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Indirect Tax Dispute Resolution Scheme, 2016: Overview

May 24, 2016 5605 Views 0 comment Print

162. Litigation is a scourge for a tax friendly regime and creates an environment of distrust in addition to increasing the compliance cost of the tax payers and administrative cost for the Government. There are about 3 lakh tax cases pending with the 1st Appellate Authority with disputed amount being 5.5 lakh crores. In order to reduce this number, I propose a new Dispute Resolution Scheme (DRS)

Budget 2016: New Issues in Service Tax, Excise, Customs Duty

May 19, 2016 10297 Views 1 comment Print

We are summarising herewith broader changes in the arena of Indirect Taxes, majorly Service tax coupled with analyses of the two sides of the Union Budget, 2016 along with highlighting some of the key areas requiring immediate attention of the Board:

Service Tax Rate Chart with effect from 01.06.2016

May 16, 2016 810391 Views 33 comments Print

Service Tax Rate: In this Article we have Compiled Service Tax Rate Charges from 01.06.2015 to 14.11.2015, 14.11.2015 to 31.05.2016 and Rates from 01.06.2016.

Significant Service Tax changes effective from May 14, 2016

May 16, 2016 39337 Views 0 comment Print

We are summarizing herewith the changes in Service tax, which are effective from May 14, 2016 for easy digest: Section 66D(l): Deletion of Education Services- Specified education services viz. services by way of pre-school education, higher secondary school education or equivalent, education as a part of a curriculum for obtaining a qualification recognised by any law for the time being in force, education as a part of an approved vocational education course, covered under Section 66D(l) of the Finance Act, stands deleted from the Negative List of services.

Significant changes in Service Tax effective from June 1, 2016

May 16, 2016 35137 Views 2 comments Print

Presently, Section 66D(o)(i) of the Finance Act covers service of transportation of passengers, with or without accompanied belongings, by a stage carriage, which is proposed to be deleted w.e.f June 1, 2016.Corresponding to this deletion, new Entry [No. 23(bb)] has been inserted in the Mega Exemption Notification to exempt services by a stage carrier other than air-conditioned stage carriage.

Rate of interest on delayed payment of duty as applicable during the impugned period – Issues therein

May 10, 2016 155332 Views 0 comment Print

1. Whether applicable rate of interest for delayed payment under Section 11AA of the Central Excise Act, 1944 is the one prevalent during period(s) of delay? 2. Whether it is justified to levy penalty under Section 11AC of the Excise Act, when the Returns filed by the Assessee clearly indicated the duty amount payable but not paid?

Video on delayed payment interest rate & limitation period increase

May 6, 2016 9727 Views 2 comments Print

Vide Union Budget, 2016, Interest rates on delayed payment of duty/ taxes across all indirect taxes is proposed to be made uniform at 15% per annum, except in case of Service tax collected but not deposited with the Central Government, in which case the rate of interest will be 24% per annum from the date on which the Service tax payment becomes due.

Goods imported/ purchased inter-State used in Works contract, would be exempt from VAT

May 5, 2016 9778 Views 2 comments Print

Whether the movement of goods in pursuance of Works contract constituted inter-State trade as well as sale/ purchase in the course of import, covered by Section 3(a) and Section 5(2) of the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 and thus, exempt under the Delhi Value Added Tax Act, 2004.

Video Presentation: Reverse Charge – POT & Krishi Kalyan Cess

May 3, 2016 10165 Views 2 comments Print

The Central Government vide Notification No. 21/2016-ST dated March 30, 2016, has amended Rule 7 of the Point of Taxation Rules, 2011 (the POTR) by inserting a proviso after the second proviso, in order to provide Point of Taxation (POT), where there is change in the liability or extent of liability of Service tax to be paid by Service Receiver under Reverse Charge in case service has been provided and the invoice issued before the date of such change, but payment has not been made as on such date, as follows

Budget 2016 Video on Changes in Cenvat Credit Rules, 2004

April 26, 2016 12553 Views 0 comment Print

Effective from April 1, 2016, there are various changes made applicable under the Cenvat Credit Rules, 2004, with a view to simplify and rationalize the Credit Rules. The important changes have been discussed along with availment of Cenvat credit of Service tax paid on assignment of right to use of natural resources by the Government or Local Authority or any other person.

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