Government of India through Chennai Customs has launched a BRC Compliance Drive from 29th January to 28th February 2025 to address the non-realization of export sale proceeds. Exporters are required to submit proof of realization of export proceeds, specifically through e-BRCs (electronic Bank Realization Certificates), for the shipping bills listed on the Chennai Customs website. This compliance follows an analysis of data indicating non-realization of export proceeds after the mandated period under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999, which could lead to the recovery of export incentives (Drawback) under Rule 18 of the Customs Drawback Rules, 2017.
Exporters whose details appear in the uploaded lists are given the opportunity to provide proof of realization or pay back any disbursed drawback amounts along with applicable interest through the Icegate online payment facility. Additionally, exporters can use the ICEGATE portal to verify the status of export proceeds and raise queries for rectifications. The BRC Section is tasked with prompt verification of submissions to ensure the timely closure of cases. Exporters are urged to submit the required documents by 28th February 2025 to avoid further action. For assistance, exporters can contact the BRC Cell via email or visit the Chennai Customs office.
File No.- EXP/EP/1/2025-BRC
DIN:- 20250173MZ000071767A
Public Notice. 05/2025 – DATE: 28-01-2025
Subject: Realisation of Sale proceeds on Exports – Submission of proof by Exporters -(BRC Compliance Drive from 29.01.2025 to 28.02.2025 for the submission of proof towards realisation of export sale proceeds)
Attention of Exporters, Customs Brokers and all Members of Trade is invited to the Board Circular No. 5/2009-Cus dated 02.02.2009 and instructions contained in JS(Drawback) letter F. No. 609/59/2012-DBK dated 03.06.2015, instructions dated 27.11.2015 and instruction vide F.No.609/59/2012-DBK dated 30.06.2016,wherein it was mandated to use the online RBI-BRC Module for monitoring of realization of export proceeds in EDI for all Shipping Bills where LEO was granted on or after 01.04.2014.
2. Analysis of the data available on ADVAIT system of CBIC indicates that in case of a very large number of exporters/ shipping bills, export proceeds have not been realized even after completion of mandated period allowed under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999. As a consequence in all such cases, the drawback amount relatable to such exports is liable to be recovered under Rule 18 of the Customs, Central Excise Duties Drawback Rules,2017 along with applicable interest as per section 75A(2) of the Customs Act, 1962.
3. . As an outreach measure, the list of these shipping Bills along with the name of exporters and amount of export incentive (Drawback) sanctioned at Custom House Chennai is uploaded on Chennai Customs web portal and the same can also be accessed from the following links:
recoverable-due-to-non-realization-of-export-proceeds-CUST RPTPDR 275-2022-23-Part-1.xlsx
recoverable-due-to-non-realization-of-export-proceeds-CUST RPTPDR 275-2022-23-Part-2.xlsx recoverable-due-to-non-realization-of-export-proceeds-CUST RPTPDR 275-2023-24-Part-1.xlsx recoverable-due-to-non-realization-of-export-proceeds-CUST RPTPDR 275-2023-24-Part-2.xlsx
The concerned Exporters, whose name along with the details of SB etc., appear in the list uploaded on the website (except the cases wherein order has been issued), are hereby informed and offered an opportunity to submit the proof for realisation of the sale proceeds against the exports made, with e-BRC’s (electronic Bank Realisation Certificates) by mail to BRC Section’s email ID: of this commissionerate with respect to the Shipping Bills appearing in the said list on or before 28.02.2025.
4. The exporters should pay back the Drawback amount along with applicable interest from the scroll date wherever export proceeds are not realized and should submit the proof of payment made to Government, to The Deputy Commissioner, BRC Cell, Custom House, Chennai, before 28.02.2025. It may be noted that all such payments are to be made through Icegate online payment facility on
5. The BRC Section will ensure prompt verification and expeditious case closure for submissions containing valid and fully realized e-BRCs. Exporters are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this streamlined process to prevent delays and complications. Accordingly, the BRC Cell is entrusted to deal with the pending cases of BRC cell on priority basis.
6. Exporters are also informed that functionality has been made available on the ICEGATE Portal where exporters can themselves verify export proceeds realization details in respect of individual export shipment and raise queries related to rectification required if any. ICEGATE has updated the SB EDPMS Enquiry for ICEGATE users. This enquiry is available publicly as well as post login. ICEGATE users can now raise the query related to rectification of SB EDPMS Status and check the amount realized by RBI EDPMS system on ICEGATE portal. The SB EDPMS status is available publicly, whereas Rectification of SB EDPMS Status and FE Realization details are available under ICEGATE login.
7. Exporters are, therefore, advised that, in cases where export proceeds have been realized, details of such realization may be updated in the EDPMS through their authorized dealer bank for reconciliation failing which appropriate action for recovery of ineligible drawback disbursed along with interest shall be initiated by this office.
Visit: BRC Cell, Ground Floor, Narmada Block, Custom House, Chennai – 1
8. Any difficulty in the implementation of this Public Notice may be brought to the attention of the Deputy Commissioner, BRC Cell, Custom House, Chennai.
A Manimaran
Commissioner of Customs,
Chennai- Exports
To ,
All Concerned
Copy to:
1. The Principal Chief Commissioner of Customs, Custom House, Chennai
2. The Deputy Commissioner of Customs, EDI Section, Custom House to publish in Chennai Customs web portal
3. The Deputy/Assistant Commissioner of Customs, Appraising Main, Chennai Exports
4. The FIEO & CB Association, Chennai for wider circulation among the members.
5. CHS Section, Custom House Chennai to display at Notice Board
6. Office Copy