New Delhi, the 3rd July, 2018
No. IBBI/2018-19/GN/REG031. -In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (t) of subsection (1) of section 196 read with section 240 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (31 of 2016), the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India hereby makes the following regulations further to amend the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016, namely: –
1. (1) These regulations may be called the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2018.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette and shall apply to corporate insolvency resolution processes commencing on or after the said date.
2. In the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016 (hereinafter referred to as the principal regulations), in regulation 2, in sub-regulation (1), after clause (a), the following clause shall be inserted, namely: –
“(aa) “class of creditors” means a class with at least ten financial creditors under clause (b) of sub-section (6A) of section 21 and the expression, “creditors in a class” shall be construed accordingly.”.
3. In the principal regulations, in regulation 3, –
(a) in sub-regulation (1), in clause (c), in sub-clause (ii), for the words “ten per cent”, the words “five per cent” shall be substituted;
(b) after sub-regulation (1), the following sub-regulation shall be inserted, namely:-
“(1A) Where the committee decides to appoint the interim resolution professional as resolution professional or replace the interim resolution professional under section 22 or replace the resolution professional under section 27, it shall obtain the written consent of the proposed resolution professional in Form AA of the Schedule.”.
4. In the principal regulations, after regulation 4, the following sub-regulations shall be inserted, namely: –
“4A. Choice of authorised representative
(1) On an examination of books of account and other relevant records of the corporate debtor, the interim resolution professional shall ascertain class(s) of creditors, if any.
(2) For representation of creditors in a class ascertained under sub-regulation (1) in the committee, the interim resolution professional shall identify three insolvency professionals who are-
(a) not his relatives or related parties;
(b) eligible to be insolvency professionals under regulation 3; and
(c) willing to act as authorised representative of creditors in the class.
(3) The interim resolution professional shall obtain the consent of each insolvency professional identified under sub-regulation (2) to act as the authorised representative of creditors in the class in Form AB of the Schedule.”.
5. In the principal regulations, in regulation 6,
(i) in sub-regulation (2), after clause (b), the following clauses shall be inserted, namely: – “(ba) state where claim forms can be downloaded or obtained from, as the case may be; (bb) offer choice of three insolvency professionals identified under regulation 4A to act as the authorised representative of creditors in each class; and”.
(ii) in sub-regulation (3), the words “Clarification– The expenses on the public announcement shall not form part of insolvency resolution process costs” shall be omitted.
6. In the principal regulations, in regulation 7, in sub-regulation (1), for the words, “submit proof of claim”, the words “submit claim with proof” shall be substituted.
7. In the principal regulations, in regulation 8, –
(a) in sub-regulation (1), for the words, “financial creditor of the corporate debtor shall submit proof of claim”, the words “financial creditor, other than a financial creditor belonging to a class of creditors, shall submit claim with proof” shall be substituted;
(b) in sub-regulation (2), in clause (b), in sub-clause (iii), for the word “repaid”, the word “paid” shall be substituted.
8. In the principal regulations, after regulation 8, the following regulation shall be inserted, namely: –
“8A. Claims by creditors in a class.
(1) A person claiming to be a creditor in a class shall submit claim with proof to the interim resolution professional in electronic form in Form CA of the Schedule.
(2) The existence of debt due to a creditor in a class may be proved on the basis of-
(a) the records available with an information utility, if any; or
(b) other relevant documents, including any-
(i) agreement for sale;
(ii) letter of allotment;
(iii) receipt of payment made; or
(iv) such other document, evidencing existence of debt.
(3) A creditor in a class may indicate its choice of an insolvency professional, from amongst the three choices provided by the interim resolution professional in the public announcement, to act as its authorised representative.”.
9. In the principal regulations, in regulation 9, in sub-regulation (1) and (2), for the words, “proof of claim”, the words “claim with proof” shall respectively be substituted;
10. In the principal regulations, in regulation 9A, in sub-regulation (1), for the words, “proof of its claim”, the words “its claim with proof” shall be substituted.
11. In the principal regulations, in regulation 12, –
(a) in sub-regulation (1), for the words, “proof of claim”, the words “claim with proof” shall be substituted;
(b) for sub-regulation (2), the following sub-regulation shall be substituted, namely:-
“(2) A creditor, who fails to submit claim with proof within the time stipulated in the public announcement, may submit the claim with proof to the interim resolution professional or the resolution professional, as the case may be, on or before the ninetieth day of the insolvency commencement date.”;
(c) in sub-regulation (3), for the words, “a financial creditor”, the words “a financial creditor under regulation 8” shall be substituted.
12. After regulation 16, the following regulations shall be inserted, namely: –
“16A. Authorised representative.
(1) The interim resolution professional shall select the insolvency professional, who is the choice of the highest number of financial creditors in the class in Form CA received under sub-regulation (1) of regulation 12, to act as the authorised representative of the creditors of the respective class:
Provided that the choice for an insolvency professional to act as authorised representative in Form CA received under sub-regulation (2) of regulation 12 shall not be considered.
(2) The interim resolution professional shall apply to the Adjudicating Authority for appointment of the authorised representatives selected under sub-regulation (1) within two days of the verification of claims received under sub-regulation (1) of regulation 12.
(3) Any delay in appointment of the authorised representative for any class of creditors shall not affect the validity of any decision taken by the committee.
(4) The interim resolution professional shall provide the list of creditors in each class to the respective authorised representative appointed by the Adjudicating Authority.
(5) The interim resolution professional or the resolution professional, as the case may be, shall provide an updated list of creditors in each class to the respective authorised representative as and when the list is updated.
Clarification: The authorised representative shall have no role in receipt or verification of claims of creditors of the class he represents.
(6) The interim resolution professional or the resolution professional, as the case may be, shall provide electronic means of communication between the authorised representative and the creditors in the class.
(7) The voting share of a creditor in a class shall be in proportion to the financial debt which includes an interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum unless a different rate has been agreed to between the parties.
(8) The authorised representative of creditors in a class shall be entitled to receive fee for every meeting of the committee attended by him in the following manner, namely: –
Number of creditors in the class | Fee per meeting of the committee (Rs.) |
10-100 | 15,000 |
101-1000 | 20,000 |
More than 1000 | 25,000 |
(9) The authorised representative shall circulate the agenda to creditors in a class and announce the voting window at least twenty-four hours before the window opens for voting instructions and keep the voting window open for at least twelve hours.
16B. Committee with only creditors in a class.
Where the corporate debtor has only creditors in a class and no other financial creditor eligible to join the committee, the committee shall consist of only the authorised representative(s).”.
13. In the principal regulations, for regulation 17, the following regulation shall be substituted, namely: –
“17. Constitution of committee.
(1) The interim resolution professional shall file a report certifying constitution of the committee to the Adjudicating Authority within two days of the verification of claims received under sub-regulation (1) of regulation 12.
(2) The interim resolution professional shall hold the first meeting of the committee within seven days of filing the report under this regulation.
(3) Where the appointment of resolution professional is delayed, the interim resolution professional shall perform the functions of the resolution professional from the fortieth day of the insolvency commencement date till a resolution professional is appointed under section 22.”.
14. In the principal regulations, for regulation 19, the following regulation shall be substituted, namely: –
“19. (1) Subject to this Regulation, a meeting of the committee shall be called by giving not less than five days’ notice in writing to every participant, at the address it has provided to the resolution professional and such notice may be sent by hand delivery, or by post but in any event, be served on every participant by electronic means in accordance with Regulation 20.
(2) The committee may reduce the notice period from five days to such other period of not less than twenty-four hours, as it deems fit:
Provided that the committee may reduce the period to such other period of not less than forty-eight hours if there is any authorised representative.”.
15. In the principal regulations, in regulation 25, –
(a) for sub-regulation (3), the following sub-regulation shall be substituted, namely: – “(3) The resolution professional shall take a vote of the members of the committee present in the meeting, on any item listed for voting after discussion on the same.”.
(b) for sub-regulation (5), the following sub-regulation shall be substituted, namely: “(5) The resolution professional shall-
(a) circulate the minutes of the meeting by electronic means to all members of the committee within forty-eight hours of the conclusion of the meeting; and
(b) seek a vote of the members who did not vote at the meeting on the matters listed for voting, by electronic voting system in accordance with regulation 26 where the voting shall be kept open for twenty-four hours from the circulation of the minutes, for.”.
16. In the principal regulations, in regulation 26, sub-regulation (2) shall be omitted.
17. In the principal regulations, in regulation 27, for the words, “seven days of his appointment”, the words “seven days of his appointment, but not later than forty-seventh day from the insolvency commencement date” shall be substituted.
18. In the principal regulations, in regulation 29, in sub-regulation (2), for the words, “approval of the committee”, the words “approval of the committee by a vote of sixty-six per cent of voting share of the members” shall be substituted.
19. In the principal regulations, after regulation 30, the following regulation shall be inserted, namely: –
“30A. Withdrawal of application.
(1) An application for withdrawal under section 12A shall be submitted to the interim resolution professional or the resolution professional, as the case may be, in Form FA of the Schedule before issue of invitation for expression of interest under regulation 36A.
(2) The application in sub-regulation (1) shall be accompanied by a bank guarantee towards estimated cost incurred for purposes of clauses (c) and (d) of regulation 31 till the date of application.
(3) The committee shall consider the application made under sub-regulation (1) within seven days of its constitution or seven days of receipt of the application, whichever is later.
(4) Where the application is approved by the committee with ninety percent voting share, the resolution professional shall submit the application under sub-regulation (1) to the Adjudicating Authority on behalf of the applicant, within three days of such approval.
(5) The Adjudicating Authority may, by order, approve the application submitted under sub-regulation (4).”.
20. In the principal regulations, in regulation 31, after clause (a), the following clauses shall be inserted, namely: –
“(aa) fee payable to authorised representative under sub-regulation (7) of regulation 16A; (ab) out of pocket expenses of authorised representative for discharge of his functions under section 25;”.
21. In the principal regulations, for regulation 35A, the following regulation shall be substituted, namely: –
“35A. Preferential and other transactions.
(1) On or before the seventy-fifth day of the insolvency commencement date, the resolution professional shall form an opinion whether the corporate debtor has been subjected to any transaction covered under sections 43, 45, 50 or 66.
(2) Where the resolution profesional is of the opinion that the corporate debtor has been subjected to any transactions covered under sections 43, 45, 50 or 66, he shall make a determination on or before the one hundred and fifteenth day of the insolvency commencement date, under intimation to the Board.
(3) Where the resolution profesional makes a determination under sub-regulation (2), he shall apply to the Adjudicating Authority for appropriate relief on or before the one hundred and thirty-fifth day of the insolvency commencement date.”.
22. In the principal regulations, in regulation 36, –
(a) for sub-regulation (1), the following sub-regulation shall be substituted, namely: –
“(1) Subject to sub-regulation (4), the resolution professional shall submit the information memorandum in electronic form to each member of the committee within two weeks of his appointment, but not later than fifty-fourth day from the insolvency commencement date, whichever is earlier.”
(b) in sub-regulation (4), the words “or a prospective resolution applicant” shall be omitted;
23. In the principal regulations, for regulation 36A, the following regulation shall be substituted, namely: –
“36A. Invitation for expression of interest.
(1) The resolution professional shall publish brief particulars of the invitation for expression of interest in Form G of the Schedule at the earliest, not later than seventy-fifth day from the insolvency commencement date, from interested and eligible prospective resolution applicants to submit resolution plans.
(2) The resolution professional shall publish Form G-
(i) in one English and one regional language newspaper with wide circulation at the location of the registered office and principal office, if any, of the corporate debtor and any other location where in the opinion of the resolution professional, the corporate debtor conducts material business operations;
(ii) on the website, if any, of the corporate debtor;
(iii) on the website, if any, designated by the Board for the purpose; and
(iv) in any other manner as may be decided by the committee.
(3) The Form G in the Schedule shall –
(a) state where the detailed invitation for expression of interest can be downloaded or obtained from, as the case may be; and
(b) provide the last date for submission of expression of interest which shall not be less than fifteen days from the date of issue of detailed invitation.
(4) The detailed invitation referred to in sub-regulation (3) shall-
(a) specify the criteria for prospective resolution applicants, as approved by the committee in accordance with clause (h) of sub-section (2) of section 25;
(b) state the ineligibility norms under section 29A to the extent applicable for prospective resolution applicants;
(c) provide such basic information about the corporate debtor as may be required by a prospective resolution applicant for expression of interest; and
(d) not require payment of any fee or any non-refundable deposit for submission of expression of interest.
(5) A prospective resolution applicant, who meet the requirements of the invitation for expression of interest, may submit expression of interest within the time specified in the invitation under clause (b) of sub-regulation (3).
(6) The expression of interest received after the time specified in the invitation under clause (b) of sub-regulation (3) shall be rejected.
(7) An expression of interest shall be unconditional and be accompanied by-
(a) an undertaking by the prospective resolution applicant that it meets the criteria specified by the committee under clause (h) of sub-section (2) of section 25;
(b) relevant records in evidence of meeting the criteria under clause (a);
(c) an undertaking by the prospective resolution applicant that it does not suffer from any ineligibility under section 29A to the extent applicable;
(d) relevant information and records to enable an assessment of ineligibility under clause (c);
(e) an undertaking by the prospective resolution applicant that it shall intimate the resolution professional forthwith if it becomes ineligible at any time during the corporate insolvency resolution process;
(f) an undertaking by the prospective resolution applicant that every information and records provided in expression of interest is true and correct and discovery of any false information or record at any time will render the applicant ineligible to submit resolution plan, forfeit any refundable deposit, and attract penal action under the Code; and
(g) an undertaking by the prospective resolution applicant to the effect that it shall maintain confidentiality of the information and shall not use such information to cause an undue gain or undue loss to itself or any other person and comply with the requirements under sub-section (2) of section 29.
(8) The resolution professional shall conduct due diligence based on the material on record in order to satisfy that the prospective resolution applicant complies with-
(a) the provisions of clause (h) of sub-section (2) of section 25;
(b) the applicable provisions of section 29A, and
(c) other requirements, as specified in the invitation for expression of interest.
(9) The resolution professional may seek any clarification or additional information or document from the prospective resolution applicant for conducting due diligence under sub-regulation (8).
(10) The resolution professional shall issue a provisional list of eligible prospective resolution applicants within ten days of the last date for submission of expression of interest to the committee and to all prospective resolution applicants who submitted the expression of interest.
(11) Any objection to inclusion or exclusion of a prospective resolution applicant in the provisional list referred to in sub-regulation (10) may be made with supporting documents within five days from the date of issue of the provisional list.
(12) On considering the objections received under sub-regulation (11), the resolution professional shall issue the final list of prospective resolution applicants within ten days of the last date for receipt of objections, to the committee.”.
24. In the principal regulations, after regulation 36A, the following regulation shall be inserted, namely: –
“36B. Request for resolution plans.
(1) The resolution professional shall issue the information memorandum, evaluation matrix and a request for resolution plans, within five days of the date of issue of the provisional list under sub-regulation (10) of regulation 36A to –
(a) every prospective resolution applicant in the provisional list; and
(b) every prospective resolution applicant who has contested the decision of the resolution professional against its non-inclusion in the provisional list.
(2) The request for resolution plans shall detail each step in the process, and the manner and purposes of interaction between the resolution professional and the prospective resolution applicant, along with corresponding timelines.
(3) The request for resolution plans shall allow prospective resolution applicants a minimum of thirty days to submit the resolution plan(s).
(4) The request for resolution plans shall not require any non-refundable deposit for submission of or along with resolution plan.
(5) Any modification in the request for resolution plan or the evaluation matrix issued under sub-regulation (1), shall be deemed to be a fresh issue and shall be subject to timeline under sub-regulation (3).
(6) The resolution professional may, with the approval of the committee, extend the timeline for submission of resolution plans.
(7) The resolution professional may, with the approval of the committee, re-issue request for resolution plans, if the resolution plans received in response to an earlier request are not satisfactory, subject to the condition that the request is made to all prospective resolution applicants in the final list:
Provided that provisions of sub-regulation (3) shall not apply for submission of resolution plans under this sub-regulation.”.
25. In the principal regulations, in regulation 37, after clause (c), the following clause shall be inserted, namely: –
“(ca) cancellation or delisting of any shares of the corporate debtor, if applicable;”.
26. In the principal regulations, in regulation 38, –
(a) in sub-regulation (1), in clause (a), for the words, “insolvency resolution process costs will be paid”, the words “insolvency resolution process costs, to the extent unpaid, will be paid” shall be substituted;
(b) for sub-regulation (3), the following sub-regulation shall be substituted, namely: –
“(3) A resolution plan shall demonstrate that –
(a) it addresses the cause of default;
(b) it is feasible and viable;
(c) it has provisions for its effective implementation;
(d) it has provisions for approvals required and the timeline for the same; and
(e) the resolution applicant has the capability to implement the resolution plan.”.
27. In the principal regulations, in regulation 39, –
(a) for sub-regulation (1), the following sub-regulations shall be substituted, namely: –
“(1) A prospective resolution applicant in the final list may submit resolution plan or plans prepared in accordance with the Code and these regulations to the resolution professional electronically within the time given in the request for resolution plans under regulation 36B along with
(a) an affidavit stating that it is eligible under section 29A to submit resolution plans;
(b) an undertaking that it will provide for additional funds to the extent required for the purposes under sub-regulation (1) of regulation 38; and
(d) an undertaking by the prospective resolution applicant that every information and records provided in connection with or in the resolution plan is true and correct and discovery of false information and record at any time will render the applicant ineligible to continue in the corporate insolvency resolution process, forfeit any refundable deposit, and attract penal action under the Code.
(1A) A resolution plan which does not comply with the provisions of sub-regulation (1) shall be rejected.”.
(b) for sub-regulation (3), the following sub-regulations shall be substituted, namely: –
“(3) The committee shall evaluate the resolution plans received under sub-regulation (1) strictly as per the evaluation matrix to identify the best resolution plan and may approve it with such modifications as it deems fit:
Provided that the committee shall record the reasons for approving or rejecting a resolution plan.”.
(c) for sub-regulation (4), the following sub-regulation shall be substituted, namely: –
“(4) The resolution professional shall endeavour to submit the resolution plan approved by the committee to the Adjudicating Authority at least fifteen days before the maximum period for completion of corporate insolvency resolution process under section 12, along with a compliance certificate in Form H of the Schedule.”.
28. In the principal regulations, after regulation 40, the following regulation shall be inserted, namely: –
“40A. Model time–line for corporate insolvency resolution process.
The following Table presents a model timeline of corporate insolvency resolution process on the assumption that the interim resolution professional is appointed on the date of commencement of the process and the time available is hundred and eighty days: