,000

(ii) In case of resident individual who is of the age of 60 years or more but less than 80 years at any time during the financial year 2017-18

Income (In ‘₹’) Tax Liability (In‘₹’)
1 Upto 3,00,000 Nil
2 Between 3,00,001 – 5,00,000 5% of income in excess of 3,00,000
3 Between 5,00,001 – 10,00,000 10,000 + 20% of income in excess of 5,00,000
4 Above 10,00,000 1,10,000 + 30% of income in excess of 10,00,000

(iii) In case of resident individual who is of the age of 80 years or more at any time
during the financial year 201 7-1 8-

Income (In ‘₹’) Tax Liability (In ‘₹’)
1 Upto 5,00,000 Nil
2 Between 5,00,001 – 10,00,000 20% of income in excess of 5,00,000
3 Above 10,00,000 1,00,000 + 30% of income in excess of 10,00,000

(iv) In case of a Firm, tax is to be calculated at flat rate of 30% of taxable income.


(a) (i) In case of individual, return of income can be verified by the individual himself, or by persons authorised on his behalf in cases referred to in sub-clauses (ii), (iii) and (iv) of clause (a) of section 140 of the Income-tax Act. In such cases however permanent account number of the authorised person is required to be mentioned in verification.

(ii) In case of HUF, return of income can be verified by the karta, or by any other adult member of family in cases referred to in clause (b) of section 140 of the Income-tax Act. His permanent account number is required to be mentioned in verification.

(iii) In case of firm, return of income can be verified by the managing partner of the firm, or by any partner (not being a minor), in cases referred to in clause (cc) of section 140 of the Income-tax Act. His permanent account number is required to be mentioned in verification.

(b) If the return is furnished in paper form, please complete the Verification Section, fill date and Sign in the space given. Without a valid signature, your return will not be accepted by the Income- tax Department.

(c) If the return is furnished electronically, the same is required to be furnished:-

(i) under digital signature; or

(ii) under electronic verification code; or

(iii) by submitting the verification of return in Form ITR-V.

(d) Please note that any person making a false statement in the return or the accompanying schedules shall be liable to be prosecuted under section 277 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 and on conviction be punishable under that section with rigorous imprisonment and with fine.

TRP Details

This return can be prepared by a Tax Return Preparer (TRP) also in accordance with the Tax Return Preparer Scheme.

If the return has been prepared by TRP, the relevant details have to be filled by him and the return has to be countersigned by him in the space provided in the said item.

Nature of business or profession

Please fill up the nature of business activity or profession and applicable business code from the table of business codes given at the end of this instruction. In case there are more than one business activities, please fill up three main activities or products along with applicable business codes.

Schedule BP

E1 Please enter the gross turnover or gross receipts of the business eligible under section 44AD. Please enter the Turnover realised through A/c payee Cheque, A/c payee bank draft, or use of electronic clearing systems through a Bank account under Column E1a. Please enter the Turnover realised through other modes in Column E1b.
E2 Enter presumptive income under section 44AD. In Column E2a, enter the presumptive income computed @ 6% of Turnover mentioned in E1a, or a higher sum. In Column E2b, enter the presumptive income computed @ 8% of Turnover mentioned in E1b, or a higher sum. Enter the total amount of presumptive income (E2a +E2b) in Column E2c.
E3 Please enter gross receipts from profession eligible under section 44ADA (not exceeding Rs 50 Lakh)
E4 Enter presumptive income from profession under section 44ADA
E5 Enter presumptive income from business of plying, hiring or leasing goods carriages as per section 44AE
E6 If you are a partnership Firm, enter the amount of salary and interest paid to the partners
E7 Enter presumptive income under Section 44AE, net of deduction on account of salary and interest paid to partners, if any (E5 – E6)
 E8 Income under the head business or profession (E2c+E4+E7)
E9 Enter GST Registration No. (If you are registered under GST)
E10 Enter the amount of Turnover/ Gross receipt as per the GST return(s) filed (if returns filed)
The details at E11 to E25 have to be entered in respect of the firm/concern in which the business activity is reported, as on 31st March, 2018 (E15, E19, E20, E22 are mandatory and others details are to be entered if available)
E11 Enter Partners/ Members own capital
E12 Enter total of secured loans
E13 Enter total of unsecured loans
E14 Enter aggregate of trade advances received
E1 5 Enter total amount of sundry creditors
E1 6 Enter total of other liabilities (not specifically mentioned at E1 1 to E15 above)
E1 7 Enter total of capital and liabilities (E1 1 +E1 2+E1 3+E1 4+E1 5+E1 6)
E1 8 Enter written down value of fixed assets
E19 Enter value of stock-in-trade
E20 Enter the total of sundry debtors
E21 Enter the aggregate of bank balances
E22 Enter cash-in-hand
E23 Enter aggregate of loans and advances given
E24 Enter aggregate of other assets (not specifically mentioned at E18 to E23 above)
E25 Enter Total assets (E18+E19+E20+E21+E22+E23+E24)

Schedule AL

(i) This Schedule is to be filled by individuals and HUFs giving details of properties held by the assessee and the corresponding liabilities. It is mandatory if your total income exceeds ₹50 lakh.

(ii) The assets to be reported will include land, building (immovable assets); financial assets viz. bank deposits, shares and securities, insurance policies, loans and advances given, cash in hand and jewellery, bullion, vehicles, yachts, boats, aircraft (movable assets) and interest held in the asset of a firm or association of persons (AOP) as a partner or member thereof.

(ii) In the case of non-resident and resident but not ordinarily resident, the details of assets located in India are to be mentioned.

(iii) For the purpose of Sl. No. (1) (i) under item B, jewellery includes – (a) Ornaments made of gold, silver, platinum or any other precious metal or any alloy containing one or more of such precious metals, whether or not containing any precious or semi-precious stone, and whether or not worked or sewn into any wearing apparel; (b) Precious or semi-precious stones, whether or not set in any furniture, utensil or other article or worked or sewn into any wearing apparel.

(v) The amount in respect of assets to be reported will be:-

(a) the cost price of such asset to the assessee; or

(b) where Wealth-tax return was filed by the assessee and the asset was forming part of the Wealth-tax return, the value of such asset as per the latest Wealth- tax return in which it was disclosed as increased by the cost of improvement incurred after such date, if any.

(vi) In case the asset became the property of the assessee under a gift, will or any mode specified in section 49 (1) and not covered by (v) above:-

(a) the cost of such asset to be reported will be the cost for which the previous owner of the asset acquired it, as increased by the cost of any improvement of the asset incurred by the previous owner or the assessee, as the case may be; or

(b) in case where the cost at which the asset was acquired by the previous owner is not ascertainable and no Wealth-tax return was filed in respect of such asset, the value may be estimated at the circle rate or bullion rate, as the case may be, on the date of acquisition by the assessee as increased by cost of improvement, if any, or on 31stday of March, 2018.

Previous owner shall have the meaning as provided in Explanation to section 49(1) of the Act.

Schedule IT

Please enter details of tax payments, i.e., advance tax and self-assessment tax paid.

NOTE: If you have more than Five Self-Assessment and Advance Tax Details to be entered, then fill the following table and tear and attach the same with the return (in case return is filed in paper form).

BSR Code Date of Deposit (DD/MM/YYYY) Serial Number of Challan Tax paid
Col (1) Col (2) Col (3) Col (4)
R1 1

Schedule TCS

Please furnish the details of Tax collected at source.

NOTE: If you have more than two TCS Details to be entered, then fill supplementary Schedule TCS and attach the same with the return

Schedule TDS 1

Please furnish the details in accordance with Form 16 issued by the employer(s) in respect of salary income. Further in order to enable the Income Tax Department to provide accurate, quicker and full credit for taxes deducted at source, the taxpayer must ensure to quote complete details of every TDS transaction.

If you have more than three Form 16 details to be entered, then fill Supplementary Schedule TDS1 and attach the same with the return.

Schedule TDS 2

(1) Please furnish the details in accordance with Form 16A or Form 16C issued by the Deductor in respect of interest income, rental income or any other sources of income.

(2) All the tax deductions at source made in the current financial year should be reported in the TDS schedule.

(3) ―Unique TDS Certificate Number. This is a six digit number which appears on the right hand top corner of those TDS certificates which have been generated by the deductor through the Tax Information Network (TIN) Central System.

(4) ―Year of tax deductionmeans the financial year in which tax has been deducted. In this column fill up the four digits of relevant financial year. For example, if the deduction has been made by the deductor in the financial year 2017-18 fill up 2017 in the designated space.

(5) Enter the amount of gross receipt mentioned in the 26AS statement.

(6) Enter the amount of TDS deducted in own hands, as reflected in the 26AS If you are governed by Portuguese Civil Code and part of income is chargeable in your hands and part in the hands of your spouse, then enter only part of TDS corresponding to part income chargeable in your hands.

(7) Enter the amount of TDS deducted in the hands of spouse if section 5A is applicable, or in the hands of any other person as referred to in Rule 37BA (2), if the corresponding income is chargeable in your hands in this year. Ensure that the TDS amount is reflected in the 26AS statement of the spouse or the other person.

(8) Enter the amount of TDS credit available (i.e out of total TDS reported in Col. 6 and 7), which is being claimed in own hands for this year. Ensure that the corresponding income has also been offered in this year. For example, if any income is not chargeable to tax in this year then the corresponding TDS credit shall be allowable only in the year in which such income is chargeable to tax.

(9) Enter the amount of TDS credit available (i.e out of total TDS mentioned in Col. 6 and Col. 7), which is being claimed in the hands of your spouse, if section 5A is applicable, or in the hands of any other person as referred to in Rule 37BA.

NOTE: If TDS has been deducted in your hands, but whole or any part of the corresponding income is assessable in the hands of any other person, or vice versa, please ensure that the procedure laid down in Rule 37BA(2) of the Income-tax Rules, 1962 is followed for claiming credit of TDS in such cases.

NOTE: If you have more than four Form 16A/Form16C details to be entered, then fill supplementary Schedule TDS2 and attach the same with the return.  


Sector Sub-Sector Code
Growing and manufacturing of tea 01001
Growing and manufacturing of coffee 01002
Growing and manufacturing of rubber 01003
Market gardening and horticulture specialties 01004
Raising of silk worms and production of silk 01005
Raising of bees and production of honey 01006
Raising of poultry and production of eggs 01007
Rearing of sheep and production of wool 01008
Rearing of animals and production of animal products 01009
Agricultural and animal husbandry services 01010
Soil conservation, soil testing and soil desalination services 01011
Hunting, trapping and game propagation services 01012
Growing of timber, plantation, operation of tree nurseries and conserving of forest 01013
Gathering of tendu leaves 01014
Gathering of other wild growing materials 01015
Forestry service activities, timber cruising, afforestation and
Logging service activities, transport of logs within the forest 01017
Other agriculture, animal husbandry or forestry activity n.e.c 01018
FISH FARMING Fishing on commercial basis in inland waters 02001
Fishing on commercial basis in ocean and coastal areas 02002
Fish farming 02003
Gathering of marine materials such as natural pearls, sponges, coral etc. 02004
Services related to marine and fresh water fisheries, fish hatcheries and fish farms 02005
Other Fish farming activity n.e.c 02006
MINING AND QUARRYING Mining and agglomeration of hard coal 03001
Mining and agglomeration of lignite 03002
Extraction and agglomeration of peat 03003
Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas 03004
Service activities incidental to oil and gas extraction excluding surveying 03005
Mining of uranium and thorium ores 03006
Mining of iron ores 03007
Mining of non-ferrous metal ores, except uranium and thorium ores 03008
Mining of gemstones 03009
Mining of chemical and fertilizer minerals 03010
Mining of quarrying of abrasive materials 03011
Mining of mica, graphite and asbestos 03012
Quarrying of stones (marble/granite/dolomite), sand and clay 03013
Other mining and quarrying 03014
Mining and production of salt 03015
Other mining and quarrying n.e.c 03016











Production, processing and preservation of meat and meat products 04001
Production, processing and preservation of fish and fish products 04002
Manufacture of vegetable oil, animal oil and fats 04003
Processing of fruits, vegetables and edible nuts 04004
Manufacture of dairy products 04005
Manufacture of sugar 04006
Manufacture of cocoa, chocolates and sugar confectionery 04007
Flour milling 04008
Rice milling 04009
Dal milling 04010
Manufacture of other grain mill products 04011
Manufacture of bakery products 04012
Manufacture of starch products 04013
Manufacture of animal feeds 04014
Manufacture of other food products 04015
Manufacturing of wines 04016
Manufacture of beer 04017
Manufacture of malt liquors 04018






























Distilling and blending of spirits, production of ethyl alcohol 04019
Manufacture of mineral water 04020
Manufacture of soft drinks 04021
Manufacture of other non-alcoholic beverages 04022
Manufacture of tobacco products 04023
Manufacture of textiles (other than by handloom) 04024
Manufacture of textiles using handlooms (khadi) 04025
Manufacture of carpet, rugs, blankets, shawls etc. (other than by hand) 04026
Manufacture of carpet, rugs, blankets, shawls etc. by hand 04027
Manufacture of wearing apparel 04028
Tanning and dressing of leather 04029
Manufacture of luggage, handbags and the like saddler and harness 04030
Manufacture of footwear 04031
Manufacture of wood and wood products, cork, straw and plaiting material 04032
Manufacture of paper and paper products 04033
Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media 04034
Manufacture of coke oven products 04035
Manufacture of refined petroleum products 04036
Processing of nuclear fuel 04037
Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compounds 04038
Manufacture of plastics in primary forms and of synthetic rubber 04039
Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings 04040
Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemicals and botanical products 04041
Manufacture of soap and detergents 04042
Manufacture of other chemical products 04043
Manufacture of man-made fibers 04044
Manufacture of rubber products 04045
Manufacture of plastic products 04046
Manufacture of glass and glass products 04047
Manufacture of cement, lime and plaster 04048

















Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plaster 04049
Manufacture of Bricks 04050
Manufacture of other clay and ceramic products 04051
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 04052
Manufacture of pig iron, sponge iron, Direct Reduced Iron etc. 04053
Manufacture of Ferro alloys 04054
Manufacture of Ingots, billets, blooms and slabs etc. 04055
Manufacture of steel products 04056
Manufacture of basic precious and non-ferrous metals 04057
Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products 04058
Casting of metals 04059
Manufacture of fabricated metal products 04060
Manufacture of engines and turbines 04061
Manufacture of pumps and compressors 04062
Manufacture of bearings and gears 04063
Manufacture of ovens and furnaces 04064
Manufacture of lifting and handling equipment 04065
Manufacture of other general purpose machinery 04066
Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machinery 04067
Manufacture of Machine Tools 04068
Manufacture of machinery for metallurgy 04069
Manufacture of machinery for mining, quarrying and constructions 04070
Manufacture of machinery for processing of food and beverages 04071
Manufacture of machinery for leather and textile 04072
Manufacture of weapons and ammunition 04073
Manufacture of other special purpose machinery 04074
Manufacture of domestic appliances 04075
Manufacture of office, accounting and computing machinery 04076
Manufacture of electrical machinery and apparatus 04077
Manufacture of Radio, Television, communication equipment and apparatus 04078
Manufacture of medical and surgical equipment 04079
Manufacture of industrial process control equipment 04080
Manufacture of instruments and appliances for measurements and navigation 04081
Manufacture of optical instruments 04082
Manufacture of watches and clocks 04083
Manufacture of motor vehicles 04084
Manufacture of body of motor vehicles 04085
Manufacture of parts & accessories of motor vehicles & engines 04086
Building & repair of ships and boats 04087
Manufacture of railway locomotive and rolling stocks 04088
Manufacture of aircraft and spacecraft 04089
Manufacture of bicycles 04090
Manufacture of other transport equipment 04091
Manufacture of furniture 04092
Manufacture of jewellery 04093
Manufacture of sports goods 04094
Manufacture of musical instruments 04095
Manufacture of games and toys 04096
Other manufacturing n.e.c. 04097
Recycling of metal waste and scrap 04098
Recycling of non- metal waste and scrap 04099
Production, collection and distribution of electricity 05001
Manufacture and distribution of gas 05002
Collection, purification and distribution of water 05003
Other essential commodity service n.e.c 05004
CONSTRUCTION Site preparation works 06001
Building of complete constructions or parts- civil contractors 06002
Building installation 06003
Building completion 06004
Construction and maintenance of roads, rails, bridges, tunnels, ports, harbour, runways etc. 06005
Construction and maintenance of power plants 06006
Construction and maintenance of industrial plants 06007
Construction and maintenance of power transmission and telecommunication lines 06008
Construction of water ways and water reservoirs 06009
Other construction activity n.e.c. 06010


Purchase, sale and letting of leased buildings (residential and non-residential) 07001
Operating of real estate of self-owned buildings (residential and non-residential) 07002
Developing and sub-dividing real estate into lots 07003
Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis 07004
Other real estate/renting services n.e.c 07005
RENTING OF MACHINERY Renting of land transport equipment 08001
Renting of water transport equipment 08002
Renting of air transport equipment 08003
Renting of agricultural machinery and equipment 08004
Renting of construction and civil engineering machinery 08005
Renting of office machinery and equipment 08006
Renting of other machinery and equipment n.e.c. 08007
Renting of personal and household goods n.e.c. 08008
Renting of other machinery n.e.c. 08009
Wholesale and retail sale of motor vehicles 09001
Repair and maintenance of motor vehicles 09002
Sale of motor parts and accessories- wholesale and retail 09003
Retail sale of automotive fuel 09004
General commission agents, commodity brokers and auctioneers 09005
Wholesale of agricultural raw material 09006
Wholesale of food & beverages and tobacco 09007
Wholesale of household goods 09008
Wholesale of metals and metal ores 09009
Wholesale of household goods 09010
Wholesale of construction material 09011
Wholesale of hardware and sanitary fittings 09012
Wholesale of cotton and jute 09013
Wholesale of raw wool and raw silk 09014
Wholesale of other textile fibres 09015
Wholesale of industrial chemicals 09016
Wholesale of fertilizers and pesticides 09017
Wholesale of electronic parts & equipment 09018
Wholesale of other machinery, equipment and supplies 09019
Wholesale of waste, scrap & materials for re-cycling 09020
Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialized stores 09021
Retail sale of other goods in specialized stores 09022
Retail sale in non-specialized stores 09023
Retail sale of textiles, apparel, footwear, leather goods 09024
Retail sale of other household appliances 09025
Retail sale of hardware, paint and glass 09026
Wholesale of other products n.e.c 09027
Retail sale of other products n.e.c 09028


Hotels – Star rated 10001
Hotels – Non-star rated 10002
Motels, Inns and Dharmshalas 10003
Guest houses and circuit houses 10004
Dormitories and hostels at educational institutions 10005
Short stay accommodations n.e.c. 10006
Restaurants – with bars 10007

*n.e.c. – not elsewhere classified

Republished with amendments.


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  1. Manoj Kumar Singh says:

    Dear Sir,
    Please advice me business code for wooden furniture, mattress & steel Almirah sales to be shown Income tax for ITR 4 for AY 2018-19

  2. Manoj Kumar Singh says:

    Dear Sir,
    Please advice me business code for resoling or repairing or retreading rubber tyres which will be shown in ITR 4 for AY 2018-19

  3. Subhash Ghosalkar says:

    In case any assessee is liable for GST but due to ignorance or otherwise, he has not paid GST. Will he be liable for any inquiry from Income tax department. ?

  4. arpit says:

    please guide me, in coloumn E4 of ITR4 what amount is to be filled or how to calculate presumptive income under section 44 ADA if i earned Gross professional income of rs 1000000 in FY 2017-18

  5. soniya shah says:

    Dear sir,
    one of my friend getting fees from malesia on monthly basis.can i get benefit of section 44ada?
    which business code is to be selected for professional fees paid for software development

  6. Raj Kumar vij says:

    Sir, I m preparing itr 4 for my client. I fill all details but when I reach E9 I.e Gstr and turnover as per gstr return – on my client Gst is not applicable. And I leave it blank . but when I will validate the sheet then its showing that Gst no is mandate. Pls reply me on my connect no. 7206590098 &

  7. ALPESH says:


    I am professional adopted presumptive Income from Profession where such income is computed in accordance with special provisions referred to in sections 44ADA..

    I have earned income from more than one house property

    I have earned capital gain and laos there is long term capital loss to be carried forward

    which ITR I have to fill… last year i have filed ITR 4 for presumptive income

  8. Sanjay kumar says:

    ITR4. seeks almost the whole of balance sheet details but in case of ITR3 pertaining to no account case only 4 details have been sought as it existed in previous years.i.e. amount of sundry debtors , amount of sundry creditors, cash in hand and stock in trade

  9. taran says:







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