The income ceilings of Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and Low Income Group (LIG) presently defined as Rs. 3300 per month per household and Rs. 3301-7300 per month per household respectively for the purpose of housing loans were fixed on 2006 prices.
In order to account for the rise in per capita income, inflation and construction costs, the proposal to revise the income ceiling has been under consideration of this Ministry.
Having regard to the views received from Planning Commission, Department of Expenditure, various State Governments, UT Administrations, and the deliberations of Screening Committee on Interest Subsidy for Housing the Urban Poor Scheme (ISHUP), the Government has decided to revise the income ceilings in respect of the EWS and LIG as under:
Income Ceiling per month per household for purposes of housing loans (2008 prices)
Category | Existing | Revised |
EWS | Up to 3300 | Up to Rs. 5000 |
LIG | 3301 – 7300 | Rs. 5001 -10000 |
The revised income ceilings shall be applicable for definition of beneficiaries under government schemes for housing, including Interest Subsidy for Housing the Urban Poor Scheme (ISHUP), Basic Services for Urban Poor (BSUP)/Integrated Housing & Slum Development Programme (IHSDP). The existing upper ceiling of Rs. 3,300/- per month for EWS and Rs. 7,300/- per month for LIG will, however, continue to form the basis for calculation of affordability and subsidy; as also arriving at EMIs by the PLIs under the Scheme for Interest Subsidy for Housing the Urban Poor (ISHUP), within overall subsidy ceilings prescribed for ISHUP.
can some body send me the latest information about the India and Nepal’s Income group categories ?
like how much per month per head/HH income comes under which category ?????