In these Article, Author list out various provisions of strike off and process of revival of company through the Tribunal.
As you are aware that Govt has notified rules on compulsory dematerialisation of shares of unlisted public companies, we have authored an article stating various provisions of the same alongwith important FAQs.
This Article contains the provisions of Section 186 of the Companies Act, 2013 in depth. Article list out the provisions, approval required, penal provisions etc.
In this Article, Author discuss the definition of Dispute under the Code in the light of landmark judgement of Supreme Court in Mobilox Innovations P. Ltd V. Kirusa Software P. Ltd.
This Article contains various provisions of Loans to Directors under Section 185 of the Companies Act, 2013. Author tries to simplify provisions of the same after incorporating changes done through Companies Amendment Act, 2017.
In India more than 30% of the Companies registered are inactive as per Government data. Thus, MCA started using provision of Section 248(1) to cancel the registration of such Companies by sending notices to these Companies. So far, the government has de-registered over 2.25 lakh companies for non-filing of returns mandated. Directors associated with these […]
In September, 2017, ROC barred or disqualified around 3,09,614 directors for the five years due to non-compliance of the provision of the Companies Act. After this action the DIN and DSC of all the disqualified directors can’t be used in filing of any document and such director need to resign from all the Companies.
This Article contains the various provisions of DIR-3 e-KYC norms, fees and consequences of non-filing within due date and guide to file form DIR-3 KYC.
IBC is still evolving legislation. There are many ordinances and amendments in IBC since its enactment. There are views in favor and in against of these changes in code. But, I made these write up limited only to Sec 29A of the Code.
Related Party Transactions are a common occurrence in the business marketplace. Companies often seek business deals with entities to which they are familiar with or have been connected with their directors and KMPs. While these types of transactions are legal and ethical, the special relationship inherent between the involved parties creates potential conflicts of interest, which must be regulated because they can result in actions that benefit the people involved as opposed to the shareholders.