The Hon’ble HC, Calcutta in the matter of Mrinal Ghosh v. Union of India & Others [W.P. No. 9821 (W) of 2018 decided on November 21, 2019] directed the Revenue to allow the Petitioner to file GST TRAN- 1 to enable him to obtain credit accrued in his favour prior to the transition. Facts: Mrinal […]
HC, Madras in the matter of Sutherland Global Services Private Limited v. Assistant Commissioner CGST and Central Excise, has allowed the writ petition challenging the denial of transitional credit of Education Cess (EC), Secondary and Higher Education Cess (SHEC) and Krishi Kalyan Cess (KKC) into GST regime through the TRAN-1 declaration.
Punjab & Haryana High Court provided relief to 102 petitioners who have not filed or wrongly filed their TRAN-01 form by directing the revenue to allow such petitioners to file their TRAN-01 forms by November 30th, 2019 holding that accumulated unutilized credits of pre-GST regime are a vested right of the taxpayers.
Activity of rendering repairing services for boats/vessels along-with supply of spares and accessories cannot be considered as a composite supply as the supply of spare parts/accessories and repair service are distinct and separately identifiable supplies for which the rates are quoted differently.
Volume discount received on purchases and sales through credit note without any adjustment of GST is not liable for GST. Further, since amount received in the form of credit note is actually a discount and not a supply by Applicant to Authorized supplier, the Applicant need not issue tax invoice for this transaction.
The Hon’ble AAR, Punjab in the matter of M/s. Sutlej Coach Products Pvt Ltd. held that Seats for Railway Coaches supplied to Rail Coach Factory falls under Heading 9401, liable to GST at 18%, and cannot be classified at 5% under HSN 8607 as parts of Railway.
The Hon’ble HC, Gujarat in the matter of M/s Choksi Texlen Pvt. Ltd. v. State of Gujarat [Special Civil Application No. 8096 of 2019 dated October 18, 2019] instructs Revenue authorities to withdraw the charge and attachment made on the Petitioner’s property to recover alleged dues of the erstwhile owner of the property under the […]
It is to be noted that right to credit or forfeit such deposit would arise only after determination of the liability to pay the ‘duty’. On the other hand, the right over the duty so paid is instant on the revenue and not a postponed entitlement.
Free Updated E-Book on Sabka Vishwas (Legacy Dispute Resolution) Scheme, 2019 as on October 09, 2019 by Mr. Bimal Jain In the Union Budget 2019-20, the Hon’ble Finance Minister announced the Sabka Vishwas (Legacy Dispute Resolution) Scheme, 2019 (SVLDRS, 2019 or the Scheme) to close the pending legacy disputes of Service Tax and Excise. The […]
Gist of Notifications issued in order to implement the recommendations of the GST Council in their meeting held on September 20, 2019 There are several changes proposed in GST rates on specified goods and services during the 37th GST Council meeting held on September 20, 2019. The Central Government has now given effect to the recommendations […]