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Clarification on major issues pertaining to refund of Cenvat credit to Exporters

September 26, 2014 8348 Views 0 comment Print

We are sharing with you the recent judicial pronouncement of the Hon’ble Bangalore CESTAT in the case of Apotex Research Pvt. Ltd. & Others Vs. CC, Bangalore-Cus & Others [2014-TIOL-1836-CESTAT-Bang] wherein 56 Appeals were heard together and the Bangalore Bench of the CESTAT passed an interim order on 16 Common/ Legal Issues pertaining to refund

Notional interest cannot be added to value of taxable services

September 23, 2014 5722 Views 0 comment Print

There is no provision in Service tax law for deeming notional interest on security deposit taken as a consideration for leasing of the immovable property. Therefore, in the absence of a specific provision in law there is no scope for adding any notional interest to the value of taxable service rendered.

Additional duty of Excise is leviable on an imported article only if Excise duty is levied on a like article manufactured in India

September 17, 2014 3072 Views 0 comment Print

Shivam Engineering Company Vs. Union of India [2014-TIOL-1563-HC-AHM-CUS] In the instant case, Shivam Engineering Company (the Petitioners) have filed a writ petition before the Hon’ble Ahmadabad High Court requesting to prohibit the Revenue from levying Additional Duty of Excise (CVD) under Section 3(1) of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (the Customs Tariff) as per the […]

Clarifications on mandatory pre-deposit for filing appeals under Service tax, Excise and Customs

September 17, 2014 40015 Views 7 comments Print

The Finance Act (No.2), 2014 (the Finance Act) has substituted new Section 35F of the Central Excise Act, 1944 (the Excise Act) which is also applicable for Service Tax vide Section 83 of the Finance Act, 1994 and Section 129E of the Customs Act, 1962 (the Customs Act) to prescribe mandatory pre-deposit of 7.5% or […]

Services provided for transportation of ‘waste’ through pipeline is not taxable as transportation of ‘goods’ through pipeline

September 16, 2014 624 Views 0 comment Print

Gujarat State Fertilizers and Chemicals Ltd. Vs. Commissioner of Central Excise, Vadodara [2014-TIOL-1 729-CESTA T-AHM] Gujarat State Fertilizers and Chemicals Ltd. (the Appellant) has rendered services of transportation of effluent through pipeline or conduit to Heavy Water Project (HWP) for consideration. The Department contended that the Appellant is liable to pay Service tax on the […]

The presumption of unjust enrichment is a rebuttable presumption

September 16, 2014 1481 Views 0 comment Print

Commissioner of Customs Vs. Apple India Pvt. Ltd. [2014-TIOL-1544-HC-KAR-CUS] In the instant case, Apple India Pvt. Ltd. (the Respondent) filed a refund claim of Rs.5,22,27,424/- of Special Additional Duty (SAD) in terms of the Notification No. 102/2007-Cus.(N.T.) dated September 14, 2007. The authorities rejected the said claim of refund on the grounds that the Respondent […]

Cheque discounting charges is an interest &not includible in assessable value of goods for levying Excise Duty

September 16, 2014 3656 Views 0 comment Print

Cadbury India Ltd. Vs. Commissioner of Central Excise-Indore [(2014) 48 taxmann.com 78 (New Delhi – CESTAT)] Cadbury India Limited (“the Appellant”) filed an appeal against the order of the Commissioner (Appeals) wherein the learned Commissioner held that the cheque discounting charges would be includible in the assessable value of the goods. Being aggrieved, the Appellant […]

Deemed exports would be treated as physical exports for the purpose of claiming refund under the Cenvat Credit Rules, 2004

September 16, 2014 1015 Views 0 comment Print

Commissioner of Central Excise and Customs Vs. Anita Synthetics Private Limited [2014 (9) TMI 368 – Gujarat High Court] Anita Synthetics Private Limited  (The Respondent) is a 100% EOU and made clearance of goods to another 100% EOU. Such clearance is treated as a deemed export as mentioned in the EXIM Policy. Therefore, the Respondent […]

No personal penalty can be imposed on employees when penalty on Company is set aside

September 16, 2014 1993 Views 0 comment Print

Commissioner of Central Excise Vs. Chandresh C. Shah [(2014) 48 taxmann. com 236 (Gujarat)] In the instant case, the Revenue issued a Show Cause Notice (SCN) against Doshion Ltd. (the Company) for recovery of wrongly availed Cenvat credit along with interest and penalty thereon. Further, personal penalty was also imposed against authorized signatory/ managers of […]

Unjust Enrichment not applicable on refund of Service tax paid when no services are received under reverse charge

September 16, 2014 2891 Views 0 comment Print

Unjust Enrichment not applicable on refund of Service tax paid when no services are received under reverse charge and payment thereof had been adjusted between associated enterprises Wolters Kluwer India Ltd. Vs. Commissioner of Service Tax, Delhi [(2014) 48 taxmann.com 97 (New Delhi – CESTAT)] Wolters Kluwer India Ltd. (the Appellant) entered into an agreement […]

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