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IGST on Ocean Freight as Ultra Vires & Unconstitutional : Gujarat HC

January 25, 2020 2589 Views 0 comment Print

Synopsis: In a landmark judgment in the case of Mohit Mineral Pvt. Ltd. v. UOI [Special Civil Application No. 726/2018 decided on January 23, 2020], the Hon’ble Gujarat HC has declared levy of Integrated Goods and Services Tax (“IGST”) on ocean freight & corresponding notifications as ultra-vires the IGST Act, 2017 for lacking legislative competency […]

AAR: GST leviable on compensation paid to lessor for vacating its claim

January 24, 2020 2073 Views 0 comment Print

AR, Goa held that compensation paid by Applicant on lessor’s deposit would clearly qualify as ‘supply of service’ under clause 5 of Schedule II of CGST Act, 2017 and therefore liable to GST.

Madras HC denies exemption benefit w.r.t. imports made prior to registration under Rules

January 23, 2020 1167 Views 0 comment Print

The Tribunal has erred in holding that the Rules are merely procedural or directory in nature and upholding the grant of exemption to the Assessee in respect of Bill of Entry No. 550344 dated June 28th, 2003 by which the goods were imported and cleared on June 30th, 2003.

HC Quashes AAR/AAAR order deeming ‘medical supplies’ as ‘composite supply’

January 14, 2020 3531 Views 1 comment Print

HC: Quashed AAR/ AAAR order deeming ‘medical supplies’ as ‘composite supply’ and remanded matter for fresh consideration The Hon’ble HC, Karnataka in the matter of Abbott Healthcare Private Limited v. The Commissioner of State Tax Kerala & Ors. [W.P(C). No. 17012 OF 2019(B) dated January 7, 2020] quashed AAR and AAAR order holding that the […]

12 important things under GST for New Year 2020

January 9, 2020 52893 Views 2 comments Print

This article briefly discusses such top 12 things/changes under the GST applicable for New Year 2020 which includes Restriction on claim of ITC, Powers of Commissioner to block ITC under new Rule 86A, Blocking of generation of E-way Bill, if GSTR-1 not filed

CBIC notifies CGST & IGST Act sections effective from 01.01.2020

January 3, 2020 39417 Views 0 comment Print

CBIC notifies certain sections in the Finance (No.2) Act, 2019 pertaining to CGST & IGST Act, effective from 1st January 2020 The Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs (CBIC) has notified the following Sections of the Finance (No.2) Act, 2019 which pertain to various sections in the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 […]

HC directs adjudicating authority to construe intimation letter demanding interest as SCN and give an opportunity of being heard

December 25, 2019 1584 Views 0 comment Print

The Hon’ble HC, Jharkhand in the matter of Godavari Commodities Ltd. v. The Union of India [W.P.(T) No.1786 of 2019 decided on December 3, 2019] has held that the intimation letter for payment of interest is to be treated as a show cause notice and directed adjudicating authority to give the Petitioner an opportunity of […]

HC: Department can recover GST dues against Chronic Defaulting Assessee

December 19, 2019 2385 Views 0 comment Print

The undisputed facts reveal that the Petitioner has filed GSTR-1 Return under Section 37 of the CGST Act, 2017, however, the Petitioner has not filed GSTR-3B Returns, which are to be paid on GST portal based on self-assessed transaction value shown in GSTR-1 Returns by the Petitioner. There are twin effect of such non-filing of GSTR-3B Return, first is that no revenue is actually transferred to the Government and on the other hand, the persons / tenants, to whom the Petitioner has issued invoices, would avail GST credit.

NCLT: Directs for access of GST Portal to Corporate Debtor to pay GST liability

December 18, 2019 2574 Views 1 comment Print

Any company once gone into CIRP, if at all the Corporate Debtor is to be run as a going concern, it can be obligated to pay the taxes from the date of initiation of CIRP. As to the dues of pre-admission period, the creditors, including Tax authorities, are entitled to make a claim against the Corporate Debtor as mentioned in the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016

Delhi HC rules Central Excise Duty rebate claim filed after expiry of 1 year as ineligible

December 17, 2019 1221 Views 0 comment Print

Applications for rebate of Central excise duty paid on excisable goods, consequent on their export, are required to be filed within one year of the date of their export, under Section 11B of the Excise Act. As such, the rebate claim, filed by the Petitioner, was rejected by the Assistant Commissioner of Customs (AC), vide Order-in-Original dated 29th January, 2014, on the ground that it was barred by time, as it had been filed after the expiry of one year from the date of export of the goods.

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