Learn about the landmark decision by Uttarakhand HC to establish a bench at IDPL, Rishikesh. Analysis reveals the impact on litigants and the long-standing issue of judicial access in West UP.
Supreme Court directs police to avoid mechanical entries in history sheets based on caste, emphasizing dignity and fairness. Analysis of Amanatullah Khan case.
Read the Supreme Courts landmark judgment ensuring children of armed forces personnel get fair treatment in education, regardless of their parents’ postings.
Read about the Supreme Court’s directive for e-filing and hybrid hearings in Uttar Pradesh district courts, enhancing accessibility to justice. Learn about the implications and significance of this landmark decision.
Read about the Patna High Court’s landmark judgment ordering the state government to pay Rs 2 lakh compensation to a victim of custodial torture. Detailed analysis and implications included.
Discover the significance of joint trials for case and counter case as mandated by the Andhra Pradesh High Court. Explore the detailed analysis of the landmark judgment.
Madras HC rules specialist doctors refusing to work in govt hospitals infringe upon rights of poor patients. Detailed analysis of the judgment, implications, and conclusion.
J&K High Court orders compensation for lawyer unjustly detained since 2019 under preventive detention laws. Detailed analysis of the landmark judgment.
Learn about a landmark Kerala High Court judgment ruling that tax/penalty under Section 242 of the Kerala Municipality Act cannot be imposed on lawfully constructed buildings occupied without municipality permits. Dive into the detailed analysis and implications.
Learn about the Kerala High Court’s landmark judgment authorizing courts to modify child custody orders based on changing circumstances and the welfare of the child. Detailed analysis provided.