All Central Excise registrants, except Government Departments, not having PAN based registration number shall file an amendment and obtain a PAN based registration on or before 31/05/2015. (refer notification no.7/2015 CE(NT) dated 1/3/2015 ).
All Central Excise Assessees shall update their email-id and provide their mobile number (in the column Phone2/Mobile Number in A-1/A-2). In the case of A-3 registrants, Mobile numbers to be provided against Residence Phone Number/Mobile Number column. They shall also provide Business transaction numbers obtained from other Government departments or agencies in the relevant fields under 12 of the A1 application form, wherever applicable, by filing an amendment to registration in ACES on or before 31/05/2015. (Refer notification no.7/2015 CE (NT) dated 01/03/2015).
(Compiled by Taxguru Team based on Relevant Notification and inputs from ACES Website)