Dear Professional Colleague
Sub: Invitation to CA’s as faculties, coordinators and paper writers
As you may be aware, that the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India is the apex body in the field of accountancy and auditing serving the nation since 1949, the year in which it was enacted by an Act of Parliament. We are proud to state that the ICAI is also an affiliate-member in various international bodies representing the global accountancy profession.
ICAI through its various Committees works relentlessly to update the knowledge of members and development of profession. The Committee of Management Accounting (ICAI) has been constituted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India keeping in view special contribution, the profession of Chartered Accountancy has been making for the last more than 6 decades in the field of Management Accounting.
Being a partner in the Nation Building, the profession is playing a decisive role in the industry, business and service sector. The Chartered Accountants as Management Accountants have been contributing in:
- Management Accounting
- Designing and Implementation of Management Accounting Systems
- Strategic Management
- Financial Planning
- Corporate Finance
- Management Information Systems & Risk Management
- Financial Management
- Financial Markets, Forex & Treasury Management, Raising & Mobilisation of Resources
The Committee also conducts Master in Business Finance Certificate Course (MBFCC). The Course widely covers various topics of advanced financial management like Capital Market, Investment Banking, Fund Raising & Fund Management, Corporate Valuation, Merger & Acquisitions, Banking , Forex Market, Treasury Management, Risk Management etc. with an aim to provide cutting edge knowledge and skills required for tomorrow’s CFO and high end consultancy in finance. The course is offered to the Members of ICAI and is approximately of one year duration. The Course Curriculum is attached for your kind reference. The Committee till now has successfully concluded 8 batches of Master in Business Finance Certificate Course and 9th & 10th batch is currently going on in Mumbai and Delhi. The Committee on Management Accounting of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India also organizes seminars across India on various topics of Professional Interest.
In order to augment resource base, the Committee invites proposals from Chartered Accountants from Industry/ Profession as well as from Capital Market experts, Faculty members/Experts from IIM’s, XLRI, NIBM, MDI, Premier Universities , Public & Private Sector Banks/ Financial Institutions, Mutual Funds, ICRA, SIDBI, PE Funds, reputed academicians – Professors and Lecturers having expert knowledge in the subject as Faculties, Writers, Paper Setters/Evaluators And Coordinators who can contribute in the following way:
- To deliver lectures on various topics of professional interest.
- To write background material, articles, publication and papers.
Paper Setters/ Evaluators:
- To set the Question Papers of MBFCC
- To Evaluate the Answer Books of MBFCC
- To Prepare the compilations topic wise of Past Examinations
- To review and suggest modifications/ improvements in the pattern of Examination
- To review and suggest modifications/ improvements in the syllabus contents.
- To deliver a brief introduction of faculties at the time of Seminar
- To deliver Vote of Thanks at the end of session
- To prepare PPT’s and technical material
- Assist in preparation of comprehensive Background Material.
We request you to please inform us the topic of your interest. We further request you to please send your brief profile, PPT and technical material if any.
Any other suggestion/ feedback in improving the Master in Business Finance Certificate Course may be sent to This is a golden opportunity to associate with ICAI.
We request your good self to please associate with us in large number which enable us to work for the benefit of profession in a better way.
CA. Tarun Jamnadas Ghia
Committee on Management Accounting (CMA)
Download Management & Business Finance Course ( MBF)- MBFCC Curriculum