Jindal Power Ltd. v. ICRA Ltd. (Delhi High Court) In order to protect the interest of investors and help them make an informed decision, SEBI has made credit rating of securities offered by Indian companies by way of public or rights issues to be mandatory. The rating signifies the ability and willingness of the issuer […]
This article is about judgment of NCALT/NCLT in the matter of STATE BANK OF INDA V. M/S METENERE Ltd, on aspect of Interim Resolution Professional (herein refers as IRP). NCALT affirmed in the judgement in which it has been held that an ex-employee of creditor, having long association with creditor should be substituted, because he […]
This article is a review and critical analysis of a report submitted by a committee of experts constituted in April 2019 to examine the need for an institutional framework for regulation and development of asset valuation professionals In India, the practice of valuing assets – a key component of the economic system that also stretches […]
What is NBFC? Non-banking financial companies (NBFCs), also known as non-banking financial institutions (NBFIs) are entities that provide certain bank-like and financial services but do not hold a banking license. NBFCs are not subject to the banking regulations and oversight by federal and state authorities adhered to by traditional banks. Investment banks, mortgage lenders, money […]
NCLT Kolkata held that non-obstante provision of Section 32A of Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016 is also applicable to liquidation proceedings.
In regard to the obstacles faced by the companies due to of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (‘MCA’) accessing the practicality of the situation, in view of continuing restrictions on the movement of persons at several places in the country issued General Circular No. 20/2020 dated 05.05.2010 allowing the companies to conduct […]
CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY UNDER THE COMPANIES ACT, 2013 For conducting its business activities, a company exploits various resources of the society and the environment. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an act of incorporating the social and environmental concerns into the business model of the company. CSR is not a voluntary act on part of the […]
Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA 2002): Courts on curbing Financial Terrorism Money Laundering, most commonly understood to as the conversion of black money into white money, has time and again been held to be one of the most serious offences by the Courts in India. The Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 was […]
What Is a Merger? The term ‘merger’ is not defined under the Companies Act, 1956, and under Income Tax Act, 1961. However, the Companies Act, 2013 without strictly defining the term explains the concept. A ‘merger’ is a combination of two or more entities into one; the desired effect being not just the accumulation of […]
New process of Classification and Registration of MSME is started from 1st July, 2020. An enterprise for this purpose will be known as Udyam and its Registration Process will be known as ‘Udyam Registration’.