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Currently, there are two income tax slabs from which a salaried individual has to choose one every year. The income tax rates for these slabs are different. The old income tax regime continues with the existing tax exemptions and deductions. The new income tax regime offers lower income tax rates and more slabs with no option of availing tax exemptions and deductions. These tax slabs under the new tax regime has been revised from April 1, 2023.

Additionally, the new income tax system is adopted as the default tax system. Individuals will, however, have the choice to stick with the previous income tax system. The highest rate surcharge has been decreased by the government from 37% to 25% under the new tax system.

Old Vs New Tax Regime

The finance minister has proposed new income slabs that will reduce the middle-income earner group’s overall tax burden in FY 2023–2024.

The amended income tax rates under the new tax law for the financial year 2023–24 (AY 2024-25)

Income Tax slabs under new tax regime Income Tax rates under new tax regime
0 to 3 Lakh 0
Rs 3 Lakh to Rs 6 Lakh 5%
Rs 6 Lakh to Rs 9 Lakh 10%
Rs 9 Lakh to Rs 12 Lakh 15%
Rs 12 Lakh to Rs 15 Lakh 20%
Above Rs 15 Lakh 30%

Ongoing through the above, it is to be noted that following deductions/benefits shall not be available in case if Individual adopts for new tax structure: –

1. All the deductions under Chapter VI-A other than deduction under section 80CCD(1B) & standard deduction of Rs 52,500 will not be eligible which means deduction of Rs.1,50,000/- in respect of long-term savings like life insurance scheme, contribution to PF, PPF and NPS, NSC, long term fixed deposits etc. shall not be available in case the individual opts to pay tax at new rates. Deduction on account of donation under section 80G, deduction on account of interest on loan taken for higher education under section 80E, deduction on account of interest on saving bank account of Rs.10,000/- under Section 80TTA shall also not be available.

Comparative analysis of alternate tax with regular tax rates


Tax liability as per old structure Tax liability as per new structure Tax savings under new option
Up to 5 Lakh
Rs 7 Lakh 54600 Upto 7 Lakh (Nil) 54600
Rs 8 Lakh 75400 36400 39000
Rs 9 Lakh 96200 46800 49400
Rs 10 Lakh 117000 62400 54600
Rs 12 Lakh 179400 93600 85800
Rs 15 Lakh 273000 156000 117000

However, considering the fact that all exemptions and deductions shall not be available, it may not be advisable to exercise such option particularly in the case of salaried taxpayers as the benefit of the exemption/deduction foregone will be far higher as compared to the reduced tax rates. The below table depicts the impact of such new provision in respect of individuals or HUF’s having different level of income who are claiming deduction of Rs.5 0,000, Rs.1,00,000, Rs. 1,50,000, Rs. 2,00,000, Rs. 2,50,000, Rs. 3,00,000 and Rs. 350000

A) Cases where deductions and exemptions are being availed upto Rs.50,000/-

Total Income of the Assessee before availing deductions/ exemptions

Tax liability as per the old structure   (after taking benefit of deductions and exemptions) Tax liability under new structure (without benefit of deductions and exemptions) Savings under the new regime
700000 44200 44200
800000 65000 36400 28600
1000000 106600 62400 44200
1300000 195000 114400 80600
1700000 319800 218400 101400
2000000 413400 312000 101400

B) Cases where deductions and exemptions are being availed upto Rs.1,00,000/-

Total Income of the Assessee before availing deductions /exemptions

Tax liability as per the old structure (after taking benefit of deductions and exemptions) Tax liability under new structure (without benefit of deductions and exemptions) Savings under the new regime
700000 33800 33800
800000 54600 36400 18200
1000000 96200 62400 33800
1300000 179400 114400 65000
1700000 304200 218400 85800
2000000 397800 312000 85800

C) Cases where deductions and exemptions are being availed upto Rs.1,50,000/-

Total Income of the Assessee before availing deductions/ exemptions

Tax liability as per the old structure (after taking benefit of deductions and exemptions) Tax liability under new structure (without benefit of deductions and exemptions) Savings under the new regime
700000 23400 23400
800000 44200 36400 7800
1000000 85800 62400 23400
1300000 163800 114400 49400
1700000 288600 218400 70200
2000000 382200 312000 70200

D) Cases where deductions and exemptions are being availed upto Rs.2,00,000/-

Total Income of the Assessee before availing deductions/ exemptions

Tax liability as per the old structure (after      taking benefit of deductions and exemptions) Tax liability under new structure (without benefit of deductions and exemptions) Savings under the new regime
800000 33800 36400 (2600)
1000000 75400 62400 13000
1300000 148200 114400 33800
1700000 273000 218400 54600
2000000 366600 312000 54600

E) Cases where deductions/ exemptions are being availed upto Rs.2,50,000/

Total Income of the Assessee before availing deductions/ exemptions

Tax liability as per the old structure (after taking benefit of deductions and exemptions) Tax liability under new structure (without benefit of deductions and exemptions) Savings under the new regime
800000 23400 36400 (13000)
1000000 65000 62400 2600
1300000 132600 114400 18200
1700000 257400 218400 39000
2000000 351000 312000 39000

f) Cases where deductions and exemptions are being availed upto Rs.3,00,000/-

Total Income of the Assessee before availing deductions/ exemptions

Tax liability as per the old structure   (after taking benefit of deductions and exemptions) Tax liability under new structure (without benefit of deductions and exemptions) Savings under the new regime
800000 36400 (36400)
1000000 54600 62400 (7800)
1300000 117000 114400 2600
1700000 241800 218400 23400
2000000 335400 312000 23400

G) Cases where deductions and exemptions are being availed upto Rs.3,50,000/-

Total Income of the Assessee before availing deductions/ exemptions

Tax liability as per the old structure (after taking benefit of deductions and exemptions) Tax liability under new structure (without benefit of deductions and exemptions) Savings under the new regime
800000 36400 (36400)
1000000 44200 62400 (18200)
1300000 106600 114400 (7800)
1700000 226200 218400 7800
2000000 319800 312000 7800

Whether such exemptions and deductions are eliminated, and the tax rates are subsequently lowered, will have an effect on the taxpayer is a moot point. The eventual tax payment is something that the taxpayer anticipates, therefore if even after a drop in tax rates, the total amount due as a result of the removal of exemptions or deductions increases, the taxpayer will not be happy with that situation. Given the analysis shown above, it is clear that the new alternative tax rate and the ensuing removal of the exemption and deduction may not significantly lower the net tax liability of a large number of taxpayers. Consequently, a sizable proportion of taxpayers would decide to continue to be subject to the current tax slab rates rather than choosing to pay tax under these new tax slabs.


Author Bio

Mr. Suyash Tripathi is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). He has an experience in the fields of Income Tax, International Taxation, Company Law, Banking, Finance etc. He has been conducting Statutory & Tax audit, Internal audit of large & medium scale Limited View Full Profile

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One Comment

  1. Anoop says:

    What are benefits, exemptions, deductions ,rebates etc available to senior citizens/super senior citizen having only interest income under new regime

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