CS Amey A Patwardhan
The Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”) lays down number of provision as regards the Independent Directors compulsorily to be appointed on the Board of Listed & certain Public Companies meeting the criteria as prescribed by the Rules. Considering the distributed provisions regarding the appointment of Independent Directors (ID) – here is an attempt to present a consolidated modus operandi for their appointment on the Board.
Statutory Provisions:
- Companies Act, 2013 – Section 2(47), 149, 150, 152, 160, 164(1)&(2)
- Chapter XI Rules viz. Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014
- Listing Agreement – Clause 49
Requirements / Mode of Appointment:
- The ID is to be appointed on the basis of recommendation of the and pursuant to the Policy laid down by theNomination & Remuneration Committee constituted by the Company pursuant to section 178 of the Act;
- The ID has to give consent to act as Director to the Company in Form DIR-2 before the appointment;
- A declaration from the ID that he is not disqualified to be appointed as a Director as per provisions of Section 164(1) & (2) of the Act in Form DIR-8;
- A declaration of independence* from the ID as per Section 149(6) & Clause 49 is required to be obtained before his appointment & be placed before the 1st Board Meeting in which he participates as a director & 1st Board Meeting each financial year thereafter;
- The Company & ID needs to abide by the ‘Code for Independent Directors’ as specified in Schedule IV to the Act and the same is to be noted in the Board Meeting;
- ID can be appointed upto a maximum period of 5 years in his first term and can be re-appointed for a second term upto 5 years provided a Special Resolution is passed by the members of the Company and the same is disclosed in the Board Report. As per MCA Clarification vide General Circular No. 14/2014 dt. 9th June, 2014, the ID – even if appointed for a lesser period than of 5 years- will be held as appointed for one term;
- The ID will not be liable to retire by rotation in General Meetings of the Company;
- A member has to propose candidature of the ID alongwith notice in writing and a deposit of Rs.1,00,000/- as per Section 160 of the Act;
- The Explanatory Statement under section 102 to be annexed to the notice of General Meeting shall contain the justification for choosing the appointee as ID. The Explanatory Statement shall include a statement that in the opinion of the Board the ID fulfills condition specified in the Act for appointment and is independent of the management;
- The Company will have to formalize the appointment of ID by issuing a ‘Letter of Appointment’ as per Schedule IV(IV)(4) to the Act;
- The terms and conditions of appointment of ID to be posted on website of the Company;
- The Company has to file the consent of ID with ROC within 30 days of his appointment in Form DIR-12;
- Sitting fees to be paid to ID for attending the Board Meetings pursuant to Section 197(5) which is maximum of Rs.1,00,000 per meeting is to be decided by the Board;
- There shall be minimum one meeting per year of only the IDs of the Company as per Schedule IV(VII) to the Act.
* The Declaration of Independence to be obtained from ID by a Non Listed Public Company shall contain only the clauses enumerated by Section 149(6) of the Act and need not incorporate additional strictures of Clause 49.
(CS Amey A Patwardhan, E-Mail- cs.ameypatwardhan@gmail.com, Voice-9833359049)