A hostile takeover takes place when a company acquires another company by direct interaction with the shareholders or by making an attempt to replace the management of the company in order to take over it. The takeover bidding takes place when the acquirer makes efforts to take control of the target company without any prior approval or discussion with the Board of Directors of the target company.
Post liberalization, businesses were no longer restricted by their territorial limitations and thus a global market had been created for various kinds of goods and services. In the contemporary scenario, businesses have come much further to conduct commercial activities across countries without even having a physical presence. This has provided an unfair advantage to the […]
In the present corporate ecosystem, we can witness many corporations fail and wind up because of internal mismanagement of the company. In the normative sense, the Board of director’s actions should be in line with the interests of the shareholders and should be devoid of any personal gains but in the contemporary world this seems […]