Due to COVID-19 Pandemic. the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has extended the timeline for the renewal of licensing or registration. The Extension is given to Food Business Operators (FBOs) until December 31, 2020. This was notified vide order dated 31st July, 2020. It is applicable to all those FBO’s whose license/Registration […]
In this Article we will be discussing all relevant FAQs related to Filing of DIR-3 KYC. We will try to discuss all major doubts regarding filing of DIR-3 KYC. For more queries mail at Question: Who is Required to File DIR-3 KYC? Answer: Every Director who has been allotted DIN on or before the end of the financial […]
With the aim to boost economy amid the lockdown due to emergence of COVID-19, several state governments have decided to suspend most of the labour laws in their respective state via ordinance. This has been done with an aim to give curb the effects of lockdown on Indian economy and provide employers with more flexibility […]
The emergence of uncalled virus COVID-19 has already left a big hole in the economies all over the world including India. The virus has led to the worldwide shut in businesses and has become the matter of concern for the countries. The world is facing humanity’s biggest crisis since World War II. Almost every country […]
What is a trademark and why it is important? A trademark is a type of intellectual property consisting of a recognizable sign, design, or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others. The trademark owner can be an individual, business organization, or any legal entity. A trademark may be […]
Can A Private Company Give Loan Or Guarantee For Director Taking Loan From Bank? Section 185- Loan To Directors, Etc. As per Section 185(1) a company cannot advance any loan, including any loan represented by a book debt to, or give any guarantee or provide any security in connection with any loan taken by any […]
WHEN TO FILE IEPF-5? The person, in respect of whom any amount is transferred to the IEPF, can make an application by filing Form IEPF-5 with the MCA Portal that shall further process the application. IEPF authority may seek necessary clarifications from the concerned company/bank. Any person, whose shares, unclaimed dividend, matured deposits, matured debentures, […]
Section 34- Nothing in this Act shall entitle the proprietor or a registered user of registered trade mark to interfere with or restrain the use by any person of a trade mark identical with or nearly resembling it in relation to goods or services in relation to which that person or a predecessor in title […]
Trademark infringement in India is defined under Section 29 of the Trademarks Act, 1999. To put it in a similar way it is a situation when an unauthorized person uses a trademark that is ‘identical’ or ‘deceptively similar’ to a registered trademark, it is known as infringement. There are two kinds of Trademark Infringement 1. […]
FSSAI Stands for Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. It is an autonomous body established under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India in the year 2006 with the motive to provide food safety license to every food business operating in India. FSSAI makes sure that the food business runs with […]