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INSPITE of all the contributions made to social causes, there is a huge gap between the demand of money from the needy and the amount donated by philanthropists. This probably, is the reason why the Government has given tax benefits on donations. The amount donated towards charity attracts deduction under section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Section 80G has been in the law book since financial year 1967-68 and it seems it’s here to stay. Several deductions have been swept away but the tax sop for donations appears to have survived the axe. The main features of tax benefit with respect to charity under section 80G are as follows:

1. Deduction U/s. 80G is Allowable to all kind of Assessee 

Any person or ‘assessee’ who makes an eligible donation is entitled to get tax deduction under section 80G subject to conditions. Section 80G does not restrict the deduction to individuals, companies or any specific category of taxpayer.

2. Deduction U/s. 80G on Donation to Foreign Trust

Donations made to foreign trusts do not qualify for deduction under section 80G.

3. Deduction U/s. 80G on Donation to Political Parties 

You cannot claim deduction under section 80G for donations made to political parties for any reason, including paying for brochures, souvenirs or pamphlets brought out by such parties. However deduction for contribution ( other than cash contribution) to political parties can be claimed u/s 80GGB/80GGC

4. Only donation made to prescribed funds and institutions qualify for section 80G deduction

All donations are not eligible for tax benefits. Tax benefits can be claimed only on specific donations i.e. those made to prescribed funds and institutions.

5. Maximum allowable deduction under section 80G 

If aggregate of the sums donated exceed 10% of the adjusted gross total income, the amount in excess of 10% ceases to be entitled for tax benefit.

Donation to Save Tax - Section 80G

6. Documentation Required for Claiming deduction U/s. 80G

  • Stamped receipt:  For claiming deduction under Section 80G, a receipt issued by the recipient trust is a must. The receipt must contain the name , address & PAN of the Trust, the name of the donor, the amount donated (please ensure that the amount written in words and figures tally). In case of donation which are eligible for 100% deduction recipient should also insist on form 58 from trust. Form 58 contains the details of project cost (for which the donation is received), amount authorised under this project and the actual amount collected. Without form 58, the claim for 100% deduction could be rejected even if the receipt mentions 100% deduction.
  • Mention of Registration No. of the Trust Under 80G on receipt:- The most important requirement is the Registration number issued by the Income Tax Department under Section 80G. This number must be printed on the receipt. Generally, the Income Tax Department issues the registration for a limited period (of 2 years) only. Thereafter, the registration has to be renewed. The receipt must not only mention the Registration number but also the validity period of the registration.
  • Validity of Registration U/s. 80G  on the date of Donation:- The donor must ensure that the registration is valid on the date on which the donation is given. For example, the registration of a trust may be valid from April 1, 2007 to March 31, 2009. Now, if the trust does not get its registration renewed on or after April 1, 2009 then even if donation receipt is issued by the trust to the donor for donations received on or after April 1, 2009, the donor would not get any tax benefit.

With Effect from 1st October 2009 it is not required for a trust to apply for renewal of 80G certificate, if the same is valid on 01.10.2009 or valid upto a date thereafter unless department specifically ask Trust to apply for renewal.  So Old 80G certificate will remain valid if the same is valid on 01.10.2009.

  • Photocopy of the section  80G certificate :- Check the validity period of the 80G certificate. Always insist on a photocopy of the 80G certificate in addition to the receipt.

7. Only donations in cash/cheque are eligible for the tax deduction under section 80G

Donations in kind do not entitle for any tax benefits. For example, during natural disasters such as floods, earthquake, and many organisations start campaigns for collecting clothes, blankets, food etc. Such donations will not fetch you any tax benefits. No deduction under this section is allowable in case the amount of donation  exceeds Rs 10000/- from A.y 2013-14 to 2017-18 (Rs 2000/- from A.y 2018-19) unless the amount is paid by any mode other than cash.

8. Deduction U/s. 80G on Donation made by NRI

NRIs are also entitled to claim tax benefits against donations, subject to the donations being made to eligible institutions and funds.

9. Deduction under section if donation deducted from Salary and donation receipt certificate is on the name of employer

Employees can claim deduction u/s 80G provided a certificate from the Employer is received in which employer states the fact that The Contribution was made out from employee’s salary account.

10. Limit on donation amount under section 80G

There is no upper limit on the amount of donation. However in some cases there is a cap on the eligible amount i.e. a maximum of 10% of the gross total income.

11. Deduction amount U/s. 80G 

Donations paid to specified institutions qualify for tax deduction under section 80G but is subject to certain ceiling limits. Based on limits, we can broadly divide all eligible donations under section 80G into four categories:

a) 100% deduction without any qualifying limit (e.g., Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund).

b) 50% deduction without any qualifying limit (e.g., Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust).

c) 100% deduction subject to qualifying limit (e.g., an approved institution for promoting family planning).

d) 50% deduction subject to qualifying limit (e.g., an approved institution for charitable purpose other than promoting family planning).

List of Institution donation to whom is eligible to 100% deduction without any qualifying limit,  eligible to 50% deduction without any qualifying limit,  100% & Subject to qualifying limit and of those eligible for 50% deduction subject to qualifying limit are as follows :-

a. Donations with 100% deduction under section 80G without any qualifying limit:

1. Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund

2. National Defence Fund set up by Central Government.

3. Prime Minister’s Armenia Earthquake Relief Fund

4. The Africa (Public Contribution – India) Fund

5. National Children’s Fund

6. The National Foundation for Communal Harmony

7. Approved university or educational institution of national eminence

8. The Chief Minister’s Earthquake Relief Fund, Maharashtra

9. Any fund set up by the State Government Of Gujarat for providing reliefs to the victims of earthquake in Gujarat.

10. Fund set up by the State Government for the medical relief to the poor.

11. Donations made to Zila Saksharta Samitis.

12. The National Blood Transfusion Council or a State Blood Transfusion Council.

13. The Army Central Welfare Fund or the Indian Naval Benevolent Fund or The Air Force Central Welfare Fund.

14. National Illness Assistance Fund

15. Chief Minister’s or Lt. Governor’s Relief Fund

16. National Sports Fund

17. National Cultural Fund

18. Central Govt.’s Fund for Technology Development & Application

19. National Trust for Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation & Multiple Disabilities

20. Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister’s Cyclone Relied Fund

b. Donations with 50% deduction under section 80G without any qualifying limit.

1. Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund

2. Prime Minister’s Drought Relief Fund

3. National Children’s Fund

4. Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust

5. The Rajiv Gandhi Foundation

c. Donations to the following are eligible for 100% deduction subject to 10% of adjusted gross total income

1. Donations to the Government or a local authority for the purpose of promoting family planning.

2. Sums paid by a company to Indian Olympic Association.

3. Swachh Bharat Kosh ( From A.y 2015-16)

4. Clean ganga Fund ( From A.y 2015-16)

5. National Fund For control of drug abuse (From A.y 2016-17)

d. Donations to the following are eligible for 50% deduction under section 80G subject to 10% of adjusted gross total income

1. Donation to the Government or any local authority to be utilized by them for any charitable purposes other than the purpose of promoting family planning.

2. Any Authority referred to in section 10(20A) for the purpose of dealing with and satisfying the need for housing accommodation or for the purpose of planning/development of town and village.

3. Any Corporation specified in section 10(26BB) for promoting interest of minority community

4.  Any notified temple, mosque, gurudwara church or other place (for renovation or repair)

12. Qualifying Limit for deduction under section 80G

The qualifying limits u/s 80G is 10% of the adjusted gross total income. The limit is to be applied to the adjusted gross total income. The ‘adjusted gross total income’ for this purpose is the gross total income (i.e. the sub total of income under various heads) reduced by the following:

  • Amount deductible under Sections 80CCC to 80U (but not Section 80G)
  • Exempt income
  • Long-term capital gains
  • Short- term capital gains taxable @15 per cent under section 111A.
  • Income referred to in Sections 115A, 115AB, 115AC, 115AD relating to non-residents and foreign companies.

13. Eligible Donation for deduction U/s. 80G

There are thousands of trusts registered in India that claim to be engaged in charitable activities. Many of them are genuine but some are untrue. In order that only genuine trusts get the tax benefits, the Government has made it compulsory for all charitable trusts to register themselves with the Income Tax Department. And for this purpose the Government has made two types of registrations necessary u/s. 12A & U/s. 80G. Only if the trust follows the registration U/s. 12A, they will get the tax exemption certificate, which is popularly known as 80G certificate. The government periodically releases a list of approved charitable institutions and funds that are eligible to receive donations that qualify for deduction. The list includes trusts, societies and corporate bodies incorporated under Section 8 of the Companies Act 2013 as non-profit companies.

14. Tax benefit under section 80G depends on rate of Tax applicable to the Assessee

Let us take an illustration. Mr. X an individual and M/s. Y Pvt. Ltd., a Company both give donation of Rs. 1,00,000/- to a NGO called Satyakaam. The total income for the A.Y. year 2019-20 of both Mr. X and Ms. Y Pvt. Ltd. is Rs. 5,00,000/-. The tax benefit would be as shown in the table:

Mr. X MS. Y Pvt. Ltd.
i) Total Income for the year 2019-20 5,00,000.00 5,00,000.00
ii) Tax payable before Donation 12.500.00 150000.00
iii) Donation made to charitable organisations 1,50,000.00 150,000.00
iv) Qualifying amount for deduction (50% of donation made) 75,000.00 75,000.00
v) Amount of deduction u/s 80G (Gross Qualifying Amount subject to a maximum limit 10% of the Gross Total Income) 50,000.00 50,000.00
iv) Taxable Income after deduction 4,50,000.00 4,50,000.00
v) Tax payable after Donation 10,000.00 1,35,000.00
vi) Tax Benefit U/S 80G (ii)-(v) 2,500.00 15,000.00

Note :

  • Education Cess & Sec. & Higher Educ. Cess has not been included in working of tax benefit.


i) Donations to private trusts

Step 1: Find out the qualifying amount

The qualifying amount under this category will be lower of the following two amounts:

a) The amount of donation

b) 10 per cent of the gross total income as reduced by all other deductions under Chapter VI-A of the Income Tax Act such as 80C (PPF, LIC etc.), 80D (mediclaim), 80CCC (pension schemes etc.).

For example, a taxpayer named Laxmi Arcelor as taxable salary of Rs 500,000. He has deposited Rs 70,000 in Public Provident Fund and Rs 60,000 in his company provident fund. He donates Rs 45,000 to CRY (Child Relief & You) trust. Presuming he has no other income & presuming that Donation is eligible for 50% deduction, his taxable income will be computed as under:

Gross salary Rs 500,000
Less: Deduction under section 80C Rs 130,000
Gross total income (before 80G) Rs 3,70,000

After making donation to CRY, his qualifying amount for 80G will be:

Actual amount of donation Rs 45,000
10% of Gross total income as computed above Rs 37,000 whichever is lower

Since 37,000 is lower, the qualifying amount will be Rs 37,000

Step 2: Find out actual deduction

The next question that arises is how much would be the actual deduction? In the case of donations to private trusts, the actual amount of donation would be 50 per cent of the qualifying amount.

Therefore, in the example given above, since the donation is made to a private trust, the deduction will be 50 per cent of the qualifying amount ie 50 per cent of Rs 37,000 = Rs 18,500.


Gross total income (Before 80G) Rs 370,000
Less: deduction under section 80G Rs 18,500
Total income (taxable income) Rs 351,500

Step 3: Check upper limit

Finally, the deduction under section 80G cannot exceed your taxable income. For example, if your income before deduction is Rs 3 lakh and if you have given donation of Rs 5 lakh to the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund, please do not expect to claim a loss of Rs 2 lakhs. Your income will be NIL (Rs 3 lakh – Rs 3 lakh). The deduction will be restricted to the amount of your income.

ii) Donations to trusts/funds set up by the Government

In this category, the entire amount donated i.e. 100 per cent of the donation amount is eligible for deduction. There is a long list of 21 funds/institutions/purposes for which donations given would qualify for 100 per cent eligibility. Notable among this list are:

– The National Defence Fund

– The Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund

– Any fund set up by the State Government of Gujarat for earthquake relief

The funds that figure in this long list are all set up by the Government. Private Trusts do not figure in this list.

Thus, in this category of donations, the ceiling of 10 per cent of the gross total income as reduced by all other deductions under Chapter VI-A of the Income Tax Act does not apply.

In the above example, if instead of donating to CRY, had the donation been given to say, The Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund, then the calculations would have different as shown below:

Gross Total Income (Before 80G) Rs 370,000
Less: Deduction under section 80G Rs 45,000
Total Income (Taxable Income) Rs 325,000

(Updated on 28.06.2018)


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  1. Narayana Hegde says:

    The recognition u/s 80 (G) of I.T.Act of our association expired on 31/3/2010. As our Chartered Accountant’s father expired during that time, we could not submit our application for renewal, but could send it on 17/6/2010. Now, the renewal of recognition has arrived and it is from 17/6/2010. What should we do to avail recognition for the donations made between 1/4/2010 to 17/6/2010? Would kindly guide us?

  2. Lalit Singh Sawant says:

    We are working with street and working children in Delhi.our organisation have 80G, but our certificate will expiry date on 15th September 2010. Please guide us how can we use our certificate without renewal? Is there only way to go inc ome tax office and get any Renewal/ approval or do you have any other best suggestions?

  3. GMR says:

    I have attached for IT circular No.05/2010 dated 03.06.2010.

    29.4 Further, as per clause (vi) of sub-section (5) of section 80G of the Income-tax Act,
    1961, the institutions or funds to which the donations are made have to be approved by
    the Commissioner of Income-tax in accordance with the rules prescribed in rule 11AA of
    the Income-tax Rule, 1962. The proviso to this clause provides that any approval granted
    under this clause shall have effect for such assessment year or years, not exceeding five
    assessment years, as may be specified in the approval. Due to this limitation imposed on
    the validity of such approvals, the approved institutions or funds have to bear the
    hardship of getting their approvals renewed from time to time. This is unduly
    burdensome for the bonafide institutions or funds and also leads to wastage of time and
    resources of the tax administration in renewing such approvals in a routine manner.

    29.5 Therefore, the proviso to clause (vi) of sub-section (5) of section 80G has been
    omitted to provide that the approval once granted shall continue to be valid in perpetuity.

    29.6 Further, the Commissioner will also have the power of withdraw the approval if
    the Commissioner is satisfied that the activities of such institution or fund are not genuine
    or are not being carried out in accordance with the objects of the institution or fund.

  4. GMR says:

    Neither the dept accept renewal form for 80 G nor they issued a letter citing the Amendment. What to mention in Receipt about 80 G information.

  5. s.ANANTHARAJAN says:

    can you sent the copy immediately of 80G section clause(vi) sub section (5) for automatic renewal of 80G government order

  6. Ronak says:

    This is in regard to ur 1st Illustration of Mr.X for calculating qualifying amount for deduction, As per my knowledge n as per wordings of Law and taking into considertion an example from DT reddy reckoner i had noticed that,the deduction u/s.80G is Rs.15000/- (50% of qualifying amount) and not Rs.30000/-.
    It is not 50% of donation amt. and 50% of qualifying amt.(10% of adjusted GTI) which should be taken for comparision bt it is the qualifying amt. which shud be taken as base for for making donation,any donation in excess of qualifying amt. should be ignored and the deduction u/s. 80G should be 50% of qualifying amt. and in case of donation made below qualifying amt. deduction should be 50% of donation amt.

    It is an request to u sir to look into the matter and reply asap and to guide me ,if my approach is wrong.

  7. anil says:

    NO NEED TO RENEW CERTIFICATE u/s 80G after 1.10.2009. If certificate is granted upto 31.03.2010 UNDER WHICH CIRCULAR. PL. CLARIFY

  8. Praveen LH says:

    Can the employer take the 80G contribution of its employee while calculating TDS. Should it be shown in Form 16. Please reply.


  9. Prashanth Nayak says:

    Can someone please tell me when and how this benefit can be claimed? Is it during the filing of the IT Returns (Form 16 does not carry any provision for entering this amount)?

  10. Sunil Kumar says:

    I heared to renewal of 80g is need not the 80g certificate is regularised circular given govt. any one please tell me the above circula details.


  11. B.S.S. Babu says:

    Dear Vibhuti Sarma Sir,

    This is S. S. Babu from Bangalore, I will be with you for these type of issues. My mail ID:sivasankarababu@hotmail.com

  12. Vibhuti Sharma says:

    I am absolutely disgusted that the Income Tax Department is getting away with harrassing NGOs. When the 2009 finance bill clearly announced that 80G is exempt until perpetuity if expiry falls within a stipualated date, why are we being harrassed on the grounds of an internal circular.

    The matter has been made public by a Bill- the Income Tax Commissioner should actually be questioned under RTI as why citizens are being harrassed. The department is there to facilate us, not make our lives miserable. People should sign a petition against this and raise a voice.

    I would like to be the first to do it, who will join me?

  13. Sudarsan says:

    I have donated Rs 5,000 to my school. Can you please tel me the procedure to get the Tax deduction for IT returns filing.?

  14. N GIRIJA says:

    I am paying Rs.4000/- per month as monthly fees to an institution which takes care of my mentally retarded brother. My father is not alive and my mother is also not a pension receiver. I am taking care of both my mother and brother. Can i use the monthly fees for income tax deduction. If so,
    how much maximum amount eligible. Details please on this issue. Tax rebate 50% OR 100% or 10 % of the gross pay. AND WHAT SECTION.?
    Also for my brothers medical treatment comes around 10,000 or 15,000 per year. Can this also be deducted from tax ? what section pls send it thro mail

  15. Sankar.R says:


    Indus tree crafts Foundation
    Bangalore -34

  16. Dr. Harrison says:

    We have been instructed by the Income Tax Dept that we must file for renewal in spite of the new rules. They say they know the new rules but we still must reapply.

    Yes, it is startling that there is not notification, no announcement…

  17. veersh says:

    is the any donation is made for the trust for the rehabilitation of physically handicapped person is eligible for the 100% deduction for the donor under the section 80G.

  18. ca RONNIE W PEREIRA says:

    As per the amendment to section 80G, it clearly says that the provision to 80G (vi) has been deleted from 01.10.2010. This simply means that as on that date i e 30.09.2009 whoever has an 80G valid as on that date, need not apply for renewal. But in my opinion a letter stating this fact needs to be filed by the assessee seeking the i t dept to issue some sort of letter granting the registration as per the finance bill 2009. I am very surprised that this landmark amendment was not publicised by any of our eminent experts during the budget meets and further this fact was also not highlighted by the media. It is high time a clarificatory circular is sought by our professional bodies, viz ICAI, etc.

  19. Cering says:

    our Trust got 80G certificate and got expired on 30.03.2009. We applied for renewal on 20.04.2009 and as usual income tax renewal process took long time and finally received renewed 80G certificate on 04.12.2009.
    Now my question is, given that 80G certificate is not required to renew after 01.10.2009……….is our Trust applicable under this?

    Please suggest me what to do?

  20. Rajinder Verma says:

    The H.P.Forest Department has got a society namely HP Forest Sports and Welfare registered from Income tax department under section 12a of IT Act.1961 and the IT department has informed that the society will get all the benefits which provides u/s 11 & 12 of the income tax act.Please explain the benefits of the section 11 & 12 of the income tax act.1961

  21. Dr. Harrison says:

    I still don’t see anything I can give donors to indicate that our 80G continues past the expiration date of 31.3.10. the income tax office in Kolkata is still saying we need to renew. Anyone able to help?

  22. DR. B. AKHTAR says:


  23. veeresh says:

    the amount of deduction available for the donor for the donation to the trust for the rehabilitation of physically handicapped persons (suppose it is Rs100000)

  24. CA Akanksha Agarwal says:

    trust whose Sec. 80G exemption renewal falls after 1.10.2009 need not file for renewal. Existing approval shall be deemed to be continued in perpetuity unless specifically withdrawn.

    So, if renewal falls on 31/03/2010 then u need not to be apply for renewal.

  25. district sports officer says:

    Can employer takes into consideration the amount donated by a employee to educational institute having 80G certificate while calculating tax for the year 2009-2010?

  26. CIA Arindam Bhattacharjee says:

    Kindly let me know about validity of 80G renewal, if renewal falls on 31/03/2010. I need the details very specific way. Please clarify.

  27. district sp[ort officer, thane says:

    Does Employer has power to deduct the amount claimed by the employee which he has given as a donation to a education institute having 80G certificate? The amount liable for deduction should be shown in the i.t.return by the employee himself. Is it true? Please clarify.

  28. Dr. Harrison says:

    Jelvis above

    If the 80 G certificate was to expire on or after 01.10.09, then there is no need of renewal as existing certificate is to be considered perpetual. However, since urs is expiring on 31.03.09 you need to apply for renewal.

    Also, an amendment was circulated to amend Finance Act 2009 but I cannot see that it passed. A few webisites are offering this info also:
    As per the Finance (No.2) Act, 2009, Clause (vi) of Sec. 80G(5) has been omitted wef 1-10-2009

    As per my understanding,trust whose Sec. 80G exemption renewal falls after 1.10.2009 need not file for renewal. Existing approval shall be deemed to be continued in perpetuity unless specifically withdrawn

    Please confirm whether my understanding is correct or we need to submit some documents for this approval.

    Yes. If 80G Exemption renewla falls after 1.10.2009 then existing approval shall be deemed to be continued
    Our accountant told us we did not have to renew but he could not provide written info.

  29. Dr. Harrison says:

    Regarding no necessity to renew 80G, can you cite the section or law or amendment passed that states this. Ours expires 31.3.10 but we need to have something in writing to give to donors that states the renewal not necessary.
    thank you.

  30. Jelvis says:

    Dear S.N. Gaur,

    If the 80 G certificate was to expire on or after 01.10.09, then there is no need of renewal as existing certificate is to be considered perpetual. However, since urs is expiring on 31.03.09 you need to apply for renewal.

    Renewal if approved is from the date of application and cannot be back date i.e. date of previous expiry.

  31. viney kirpal says:

    GREAT Foundation has an 80G exemption certificate which is valid until 31 March, 2010.

    Please clarify if under the new Budget, such organizations whose validity goes beyond October need not re-apply for its renewal for life.
    Thank you.
    Viney Kirpal

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