It has always been a question of common belief that the male member or the bread winner of the family only needs to be insured. This belief has emerged due to the fact that the financial interests of the other dependent family members had to be protected in case of death of the bread winner. […]
Budgeting is the base for financial planning. Irrespective of its very strong construction, a building becomes weak if the foundation is weak. Success of the financial plan depends on the successful budgeting. You may belong to the society of hand to mouth existence; or you may belong to the affluent society, but budgeting is very crucial for your financial strength irrespective of your background
The month of annual bonuses seems like paradise when we start planning in advance on how to spend it. This excitement will get us into impulses of spending on things that give momentary pleasure only. This leaves us regretting for our decisions later.
Most of us tend to think that planning on investment portfolios for attainment of goals is a one time job. However it is not true; we all need to review our investment portfolios on a regular basis and also take the help of professional financial planners
Where will you be FINANCIALLY five years from today? The financial secret of moving from where you are and where you want to be? Would you like to know the financial secret behind moving from where you are and where you want to be?
When a person should buy health conscious? After becoming sick or before becoming sick or always… There are some questions like this, though at the sub-conscious level we know the answer, our conscious mind somehow acts as if it is ignorant of the obvious answer.
To understand how to invest wisely, first of all, you need to know why to invest. Only if you understand this part clearly, then you can move on to know how to invest wisely.
The willingness and the ability to save money is the secret of building wealth. So as to save money, you need to spend less than you actually earn. Though it looks very simple when you say, it is really difficult to implement. There are plenty of ways to help you start saving money even on the very tight budget saving money or spending less
Personal finance is of important to all of us and we all need to know, understand and follow the Rules of Personal Finance to be financially successful in life. Many may feel that one could learn the rules by experimentation; however in my opinion it could prove very costly.
Buying a house is considered as one of the top priorities for any individual. At the same time, buying a house is the most time consuming and high energy demanding task of our lives.