Section 185 of Companies Act, 2013 contains prohibition, restriction and exemption for providing Loan, Guarantee, and Security to the Directors of the Company and any of their relatives.
Demystifying misconceptions about filing annual return and extract of annual returns under company law. Learn about the importance of annual returns and its comprehensive disclosures.
Uncover the intricacies of ratification in the context of the Companies Act, 2013. Learn how ratification absolves directors from personal liability arising from a breach of duty. Understand the provisions related to ratification and its interpretation by the court. Explore real cases and judgments shaping the concept of ratification. Stay informed about the nuances of ratification in the corporate landscape.
Exploring non-compliance in the use of Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) designations by private companies. Understand the provisions, appointment requirements, and recent penalties. Stay compliant with the Companies Act, 2013.
Stay informed about RBI guidelines on regulation of payment aggregators and gateways. Learn how these guidelines safeguard consumer data.
Guide to setting up a Branch, Liaison, or Project Office in India. Learn about the conditions and RBI framework for foreign companies.
Explore the complexities of Related Party Transactions (RPT) in India. Understand regulatory measures, disclosures, and safeguards, with a focus on the Companies Act and SEBI LODR. Learn about the significant implications of RPTs and stay informed about the latest recommendations by SEBI’s Working Group. Gain insights into the definitions, approval processes, and disclosure requirements for RPTs, ensuring compliance with corporate governance and regulatory norms.
A favorable business environment is a prerequisite for the economic growth of a nation. A country like India which is among the fastest developing countries in the world has the potential to surpass the leading countries in terms of business.
Learn about the roadmap and blueprint of External Commercial Borrowings (ECBs). Understand how Indian companies can mobilize funds from the foreign market for optimal capital structure.
Explore the recent changes in SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2022 with our comparative analysis. Understand the impact on transfer and transmission of securities, ensuring compliance with the latest regulatory amendments.