ITAT Cochin held that freezer deposits is taxable only on the year of termination of the agreement between the assessee (supplier) and the dealer/ distributor.
ITAT Cochin held that levy of late fee under section 234E for processing for period prior to 1st June 2015 is unsustainable and bad-in-law.
ITAT Cochin held that as per condition mentioned in section 54F deduction is not available if the assessee owns more than one residential house, other than the new asset. The same should be interpreted to mean ownership of residential houses in India. Accordingly, deduction u/s. 54F not deniable if assessee owns two residential houses in USA
ITAT Cochin held that agricultural income recorded on estimated basis needs to accepted as it was supported by all the possible evidence for estimating income. Revenue has not brought anything on record to show the income estimated and the percentage of expense claimed is not correct.
Vertex Securities Ltd Vs ITO (ITAT Cochin) The assessee has made an investment in equity shares of Rs.5,84,10,100/-. The dividend from such investment is exempted from the tax. Accordingly, AO computed the disallowance u/s 14A of the Act at Rs.11,84,111/-. The same was confirmed by the Ld. CIT(A). Before us, Ld. A.R. submitted that assessee […]
Last Hour Ministry Vs CIT (Exemptions) (ITAT Cochin) A perusal of the order cancelling registration wherein various reasons have been given as mentioned earlier apparently show that these reasons would at best give rise to violations u/s.13(1)(c) and 13(1)(d) of the Act which would result in additions in the assessment and reassessment. Such violations, if […]
Heera Kerala Developers Pvt. Ltd. Vs ACIT (ITAT Cochin) After hearing the rival submissions we observe from the assessment order passed under Section 143(3) of the Act that there was an addition made by the AO under Section 68 of the Act to the tune of Rs.71,66,000/-which has been set off from the returned loss […]
Armajaro Trading India (P) Limited Vs ITO (ITAT Cochin) In the instant case, one of the reasons for limited scrutiny was for the purpose of examining whether the share application money received by the assessee was genuine and was from disclosed sources. It is seen that the assessee had shown an amount of Rs.2,55,94,110 as […]
ITO Vs Hosdurg Service Cooperative Bank Limited (ITAT Cochin) The CIT(A) had held rental income received by the assessee was not entitled to deduction u/s 80P(2) of the I.T.Act. The relevant finding of the CIT(A) reads as follows:- “The appellant derived rental income amounting to Rs.24,400/- in A.Y. 2007-08, Rs.21,950/- in A.Y. 2008-09, Rs.16,700/- in […]
Held that the carry forward of business loss cannot be denied to the assessee merely on the ground that the statutory audit/tax audit was not completed within the prescribed period.