Shri Salman Khurshid, Minister for Corporate Affairs, has expressed confidence that under the present scenario, the Cost and Management Accounting professionals can play a major role in government initiative to control the inflation and make essential goods and services available to the public at a reasonable price. Addressing the Council of Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India ( ICWAI ) here today at ICWAI Bhawan, Shri Khurshid said that the Expert Group constituted by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs to review Cost Accounting Records Rules, Cost Audit Report Rules and the Cost Accounting Standards in the present economic scenario has done excellent work. He said, “ The Group has made valuable recommendations with the objectives of making the Indian industry more competitive while appreciating the need to position Cost Audit in the enterprise governance structure”.
ICWAI, an apex body to regulate the profession of cost and management accountancy in India, urged the Minister for Corporate Affairs to empower the Institute through their members for more regulatory powers. The Institute on the occasion presented the strategic framework for ICWAI to Shri Salman Khurshid. In a bid to provide more visibility to the Institute and the profession of cost & management accounting, ICWAI suggested for acceptance and implementation of some of the recommendations of the Expert Group. The Institute also suggested the following:
• Redraft the proposed provisions for cost accounting and cost audit to remove the anomalies under proposed clause 131 of the new Companies Bill, 2009 vis-à-vis Section 209 (1) (d) and 233 (b) of the Companies Act 1956
• Cost Accountants be allowed to attest and certify statement under Revised Schedule VI.
• Inclusion of ICWAI representative in the Expert Group for IFRS constituted by MCA.
• Inclusion of Cost Accountant in the audit of LLP Accounts.
• Inclusion of Cost Accountants within the definition of “Accountants” of the Direct Tax Code Bill 2009, Clause 284 (2).
• Inclusion of the name of Cost Accountant in Form I under MCA-21.
• On a global pattern, change the name of the institute as Institute of Cost & Management Accountants of India.
Shri G.N Venkataraman, President ICWAI urged the Ministry of Corporate Affairs to allow level playing field and strategic framework for the profession. He emphasized the urgent need to move from compliance governance to business governance.
Govt should take initiatives instantly for growth of the profession of Cost Accountant and should give due recognition.Why govt is taking so much time for inclusion of cost accountants in the definition of ‘accountant’ in Income tax Act?ICAI has Accounting paper in inter & Final,so has ICWAI. Taxation is also included in both institutes syllabus. Both institutes are set up by Parliament.Now, both has practical training for their students.Why this partiality?