The Hon’ble Delhi High Court in RCI Industries and Technologies Ltd. v. Commissioner DGST Delhi & Ors. [W.P.(C) 121/2021 decided on January 7, 2021] dismissed the writ application filed to impugn the search action at the business premises on the ground that there are ‘reasons to believe’ to inspect and search the business premises by […]
In this article, we have analyzed and discussed about the reconciliation of GSTR 1, GSTR 2A, GSTR 3B etc., that has to be done by the registered taxpayers under the provisions of the GST Law as on March 31, 2021. Article contains info about Reverse Charge Mechanism , Reconciliation of GSTR-1 with GSTR-3B, Reconciliation of […]
In this article, we have discussed about the Input Tax Credit (ITC) compliances and procedure related to Reversal of ITC in case of non-payment, ITC Restriction, Blocked Credit under Section 17(5) of the CGST Act that has to be followed by the registered taxpayers under the provisions of the GST Law as on March 31, […]
The Hon’ble AAR, Uttar Pradesh in the matter of M/S. Dwarikesh Sugar Industries Limited [Order No. 52, dated January 22, 2020] held that expenses incurred towards Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by the Company in order to comply with requirements under the Companies Act, 2013 (Companies Act) qualify as being incurred in the course of business […]
In this article, we have discussed about the compliances that have to be complied by the registered taxpayers under the provisions of the GST Law as on April 1, 2021. Such Compliance includes Compliance related to Annual GST Return, Composition Scheme under GST, New/Unique series of invoice, E- Invoicing, QR Code, HSN code requirements, Renewal […]
Appellant is not liable to pay GST on the delayed payment charges on reimbursement of amount by client to Appellant, where client failed to pay amount paid to Stock Exchange for purchase of securities with T+1 (trading day plus one day) under SEBI Regulation norms and the amount was deducted by Stock Exchange from the Appellant’s account being purchase consideration of securities which are neither goods nor services under CGST Act.
The Hon’ble Bombay High Court in Kiran Gems Private Limited v. Union of India and Ors. [Writ Petition No. 1135 of 2019, decided on January 29, 2021] quashed the notice/intimation demanding audit of a private entity by Central Excise Revenue Audit (CERA) and requiring information/records for the period 2015-16 to 2017-18 to the officers of […]
AAAR observed that is it clearly stated in the agreement between the Appellant and IIT Bhubaneswar that the Appellant is entrusted with the entire project on turnkey basis for work relating to Planning, designing, and supervision of construction of various building infrastructure development and interior work, etc.
The Hon’ble Gujarat High Court in Bhumi Associate v. Union of India [R/Special Civil Application Nos. 2426, 2515, 2618 and 3196 of 2021 decided on February 18, 2021] passed an interim order directing the CBIC and Chief Commissioner of Central/State Tax to issue guidelines by way of suitable circular/instructions that no recovery in any mode […]
If the assessee was otherwise eligible to refund, the refund claim ought not to be denied on the ground of technical glitches and error occurred due to auto-population in Goods and Service Tax Network (GSTN) software. Nothing can be more unfair.