Standing Committee on Finance recommends widening the scope of the definition of ‘accountant”. Mr. M.Gopalakrishnan, President of The Institute of Cost Accountants of India, announced, that the cost and management accounting profession, is getting its due recognition in the Direct Taxation areas , as accepted by the 49th Report of the Standing Committee of Finance chaired by Honourable Shri.Yashwant Sinha ji., M.P. The Standing committee has recommended to the Ministry of Finance to “The Ministry may therefore re-consider the suggestion to widen the scope of the definition of “accountant”, in their report.
The Committee also observed that the Ministry’s reasoning for non-inclusion of related professionals in the definition of accountant is a very strict construction of the term. He also informed that the Standing Committee has also recommended that in case of “special audit for inventory valuation in doubtful cases by the Department is concerned, the same can be done later under the Rules”.
Mr.Gopalakrishnan said that the Standing Committee acknowledges the representation received from The Institute of Cost Accountants of India demanding the changes in the definition of Accountant and the request for inclusion of Cost Accountant in the Accountant definition. The Institute feels this that this is a very important step which will enable the wider inclusion of related professionals in the definition of Accountant as compared to the strict interpretation as has been done in the past.
The Institute is of the view that members of the Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICAI) are also predominantly engaged in all financial matters, preparation of financial ledgers, books, records and statements of a company or firm and not restricted in their work. In addition, as per clause 31 of the DTC, while dealing with the “Business when treated distinct and separate”, segmental reporting including the ascertainment of cost and profitability ensures the correctness of the productwise, unit-wise profitability becomes an aspect which is the core domain of the Cost Accountants. Therefore, it is felt that the Government should accept the recommendations and views of the Standing Committee.
Inclusion of CMA in accountant definition is a very much needed to improve the accuracy and efficiency. This move will beneficial for industry as well as to the government.
It seems a non-sensible talk by Mr Lakshmanan. Perhaps he is out of the current affairs now. or could not be successful in CMA Examination. Though I am very much regarrdful on CA profession. I know if I respect other then only I may expect it from others.
Not only Cost accountant and company sectratory but also advocates can also be allowed to do tax audit, tax audit is not a big deal. it can be conducted by any of the 4 professional, CA,CMA, CS and Advocates
CA’s expect that no one should make inroads into their profession but they can make inroads into others profession and snatch other professionals exclusive work. Recent eg: Excise Audit u/s 14 & u/s 14 A which was once exclusive area of Cost Accountants. They also intervened in ICWAI Name change and did not allow govt to effect the name to ICMAI.This kind of lobby and monopoly is not healthy for the Industry and their monopoly should be broken.
why only tax audit company audit vat audit can also be done by cost accountant and company secretary.then why to have three different professions.make three of them as one institution.
This is very good step by standing committee & should be appreciated by ministry as cma’s desreve this.
I 100% agree with of Mr. T N Panja & Mr. R . Some, as I am also student of Cost Accountancy from Institute of Cost Accounts of India (ICAI) & my personal view is, syllabus is not so easy & one can be expert even in finance accountancy, taxation instead of only cost account. No doubt its also full time course & require article ship as like CA course.
Therefore, inclusion of cost accountant into definition of accountants will strengthen our power i.e. CA & CMA.
it seems poor knowledge about CMA course to mr. laxmanan , ICAI(CMA) is a full time course and much better professional course serving to nation since 1959.
Three professional CA,CMA, CS should get the right to do TAX AUDIT.
Dear Sir….
for your kind information Cost accountancy is also fill time course and require articleship. Every Cost Accountant and Company Sec. is also an expert in taxation not only CA because in both course taxation is considered as an expert paper. so both professional should have a right to do TAX AUDIT.
A Cost Accountant can not be Chartered Accountant and hence the recommendation to include Cost Accountant also in the definition of ‘Accountant’ is not tenable. ‘Cost Accountant’ course is a part time study and the ‘Chartered Accountant’ course is full time study and they should not make inroads into our profession. Their field is different and they should concentrate more on costing than on accounting.