Unlock potential savings on GST for home buyers! A recent Gujarat High Court decision allows excluding land value from GST levy, reducing the tax outgo. Understand the implications and consider potential refunds.
Note on One-Person Company (OPC) Highlights Basic Concept of OPC, Objectives of One-Person Company (OPC), Preliminary conditions & Eligibility for Incorporation of OPC, Mandatory Annual Compliances of OPC, Benefits cum Exemptions for OPC, Hindrances for the OPC and Comparative Analysis of OPC with Sole Proprietorship, LLP & Private Limited Company. 1. Basic Concept of One-Person Company […]
Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) vide its notification dated June 01, 2022, has notified Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Amendment Rules, 2022, and the said rules are applicable from immediate effect i.e. June 01, 2022. The Amendments provides for the following: 1. After the first proviso the following new proviso has been inserted in […]
Explore the relaxation from compliance with SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. MCA’s Circular dated May 05, 2022 extends relief for dispatching physical copies of financial statements until December 31, 2022. Get insights into the exemptions provided, including Regulation 36(1)(b) and Regulation 44(4), and understand the impact on Annual General Meetings and proxy forms.