Come December-January and salaried individuals get into the last round of tax saving investments. The reminder mails from payroll department makes many to wakes up and look for some option that will help them to save tax.
Salient features of the Tax calculator. 1. Useful for the salaried employees of government and private sector. 2. Private sector employees can use to do their Flexi allocation and tax planning. 3. Tax and rebate calculation of agriculture income, to arrive the annual tax liability.4. Marginal relief on surcharges where income crosses 50L and 1Cr.
Income tax Calculator for Financial Year 2015-16 Assessment Year 2016-17 in Excel Format Attached is the Income tax calculator with flexi allocation kit for the FY 2015-2016. Simple income tax calculator cum flexi allocation kit, for the use of salaried employees of govt and private sector, basis the latest budget proposals. Tax slabs; Rates for […]
Income tax Calculator for AY 2017-18: Income tax Calculator for Financial Year 2016-17 Assessment Year 2017-18. Income Tax calculator cum Flexi Allocation kit.
DOWNLOAD INCOME TAX CALCULATOR IN EXCEL FORMAT FOR ASSESSMENT YEAR 2015-16 / FINANCIAL YEAR 2014-15. Salient features of the Simple tax calculator. Simple tax calculator for the use of salaried employees of govt and private sector.Easy use of calculator- Key in the salary details and investment/tax saving details yellow colored cell to compute the tax.
Download Simple Income tax Calculator in Excel Format for Salaried Persons for Financial year 2013-14 / Assessment Year 2014-15. This tax calculator can be used to calculate the approximate tax payable by salaried individuals. This should NOT be used to compute the actual taxes to be paid to the Government. Download Simple Income tax calculator […]
This tax calculator can be used to calculate the approximate tax payable by salaried individuals for the Assessment year 2013-14 or Financial Year 2012-13. This should NOT be used to compute the actual taxes to be paid to the Government. We have outlined Below the Instructions to Be Followed for Use of Calculators and tax Rules.