Mandatory Requirement To Obtain Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) Code Pursuant To RBI Circulars/ Instructions Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a 20-character unique code which every company is required to obtain who are parties to financial transactions. The concept of LEI and its deadlines are issued pursuant to RBI circulars dated 29.11.2018 vide web link & […]
Article explains Definition of MSME As per MSME Development (MSMED) Act, 2006, Applicability of MSME Form 1 to Companies registered under Companies Law, Compliance related Half Yearly Submission of MSME Form 1 and Penalty under section 405(4) of the Companies Act 2013 for delay in filing of MSME Form 1. As per MCA Notification S.O. […]
Listed Companies are the ones whose shares are listed on recognised stock exchange(s). All Listed entities are required to make disclosures to the concerned stock exchange(s) from time to time under various regulations issued by SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India). Following are some of the regulations under which disclosures are required to be […]
> What is Secretarial Audit? Secretarial Audit means to check the compliances of various applicable rules and regulations applicable to the company during that particular period of review. It helps to detect instances of non compliances and facilitates taking correctives measures well in time. It audits the adherence of good corporate practices by the company. […]
All the Individuals (whether Indian or any other nationality and whether residing in India or not) having DIN as on March 31 are required to file KYC form.