CS Shikha Mehra
1. Annual general meeting (Section 96) :
Time of Meeting : Every AGM shall be called during business hours, i.e., between 9 a.m to 6 p.m on any day that is not a National holiday.
Venue of Meeting: It shall be held either at the Registered office of the Company or at some other place within the city, town or village in which the registered office of the Company is situated.
2. Board Meeting {Rule 3 of the Companies(Meetings of Board and its Powers) Rules, 2014}:
Board Meeting can be held anywhere in the world as there is no such provision regarding the place of holding Board meeting.
Board meeting can be done by the way of video conferencing provided that the Notice of the meeting shall inform the directors regarding the option available to them to participate through video conferencing mode and director intending to participate through video conferencing shall give prior intimation to that effect in advance so that company is able to make suitable arrangements in this behalf.
3. Extra ordinary General Meeting (Section 100):
There is no provision as to the venue of General Meetings. Thus, it can be held at anyplace in the world which is most suitable for its shareholders.
In case of EGM there is no clarity under section 100/101 and rule 17 with regard to the time day place of holding the AGM?
Hello CS Shikha,
In my opinion EGM of a company can be held at any place within India in light of Companies Mgt and Admin Rules issued by MCA from time to time. It has been mentioned in pt. 18(3)(ix).
Kindly let me know your views on the same.
CS Jaee Goswami
Egm can be held within the limites of registered office of a co.or at any place within india?
please reply with reference to SS-2
Is there any restriction in conducting board meeting in foreing country and what are the compliances that a compaeny has to follow for the same. and is there any consequences if there is any violation?
Dear Anshu Singhal,
You can contact me at shikha1289@gmail.com for all your queries.
Thanks & Regards
CS Shikha Mehra
Is it compulsory to mention in the Notice of Board Meeting or committee meeting regarding option availble of video conf.??
Dear CS Madam,
Kindly publish your mail Id so that I can contact you for guidance for our companies.
Pl inform if AGM / EGM can be held on Sunday ( It is not National Holiday ) – I think only 4 dates are National Holidays ( 26th Jan ( Republic day ), 14th April ( Ambedkar Jayanti ) , 15th Aug ( Independence day ) , 2nd Oct ( Gandhi Jayanti )- Any clarification or contrary view
Read. Thanks.